Layers Of Emotion..

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They tossed in the bed in the afternoon... For a long time they both were silent.. She attempted to speak first... But she didn't know what to say.. He looked unbothered.. He was determined that he wasn't going to care about anyone's reaction about this relationship and that probably kept him calm... She did not realise that..

T : you think he found it suspicious??

She spoke as she seized his hand that was roaming across her navel... Her back was pressed to his front and they both faced right...

She looked upto him expecting an answer.. Like everytime he found her too innocent.. A little troubled.. Trying to seek some assurance in him... His heart told him to give her anything or everything he could...

K : you want me to be honest or..?

T : honest..

K : may be yes..

He didn't want to say he was sure her dad knew.. Let the things unfold on it's own...

T : but he's not asking me anything..

The marks that formed in her forehead was something he did not like..

K : we'll deal with it..

He said while lightly drawing patterns on her shoulder..

T : with what??

K : your dad..

T : he's my dad.. Not some x y z..

She turned while answering.. She didn't like how he tried to make her dad appear as some issue..

K : what else I can say ..

He was defensive...

T : you don't deal.. With your family... Specially with your own ppl..

She was miffed..

K : what would you say then..

T : may be... we'll try to make him understand..

K : and he would??

He asked her challengingly.. They both knew, if her dad is determined he won't budge from it...

T : whatever.. Don't say like deal and all.. Can i say we'll deal with your parents as well..

When she put it bluntly like that he did realise that didn't sound proper..

K : fine... But.. In my family I am not going to take opinions or permissions..

The last part came out like a complain..

T : but I need... From mine..

She insisted on it... She couldn't think of bearing a silent treatment from her family.. Especially her dad.. Not when she knew how much she meant to him..

T :  As well as yours.. 

She added softly afterwards...

He withdrew his hands.. She turned and grasped his hands and made him hold her.. They faced each other..

K : are you going to let them dictate this??

His usually unaffected eyes were reflecting with a hint of resentment.. It still stayed when he grabbed her waist more possessively...

She gave him a light smile..

T : you're thinking too far.. I'm just scared how they'll take this news.. Technically there's no reason to dictate..

She said reasonably.. He gulped....

K : I'm not going to allow anyone to do that.. Not yours.. Not mine.. Noone..

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