Chapter 34

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As expected, Light was the first one to disagree. He calmly explained why it was a bad idea to trust the SPK with the death note and was able to convince everyone that he was right.
"If L had to prove Kira's existence in the first place, you think proving the trueness of these rules is not essential?"
"Investigations based on speculations and theories rarely get somewhere. With false rules, we will never catch Kira!"
"This is law. Evidence is needed, not only for us but also for future cases or past cases. For us now to get a step further with our investigation."
"L would probably have suggested the same thing or even arranged that himself if he was still among us!"
"The more we know about the functioning of the death note, the more we know about Kira."
You used a lot of arguments to explain why it was a must to test the note before continue to look for Kira. At last, you turned to the detectives: "We have no moves for now except for checking the names in the note and try to get a scheme for Kira's lines of action. Why not prove the rules as well. Do we have anything to lose?" You asked them. "Light is right when he said that the SPK can't be trusted. But that is not reason enough for us to not do it ourselves." You lied. "Did L expect to find anything when he broadcast a provoking message to Kira through his double Lind.L.Tailor?" You went on. "Whatever he thought the outcome was, which was definitely not positive, he tried it anyway." you explained. You wanted to make sure that the detectives had more than one reason to agree with you.

'Step one: Done.' You thought after you and the rest of the team had a long conversation about how, when and where the testing will take place. Light didn't behave in an odd way and even agreed that it was a good idea. 'I don't trust him...' You thought as you walked out of the building in the evening. You wanted to go to a park, where you had your surroundings within sight.

"This is an important call from a detective of the JTF. I'm asking you to let me speak to N directly. It's urgent." You started and a short while later a distorted voice sounded. "Here is N. What's the meaning of your call?" A smile appeared on your face and your eyes checked if anyone around you was watching. "Hello. I'm calling you in secret. None of the other detectives know about that. My Name is (First Fake Name). My last name isn't important, even if you already know it. Regarding the call, I have some information that will be helpful to you, and a favor to ask. Before I get to that I want to tell you something." You took a small break, but N didn't say anything. He was waiting for you to continue. "You really remind me of L." You said in a very calm tone. "Which is why I have more hope for Kira to be caught now. And you were right about your suspicion." You added. "What suspicion?" N's voice sounded. "Your organization was made for one single purpose. Which is catching Kira and closing this case once and for all. Yet you gave us, the Japanese Task Force full authority of catching Kira. I know that you did this because you didn't believe that Higuchi was the real Kira. You wanted us to be distracted with Higuchi's detention, so you could watch the whole thing closely without missing any details. You knew that once Higuchi was gone, Kira would start killing again, the real Kira, who created this scenery using Higuchi for a specific purpose. You wanted to hide your real identity and the SPK if it was possible to sneak up to Kira unexpectedly. Watching the capture from the background gave you the opportunity to look for more hints and focus on the whole picture. You probably suspect Kira of being part of our team, because he was able to leak so many information and even managed to kill L. Also Higuchi's death during his unconsciousness may have increased your suspicion. Kira wanted to hide his secrets that Higuchi would have exposed if he got the chance to talk to us, but since only the JTF and the SPK knew about him, you think that Kira must be part of our team." You explained your thoughts and made a break. "What is your point, (Your fake full name)?" The monotone distorted voice sounded. "N, I know that you are clever enough to be trusted. Someone who L trusted quite a while ago, I guess? I have a feeling that you and L knew each other but forget about that now... Since the JTF doesn't want to hand out the note, you may want to wait for an opportunity to get your hands on it or whatever. I don't care what your plan is, N, but there is something important you need to know. The death note has rules. And the rules do prove my main suspect's innocence. Our next step is to prove if these rules are real or not. We planned to test them on sentenced criminals. What I want from you and your organization is cooperation with me to undergo secret experiments on criminals with the same rules, but without the knowledge of the Japanese Task Force. If Kira is truly part of the JTF, which I also believe, then he can easily manipulate the experiments, causing the outcome to turn the way he wants it to be. I already have an idea of how we will do all that and you will also be able to get your hands on the note and check it for whatever you have in mind. The note needs to be back in place on time though because I don't want anyone else to suspect a thing!" You stressed. "Most importantly is that you do the experiments accurately and work with me undercover so that none of the other detectives find out, but I think I can trust you with that." You made clear and hoped that he will cooperate with you. You had a good feeling about N agreeing to the secret experiments. "The Japanese Task Force isn't as foolish as I thought..." N brought out. "Thank you for the news. I'll think it through." He shortly answered. "Good. Let me know once you decide." You replied and ended the call. 'Step two progressing.' You though and got up to walk back to the headquarters, where your apartment was located.

You spent a lot of nights thinking deeply about what you were planning with the SPK after N agreed. Every little step and every little detail, you even came up with a bunch of plan B's in case something went wrong. You were having secret conversations with N quite often and informed him about everything as well as heard suggestions and better ideas from him. Even though N's voice sounded very monotone and cold, it will never beat the emotionlessness and coldness of L's voice, you thought. 'Damn L... If only you were still here...'.
"Consider it done (your fake name)." N's monotone voice sounded as you informed him about the time and place of tomorrows testing on the first criminal.

Since it was your night shift to watch over the note in the prison tomorrow, where the experiments were conducted, an SPK agent would come, take the note from you and perform a few experiments. You planned to start with the most important rule, that also needed the longest before you could get any results. It was rule 6, that stated, that the user of the note will die if he failed to use the note to kill people within the next 13 days. Besides that, you were going to test rules 1 and 4 as well.

Everything was planned.

For now.

But then what?

What will happen in two weeks once the experiments were done and you got all the results?

When it turns out that rule 6 is a lie and Misa and Light were not as innocent as they seemed to be, because of the fake alibi that the fake rule gave them, but only you and the SPK knew about this rule being fake?

You were worried about this rule mostly and hoped that it was fake.

You left the park and made your way to find a coffee shop, where you could sit in peace eating cake while rethinking everything and asking yourself more questions, that you didn't have an answer for.

How will you get rid of Light?

Tell everyone about your secret experiments with the SPK and that Light is Kira and probably manipulated the experimenting that he and the other detectives knew about?

Will they even believe you after you tell them, that you betrayed them and leaked information?

"I might die before I even finish talking." you thought and let out a laugh. It was crazy how things turned out. You never planned to investigate against Kira so close to him and risking your life like that. You didn't even want to catch Kira when you first came to Japan. All you wanted was to find out about him, give the information to L and let him handle Kira. But here you are now working with Kira and L is gone...

Fated to not die - Death Note FF [Reader choose what happens next]Where stories live. Discover now