Outraged Outcome

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Note : this is short but the next chapter I'll update by night. I had always planned it like this but for long time I never knew how to write it down..

P. S. I Suck at writing Plot twists and hate them but they're a integral part in shaping up. So bear with it.

He went with his friends for the hiking... While returning back there was an accident... Two of them were hurt badly... He wasn't affected to that extent but for whole one day he didn't get his senses back...

There was a rush... His mother was devasted... His father was wary with the whole situation.. To some extent her parents were also worried how to sort out this mess...

And she..... For most of the parts she cried silently to see him suffer like this...
The worst part of being a living being is the emotions you feel. You're not hurt but you suffer along with your near ones.. It's painful when it can't be shared and all you can do is silently pray for the person..

If there's a drunk and driving case that ruins his whole life... Thankfully neither of them were found of consuming alcohol..

He got back to his senses on 3rd day.. Statement was taken.. Something was fishy.. From a source his father found out that the police would be trying to put the blame on the 5 boys citing careless and rash driving where as their car was actually bumped by a lory. Senior Kundrra rushed to Mr. Prakash. Somehow they needed to stop it..

When he heard about it he didn't know what he has to do.. His left leg had taken a blow that wouldn't let him participate in his big state level championship...
That's when his father found out it's not just an accident.. Hai friend feroz was the general secretary of the college for the leading political party... The guy was good in the position because he was a natural and as he belonged to a minor category religion, The party wanted to take him for long run..  They had asked 
him to join jnu and be an activist young political leader.. In this whole thing the local politician's son was getting ignored.. All they wanted from the accident was a blow to the guy so he won't be able to get back on his feet..

But the whole scene was now out of hand.. Feroze was in a coma due to the concussion.. On 7th day he was gone.. It was as devasting as it would be.. A look at his parents and anyone would feel the pain.. They were frozen..

He stood there in the funeral looking at the casket of his friend... He could hear his friend's father speaking to his father..

"all I wished for him was a happy life... Here I'm.." the sound of crying form a grown adult always hits different... They don't break down unless life puts them through hell...

It didn't stop there... Now it was really a big issue to stop the conspiracy to put all the blame on them... He was really broken when his dad said he would try to diffuse the case...

K : you think that's fair...? Atleast we can try to bring the truth out..

Dad : truth? When the entire system is corrupted it's already hard to bring you out of the mess..

Her father was present..

Prakash : you need to understand there's no proof of whatever you call as a truth..

K : then we're being hypocrites.. I'm not going to stop until..

Dad : rebelling is just a amusing habit of yours..

His mother rushed forward and dragged him back...

Mr. Prakash walked into his home after a talk with the secretary of the national leader... He was ought to help his friend.. He changed and sat in the longe chair as his wife probed about the situation.. When he turned around he saw the reflection of his daughter who was eavesdropping... He kept his eyes on the reflection and continued talking as he saw her crying..

He loved his elder child.. his mother would always say she's your lucky charm since after her birth his hopeless situation in business had improved in a upward direction and soared over the years.. She wasn't very demanding or adamant, that made him feel the urge to protect her more.. He had seen the guy coming over to his place, He had been aware of their encounters... he hadn't thought much about it thinking that he could be a friend that his daughter might be missing..

Today after he saw another side of that gentle guy... He was way too ahead of his age and complete opposite of his soft teju.. The guy was already in a mess and his career was almost over.. Future was uncertain.. Here his innocent child was crying over him, where she had no faults.. That's when he decided he would help him out of this mess but at one condition..

He walked upto the Kundrra's.. Asked his friend to bring Karan and come to the study so they can make him understand..
He listened to his elders with defying expression as if he despised the whole idea of saving him..

When he was going out that's when Mr. Wayngankar spoke...

Prakash : there's one condition satpal... I would try my best but in return I want something..

Satpal : you know you can ask me anything.. I owe you..

Prakash : ask him to stay far away from Tejasswi..

His father was confused... He was just walking out of the room and stopped in his tracks...

Prakash : I know it might seem very unappealing but I don't want her to suffer..

He rushed back to defend. How could someone think he would hurt her when he wouldn't even dream of that..

K : I would never drag her to anything..

His voice was a outrage...

Prakash : you won't even realise..

The older guy met his eyes and spoke firmly... He had seen it in his daughter's eyes. The way she asked if he would be able to get out of this mess, the way she had asked him to let her stay in Mumbai as she didn't feel like leaving home.. This hopeless situation of the guy in front of him would ruin his child if he let get it into them..

His dad sat onto the chair in despair.. This was a blow..

Satpal : you think that low of him?

It was a mere whisper.. He felt the shame burned into his skin seeing his father shudder , who usually always proudly declared their achievements...

Prakash : I don't want her to be hurt..

K : I would never do that..

He was really really worked up at the thought.. Probably her dad didn't know how much concerned he was for her, more than ever he would be able to admit.. Even before anyone could ask he would keep her ahead of any other..

Prakash : just keep her away.. Get yourself out of your own mess..

Her father was firm.. He took this as a responsiblity... This guy was doomed and in his own emotional he would torment his child also.. She would be depraved of everything that she deserves just because she's too young to understand that Noone deserves such dedication. He wanted his daughter to go back to the girl who would be happy just to have her father beside her to lean over while reading.. Who would beam after getting a limited edition pen.

As he walked out leaving his friend in Silence... Downstairs Mrs. Kundra stopped him u ware of the turn of events..

Mrs. K : Lassi toh apne li hi nahi..

He smiled at her.. The woman was too good in nature... He admired her being that enduring.. He didn't had the heart to deny her.

Prakash : ap bol rahi Hai toh..

She rushed to the kitchen and brought it..

He drank it in one go... He liked it.. For sometime he probably won't have the fortune to come back here... So he thanked her genuinely and walked away..

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