Chapter 23

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By now ten days have passed since you messaged Hideki on the day before you traveled back to Kanto, but he didn't answer yet. His phone was turned off when you tried to call him and you decided, that you didn't want to wait longer for him. You didn't have the shinigami book with you, but the translated version was what you brought with you from the library.

Your plan was to broadcast a worldwide message containing part of the story. That was your first thought when you arrived at your place. 'What should I do to meet Kira? What would be the best move for me?' These were questions that you kept asking yourself ten days ago. You remembered how Kira2 got Kira's attention. But his mistake was that he got the attention of the whole world, including all detectives. You didn't want to make this mistake. That's why you realized that your message needed to contain something, that would get Kira's attention, but confuse people and make them think that your message is just nonsense. Your message would also have to contain a hidden proof for Kira, that you are one of them. Since you couldn't kill people to prove yourself, that part was very important. 'So, what can I say without mentioning his method of killing directly. I don't want him to think that I'm a threat to him or that I'm working against him by revealing his deepest secrets to the world. I bet he already hates Kira2 for what he has done. I need to win his trust and hot his anger.' You continued thinking. Then you came up with an idea. You didn't know whether the Shinigami story was important for the Kira's, something like a basic story they need to know or the truth of how this power was used for the first time. You had no clue whether the Kira's knew of this story or not. You might just cause confusion to Kira as well if you broadcast part of the story, so what should you do? Still, use part of the story as a message and hope that your plan will work well? What was the point of broadcasting part of the story anyway? What exactly do I want to tell Kira?

You spent a lot of time thinking about that while waiting for Hideki's response. One time you decided to read the story again to find something that might help you along. Maybe the story contained something that only the Kira's will understand. A metaphor or symbol for what they do or know. Something that is written indirectly to leave every detective confused and believing that your message is just crap that makes no sense, like Kira's message to L.

L, do you know, Shinigami's they love apples.

You still didn't know the meaning of this. Maybe an apple stood for the life of a person and they love 'eating' lives because it makes them live longer. You didn't know.

You read the translated version of the story and as you started to read, you noticed that the first two sentences were a perfect example of what you were looking for:

Once I found a book. As I lifted it up a monster appeared in front of me.

'Every death note user knows how everything started. Even Kira. He found a book, picked it up and after that the shinigami, who is the owner of the book appeared. Death note users, they will all understand the meaning of this.' you thought.

You continued looking for more in the story and wrote everything down to a text. Your message contained parts of the story as well as some messages from yourself to Kira. You smiled as you read it again. And then you got up.

'10 days... and still no message from either Hideki or his assistance Wammy. This means that he didn't even check his phone. He might be close to catching Kira or his double.' you thought and wondered whether he will hear this message or not.

Once you were done with all preparations, you stood in front of your door with a fast heartbeat, and a mixture of excitement and fear rose in you. 'Good luck to myself...' You said to yourself as you walked out of your apartment, ready to reach the climax of your investigation and ready to meet the worlds greatest murderer without being certain, that your plan will work for sure.

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