Chapter 36

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You heard steps. Someone was approaching you on your shift. It was probably the SPK Agent who came to do the last experiments on sentenced criminals. When he knocked, you opened the door, but your heart skipped a beat when it was Light who stood in front of you glancing at you. 'What is he doing here?' You confusedly asked yourself and wondered if he forgot that he changed tonights shift with you.

"Good night, (Your fake name). May I come in?" Light greeted you. "What are you doing here??" You didn't hide your surprise. "Tonight is my shift, you know that, right?" You went on. "Yes, of course, I didn't forget that, but I will spend the shift with you." He explained. "May I come in now?" You moved aside to let him in. You were confused about what he wanted and moreover were you scared if you might be in danger tonight. Either because of the SPK agent that could come at any moment or because you were here alone with light.

You thought about excusing yourself to make a call and inform the agent that he should not come tonight, but that behavior would be too suspicious and you couldn't risk that with light. Instead, you went and sat down on one of the chairs near the table in front of him. You waited a moment, then you sighed and took out your phone. 'I hope he believes that I'm bored right now...' You thought and tried really hard to cover the facts that your heart was beating fast and adrenaline rushing through your veins. You were nervous and scared at the same time. You breathed as slow as you could to hide your feelings from Light.

Then you messaged the agent while trying to maintain calmness in front of Light.


You clicked on send and just then you felt much lighter. You wanted to express relief out loud and let your stiff body sink on the hard chair, but that would seem suspicious to-


This time your heart definitely skipped more than a beat. With wide eyes, you starred at Light, who -after giving you a wondering look- turned to the door. 'SHIT. I sent the message too late!!!' You cursed in your inner. "Who is that?" Light questioned and got up. You stayed sitting and let him answer the door. If the agent would see Light he would know something was off and leave, but if he saw you on the door without knowing that Light was sitting inside, he might say something revealing and put you in a really bad situation. "How should I know." You answered. "Maybe another taskforce member coming to join us." You played it off cool with sarcasm to hide the fact that you were nervous.

You watched closely how Light got up and went to open the door. There was a moment of silence when he opened it. "Yes?" Light finally started. 'PLease say something smart... Please don't be the agent... Please be someone else...' You hoped that this situation wouldn't get worse. "I'm one of the new prison wardens and saw you coming in here. But I know its the shift of the Lady tonight... Is everything alright here?" You heard the agent saying and sighed in relief. "Uhh, yes everything is fine." Light repeated and a little later the door was closed again. And locked.

"What is up?" You stood up when you noticed Light becoming much calmer. "Something is not right..." He started with a low voice as if he spoke to himself. He was deepened in his thoughts and you stared at him until he snapped back to reality and moved towards you with fast steps. "Too much is off. Get the note!" Light ordered and you turned around to the vault to do as he said without asking too many questions. While Light tipped on his phone you entered the code and got out the metal box that contained the death note.

"Yes, I think the note is in danger. It might be the SPK. Send a car and backup in case we have a situation... Me and (Your fake name) will be coming to the back door." You heard Light saying and quickly put on your jacket and took out your gun. "I'm ready whenever you are." You told light, who took the box from you. "Tonight was officially my shift." Light started to explain. "No one knew that we swapped, yet a strange man with no prison uniform claimed that he knew today was your shift." Light continued as he moved to the door. 'Nice lie that you came up with so fast, agent. But not good enough for Light...' You thought. "Cover me!" He told you and you opened the door and went in front of him ready to shoot whoever tried to approach you.

Fated to not die - Death Note FF [Reader choose what happens next]Where stories live. Discover now