Bleak Future...

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Note : it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be.. Bear it..

P. S. Thanks for tolerating my messy writing...


He became a cocon of his old self... He was always very selective about conversations, people and now he became a totally closed book... Whole life he hadn't focused on anything other than his game, he had thought this would be his escape from the reality of boring books, exams, jobs... In the brink of an eye it was snatched..

It took a lot of efforts to actually wrap the case up but it did... It was a relief for his family, friends  but he stayed with the guilt.. To know the truth and not doing anything about it ate him up.. His days went in a blur in anyone of friend's flat..

He didn't know if his father spoke to Mr. Wayngankar and he didn't care about it either... His mother seemed to be thankful to her dad and he assumed his father decided not to reveal it to her..

He had just gotten up.... He leaned to the window side as he stared at somewhere far... Black coffee was kept in front of him.. These days most of the times he was blank..

She walked in.. He noticed the footsteps and looked up.. She was thanking his friend for letting her in.. He hugged his knees and moved back his head.. She closed the room door half way and ce inside and sat on the bed...

The silence was uncomfortable...

She wore a nice white printed sun dress. He was unshaved and just in his regular tracks..

He sighed at the thought... That's their exact situation... She was  a blooming flower where as he was a cactus.. Probably her father saw it, then also he can't justify him for being so upfront about it.

T : are you going to be here for long?

K : don't know.

His voice can be barely heard..

She nervously stated down at her lap.. She wanted to see him and even though he looked okay still his indifference made her feel heavy.

T : everything is going to be fine.. You just need to let time...

His eyes turned towards her... His countenance became sharp and accusing. She stopped midway. What's it.

K : this.. what you call fine?

T : I said it would..

K : there's no meaning of boasting when all it was being unfair to someone who lost his life.

T : you know how much papa and uncle had to convince.. Everyond were worried. You don't even..

She stood up trying to
The mention of her father's efforts made him feel disgust. He didn't want that reminder..

K : you were worried.?

He stood up to stand in front of her in his 6 feet dominating figure.. She shrinked a bit.. Her eyes became accusing at this adsurb question.

T : what type of question is this.

K : answer.

He held herby her arms pulling her close.. She nodded feeling his rage..

K : is there anything you could've done to stop this...

With each word she was pulled more close... Her face moved before she could even form the words, his voice demanded an answer and she was shaking...

K : then why.... Why are you beating yourself over this..

His said that through clenched teeths.. It was a reaction... All of this had led to get dad confronting and ruining the peace.. This was the reason...

T : so I shouldn't... Am I not allowed or..?

K : no.. Why won't you move on with your life... Don't

T : because I can't...

She tried to free herself from him but she couldn't...

K : you have to...

Her tears started flowing at that... It was like he was rejecting the very idea of her presence...
She was confused inside... They said if you like or love someone you want them in your hard times, need their support as it helps to cope up with the situation but he didn't like that... So what conclusion she can make out of it..

She stopped struggling as if reflecting her inward emotions of being dejected... She felt weightless in his hands...

T : you just don't see.. Never..

He lossened his grip.... She wasn't not able to form a sentence properly..

One hand moved to her back and dragged her to his body and with the other hand he ticked her hair back.. She tried to push him lightly when he held her hand and turned her face upward by caressing her right cheek... 

He wiped her tears as if it was his way to say he can see that how helplessly she cared for him.. She cried more sympathizing with herself.. She only got to saw him from far, she could never open up....

He recked through her.. Her face was bend upwards as he had dragged her close to him... 
White dress, messed hair, tears flowed from side of her eyes and those eyes silently accused  about hurting her...

He leaned down and kissed her lips... It was a peck that lasted for few seconds.. He stared at her for few seconds for any kind of hesitation or protest but there was none as she clung onto him and her lips were parted.. It was like an invitation...

He leaned down again kissing her fully... It was her first... So he softened a bit allowing her to find her pace... She went on her tip toes to get more access.. Her hands curled up around his neck holding the hair at his nape.. He tasted like mint, probably the flavour of the tooth paste he used...

When she was unable to continue she hugged him tightly hiding her face in his neck as he lifted her a bit kissing her forehead...

When she looked up hoping things would change for better... She found herself getting dragged away as his hand snatched her away from him.. His eyes were as ruthless as it was when she first entered the room..

Just like that she could feel her heart beating loudly In a strange fear... As if the heart didn't know what's the ominous thing but was already alarming her...

"what now?" she asked slowly....

He completly detangled himself from her.. Now tbey had a 2 meter gap between them..

"what?" he asked.. She was growing more anxious at his calm behavior...

"what should we do.. You know right" she asked...

"there's no we here.. There's you.. Then there's me." he said testing her patience..

"so... What next... What should we.... I do.." she hissed at his obtuse attitude..

" you... You should run... Run far... Before you get ruined.." he said as an ultimatum.

He knew how that made him appear but it felt like a triumph at the moment to see her through pain... He would let her go just like her father had asked but this day would hunt her for sometime...

She silently got her sling and walked away after arranging herself..

If he wanted he could've taken advantage of the situation, drag her with him but he would just let her go for the sake of his old friendship and conscience ...

No matter how he tried to convince himself, deep inside he knew that he was letting her go because he can't let her sink with him because of his injured soul  and bleak future...

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