Chapter 8

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"Hmmmmmmmm theory (1) = Fair God [Only kills high-profile criminals]" you read in a loud voice and thought about it.
"If Kira is really a god, then it's impossible to catch him. L can search and try as much as he wants, but he will never catch the god Kira! Kira in contrast, will watch him and all the other investigators and enjoy the show from his place, while he continues killing criminals with fun. He will laugh at the failed tries and traps and certainly, he is laughing at me right now...!" You thought and lifted your head to look at the sky, that got darker from time to time. Then you licked your lip softly and were deep in thoughts when suddenly you got to the final thought. You sank your head to its normal position and smiled brightly while being surprised and satisfied at the same time.
Yeah, you got it.
Finally, you found the mistake of your first theory.
The smile on your face formed into a wide grin. You knew it was certainly wrong, that Kira might be a god, but you couldn't think of any argument against it. You had no proof, that it was wrong. Actually, you planned to find proof for every idea, that comes to your mind. So as long as something can't be proven, it is not impossible.

'I remembered the moment when Kira killed Lind.L.Tailor, L's double.' you started to think. 'Kira got provoked by him. But...would a god, who knows that he will never be caught get angry and let himself get provoked? I mean, if Kira was a god, then he knows everything that's going on and therefore he knows about L and Lind and probably won't fall into the trap and kill the double. He could also be able to kill L without any problems!' You bit your lip. 'A god would make traps for the humans and laugh at their reactions and confuse them, not the opposite...!' You took your pen and scratched through your first theory and wrote down the reason for that.

Theory (1) = Fair God [just kills high-profile criminals]
=> Reason for error: God doesn't get provoked and fall into anyone's trap when he can see everything and know everything.

You thought for a moment before writing down theory 2. 'Actually I expected this to happen soon. That's why I suspected Hideki to be Kira. But now I found the mistake and I'm proud to be one step closer to the truth.'

Theory (2)= Kira-human with inhuman power.

You looked at what you wrote. 'Hmmmmmm I'm still not sure enough! I need more information about Kira and what or how he is doing. I wanna make sure which way I will take. I cannot take out anything! This is a hard case, other words it's nothing normal, that we have every day, so everything is possible...!'
You stood up, took your pen and notebook with you and went inside.
There you decided to check the news on TV. Maybe they will show something new, that you might need to go on with your investigations.
You checked a few channels, but all of them were not showing anything else but new dead criminals caused by heart attacks. Another channel said, that the police finally realized, that what is currently happening with all criminals isn't a coincidence, but mass murder. "It was about time!" you thought and didn't understand why dumb people like these became police and investigators. That only destroys the safety of the society in the world!!!
You changed the channel several times.
New dead criminals again and again.
No substance was found in their body. It was as if God finally decided to clean the world from criminals, They meant! "That was theory 1!" you responded to them even though you knew they couldn't hear you.

You changed the channel again and expected to hear the same, when...
Surprised, you immediately turned the TV louder.
A smirk showed up in your face. 'Yeah that's something new...' you thought as u gave all your attention to the reporter on the TV.
"...Every hour one criminal dies..." these words replied in your mind again and again.
"What is Kira supposed to achieve with that?" you asked yourself . 'Hmmmmmmm... Why every hour? What does Kira want to tell or show us with that?' you licked your lip while trying to find the answer to this question.
'Is it...' you remembered L's words when he trapped Kira. 'Maybe Kira wants to show or tell us, that the criminals don't die randomly, but that he can choose the time of their death. He is able to control when they die, like a real god...! so 24 dead criminals every day!'

You smirked. 'Sounds extraordinary, but it seems like he wants to beat L in this step. He wants to show L, that he is wrong and that he is able to kill whoever he wants whenever he wants. He is trying to provoke L with this step.' you thought.

'I still need Kira's type! For me, it seems, that he is a very clever one. So I guess he is a quiet type. These people are always smarter than the loud outgoing ones!' you knew this fact from the psychology. You wrote it down, because it may help you anyway.
You needed a closer look at Kira's personality to be able to investigate his skills. Both skills and personality were connected and it was kinda hard to concentrate only on his power. 'Kira, I really give a shit about who you are, but I need to know, how the hell you are able to kill all these criminals without being there in place!' you told yourself and tried to remember everything about Kira, especially what L mentioned in his trap.
You started to bite the end of your pen while you were thinking. 'Even if Kira has inhuman powers, he can't do it on his own. I mean, all magic and people who do inhuman things, got their power and skills from demons and other inhuman entities. It's known, that only these entities own such skills and power.' you were still chewing on your pen, but didn't notice it, for the reason, that you were so deep in thoughts, that you forgot everything around you.
'So whatever or however he got this power, something inhumanly helped him with getting this kind of power.' you remembered and wrote it down.

~Inhuman power:- gotten from inhuman entity.~

As mentioned in the beginning, you have a big interest in myths, legends and stuff like that, and that's why you know so much about it, which made you be able to investigate in Kiras killing skills.
'That sounds better!' you smiled gladly. 'I just need some more information to start with my research!' you planned and were back with your thoughts about L.

'L must have realized from the beginning, that Kira is a human. But that's not a surprise!' you thought. 'He certainly doesn't believe in things such as inhuman entities, myths and stuff like that, but that's completely normal for a detective, especially the worlds greatest detective!' In fact, it is harder to investigate and determine things, if someone believes in curses and ghosts. These things are unrealistic, in other words, they can't be proven and don't have to be true!' you thought but still didn't want to change your mind to a real detective mind. You couldn't change your interest in myths and for the fact, that there is a chance, that they can be true, you didn't want to ignore them completely!

With these thoughts, you closed your notebook and the word 'Food' suddenly appeared in your mind. 'Maaan, thinking a lot makes me really really hungry! I hope I won't become too fat after this case has ended!' You giggled and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

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