Chapter 58

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Chapter 58 The Arrival of Transfer Students

    Wen Yan had a strange premonition from waking up in the morning, always feeling that something bad would happen. He has never had such an experience. He doesn't believe in the existence of gods and ghosts, and he won't go to Buddhist temples to worship Buddha during Chinese New Year. He acts according to his own feelings.

    ——But why do you feel this way? I didn't have any dreams last night, and I haven't been doing anything recently. Is it because I was back to school after a long vacation, and I was subconsciously worried, so I felt this way?

    This strange foreboding haunted me until I went back to school.

    Especially when he saw the boy following Ren Zhaoruo, his ominous premonition became stronger.


    Ren Zhaoruo received news from Liu Wenyin the day before returning to school that the transfer students will report to the school at the end of the long vacation and start classes officially. As the deputy monitor, she will help the transfer students adapt to the new school as soon as possible.

    According to the information provided by Liu Wenyin, the transfer student is called Shao Wenbin. He is a boy. He studied in a foreign country before and returned to China this year. He should have started the school normally with other students, but due to the issue of his student status, he did not enter the school until more than a month after the start of the school.     Wen Yan, who is of the same sex, should have been asked to assist the transfer students, but Wen Yan's character was not suitable for the job, so Liu Wenyin asked Ren Zhaoruo to take over. Ren Zhaoruo doesn't matter, just treat him like an ordinary classmate.     And this is not the first time she has experienced such a thing. Wen Yan transferred over in the second year of junior high school. Although she did not have much contact with him, she was not at a loss. Moreover, the transfer student came to an unfamiliar environment and needed the 'old man' there to help him integrate into everyone as soon as possible. Ren Zhaoruo was honored to be able to help.     The only prayer is that the transfer student must not be the second Wen Yan, she doesn't want to face another iceberg. It's okay to be an ordinary classmate, but she wants to cooperate with him, and she doesn't want him to be a difficult person to get along with.     Ren Zhaoruo arrived at school half an hour early on Monday morning and was so nervous that she couldn't eat breakfast. She returned to the classroom and put down her schoolbag and went to the office.

    She took a deep breath and pushed open the door of the office. Liu Wenyin was talking to a boy who turned his back to her and couldn't see him.

    Ren Zhaoruo hesitated, but finally stepped forward, "Good morning."

    "Oh, Zhaoruo, you're here." Liu Wenyin smiled at her, "This is the newly transferred classmate, Shao Wenbin." The

    boy turned Turning around, he immediately stood up and greeted her after discovering Ren Zhaoruo's existence.

    "Hello, my name is Shao Wenbin." The

    boy looks handsome and elegant, just like his name. He was different from what Ren Zhaoruo imagined. She thought that most of the students studying abroad were dressed in fashion and had a lively and cheerful personality, but Shao Wenbin was completely different.

    "You are the deputy monitor Ren Zhaoruo, did I remember your name correctly?"

    Ren Zhaoruo was stunned, nodded and said, "Yes, my name is Ren Zhaoruo, hello."

    Shao Wenbin saw her nervousness and joked: "I want to Remember what you look like, if I admit the wrong person, I'll be finished."

    Liu Wenyin smiled, "You just need to find the most beautiful girl in the class, Zhao Ruo is the class girl of our fourth class. Can't remember. It doesn't matter if you stay on her face, remember her hair tie, whichever girl with a ponytail changes her hair accessories every day, that person is Ren Zhaoruo."

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