Chapter 28

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It was 9 am in the morning. You were sitting on a bench in front of the headquarters eating a sandwich, that you just bought from a bakery nearby. You were sitting and waiting for Mr. Mogi to pick you up. Earlier, when you arrived, you went inside the building and asked if he was already there, but they said no. You also asked them if they could do you a favor. "What is it?" One of the men in the reception asked. "Don't say this to anyone, okay?" You started and they both nodded. "If I don't show up here tomorrow, then you know that something happened to me. I want you to start searching for me immediately!" you explained. Yesterday, you thought about the possibility, that the task force could abduct you without your knowledge and hide you somewhere. You just wanted to be save and make sure, that people will start to look for you when you disappear. But you hoped that this won't be the case...

The sound of someone shutting the door of a car made your head turn to the street. And there you saw a tall broad man dressed in a dark suit approaching you. His expression was serious and you stood up as you waited for him to come closer. "Good morning Mr. Mogi!" you greeted him. "Good morning (your fake last name). I'm glad that you came. Why don't you sit down?" he said and you both sat on the bench. "An FBI- agent, huh...?" He said in a sarcastic tone and looked at you. You remembered the moment when you went to ask for Misa and lied to Mogi. "It was necessary..." You let out a laugh. "...I needed the information." Mr. Mogi laughed too. "You weren't bad though. I'm glad that you are on our team now!" He then said. "We change our place every while, waiting for our new private building to be constructed." He explained that L bought the place, so they don't have to keep renting hotel rooms and keep moving around. He also explained that once you were in their current place, they will inform you about everything and you will gain access to all their current information. Then Mr. Mogi turned his face away and kept quiet for a moment. "There is also something important that you will know once you are there. I cannot talk to you about it here..." He said and then got up. "Let's go already." He ordered you and started walking towards his car. You wondered what it was and if it was related to Hideki. Without saying anything back, you got up and followed him to the car.

After a silent ride, the car stopped in front of a tall building that was a 4-star hotel called Niwa. Mr. Mogi opened the door for you and then you followed him until you stood in front of a door on the sixth floor. Mr. Mogi knocked twice and as you waited for someone to open the door for you, you got very nervous and your heart was beating very fast. You were soo close to meeting L personally and working with him and the others. You were also very close to Kira, who was in this room.


You saw the door handle going down in slow motion. A click sounded before the door was opened by an elder man and you stepped into the room. Mr. Mogi followed you and stopped next to you. You saw a couple of men sitting in front of a pile of papers, or computers. The task force members were all working, but when they saw you coming in, they left behind their work and walked towards you. "Welcome to the Taskforce, (Your fake name). I am Soichiro Yagami, Chief of the NPA." The man who opened the door introduced himself with a smile on his face. "This is my son Light Yagami..." He continued and pointed at the youngest person among them. "...Touta Matsuda, our youngest member in the NPA..." again he pointed at a young man with black hair, who smiled shyly at you and welcomed you to the task force. "...You already met Suichi Aizawa and Kanzo Mogi." He completed. You thanked them for approving your accession to the task force. "I'm headed back to the headquarters, if you don't have any other wishes, Sir!"
Mr. Mogi told his chief. "No, thank you for your work. We will take over from here." He replied and shortly after, Mogi was gone. There was an awkward silence and all you did was stand in front of the detectives waiting for them to say anything. Light was glaring on the ground the whole time and Matsuda and Aizawa were exchanging glances. Then Aizawa decided to interrupt this silence. He looked deep into your eyes with a serious face expression and said: "Mogi has probably told you that once you arrive here, you will find out about something. We are not sure how to tell you, but-" At this point, Light took over. "It was me!" He unexpectedly brought out. "What do you mean?" You wondered what was going on. It was certainly strange that Hideki wasn't here and all you knew was that bad news were following. You took control of yourself and patiently waited for them to explain. You hid your nervousness as much as you could and stayed calm until you knew what the hell was going on here. "Well, the one who talked to you on the phone wasn't Hideki..." Light started. You thought about saying that you knew so, but this will just make clear that you were careful and actually put on a show to him on the phone. If Light was truly Kira, then he shouldn't know the way you were working and how careful and clever you truly were. You were better off letting him believe that you were dumb. "...It was me. We were very curious to find out who you really were and how you knew about Hideki." he explained, but you just wanted him to get to the point. "Where is Hideki then?" Your impatient voice questioned and again the men exchanged glances. You lifted an eyebrow and waited for someone to talk. "There was no chance you could have talked to Hideki... because... he is no longer... among us..." Chief Yagami admitted and your blood froze. You widened your eyes and just stood there paralyzed. You didn't know what you were expecting, but hearing that Hideki has died was a shock. Describing this feeling as a shock was an underestimation. You felt like you were about to get a heart attack. Since you didn't say anything Aizawa added: "He was killed by Kira around a week ago..." They all felt bad for telling you that someone who you have been looking for died. Death was always a cruel topic, especially when it was sudden.

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