Parallel & Distinct..

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Note : this chapter is here because I got a lot of motivation from you all to write.. Even you don't like it still bear it for me..

P. S. Ignore the errors.. 

7:30 a.m.

He got out of the shower... Sat down on the chair while drying the hair...

She ran to the get her brush.. Again ran back to get her slippers..

He got up and made himself a tea..

She got her suitcase with a struggle to get a fresh pair of dress... The one she wanted wasn't in the cupboard..

He scrolled through the morning updates in Inshots as he pulled out the perfectly hung formals...

She got out of the washroom and ran outside to hang her clothes so they'll dry easily...

By the time he was ready the door bell rang... He opened to receive the breakfast from the regular guy who cooked two times and delivered..

She wore her jeans and a regular top and the thick jacket. It was cold outside..

He sat down on the chair and finished his toast and omelete..

She hurried as she put down her watch..

He wore his polished shoes and walked in front of the mirror to get a look at him self..

"I had my breakfast, you can heat it before having.." he pointed at the corner..

She rushed back

" thank you.. I almost forgot.." she said...

"you're welcome.." he said..

She removed her slippers and wore the boots and smiled at the aunty, the owner of the house where she stayed as a paying guest..

" just by looking at you I feel you would be selected.." his roommate said as he started to leave..

" let's see.." he said and started walking for the campus for his 2nd round interview.. In ahmadabad he was... In his last semester of MBA

" I'll have this there itself.." she said as she grabbed the tifin from the lady and rushed out.. She walked to the site of her training... 


Interviewer : where do you see yourself in next 5 years..

K :  as a corporate employee.. In a good rank..

Interviewer 2 : that's all?

K : that's all matters as of now..

He said confidently...

Interviewer 2 : this is a second round interview..I hope you remember..

The man was curious at what this guy, who was reffered by a faculty, can offer..

K : I reached before time...

He said politely to encounter the answer as "I know how important it's to be among the top 4 who are selected for the 2nd round of a big financial company."

Interviewer : as you said.. let's come to the point.. Why should we hire you..

K : I will be trying my best to add value being part of the product team..

Interviewer 2 : all will do the same..

K : but I'll do..

Interviewer : that's for us to decide.. Isn't it..

K : yes sir.

Interviewer : why do you insist on getting to the product team?

K : I've applied for the product specialist ..

Interviewer 2 : What if we select you for the sales, operations.. Just need to call them up and it will be done..

K : I'll reject..

Interviewer : why product..

The guy said a bit firmly as he eyed  through the cv..
" work experience of one year in a ca form"

"internship in a financial firm for sales"

Why this guy insisted on product..

Interviewer : your internship was in a sales field..

K : and that's where I got to know how clumsy it's.. Things need to be either simplified or need to be utterly complicated... So a human would see it as valuable..

He answered in polite yet confident manner.. He had been waiting for it..

He waited outside as the meeting went on..

Interviewer 2 (Shyam Pathak) : what's this smart entrepreneur award for?

He asked the faculty who was in charge for his internship and mentor for the placement..

Sharma : there was a college festival we had a year back.. People had to put stalls and there was visit from few other colleges .. There were some who arranged food stall, some collection of stationary, games..

He paused before speaking..

Sharma : This guy just kept a bucket of water, a glass in it and a one ruppe coin.

Interviewer 1 : so? What be did  with it?

They were curious...

Sharma : pay 10 ruppes and get a chance to put the coin inside the glass in the water.. You get the amount back if it's successful...

Interviewer 2 : so profit % was lot more in comparison to the initial investment..?

The faculty nodded..
They all looked outside where he sat.. He was looking out of the boudanry towards the open area...

Interviewer : this guy is perfect when it comes to behavior, communication and knowledge.. But this one is innovative... he can be useful I guess..

The first guy asked the second as soon as the facultues left.. They had spoken to all 2 faculties of the selected candidates...

Interviewer 2 : he's not doing anything new but he knows how to use it..

And that's when he was selected for the private bank as a 2nd rank manager for the product team..


Mentor : I'm not sure why a graduate like you would be here in this village..

She smiled at him...

Mentor : You can easily work in one of the mncs.. 

T : I'm here because I want to be here..

She loved it.. It was a hilly area of Nagaland.. She was doing her internship under a renowned architect who specialised in bamboo architecture..


He had worked for a year and half to Crack the cat exam.. He had worked through the assignments and classes to reach here.. From here he needed something solid, where he can rise up...

So one day he can go back and face the people proudly , this time not as a young careless guy who needed help but as a equivalent..

He kept looking outside towards the faraway land.. It won't be easy and he knew it...

she walked after she was done for the day...

She sipped the tea as she enjoyed the setting sun over the horizon..
She didn't need money, she needed peace, contentment and lots of memories...

The minute hand of the clock hit the number 6...

The clock indicated the time...

5 : 30 p.m.

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