Chapter 24

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'If Kira2 would really find me today, I will show him the fake notes instead of a death note and explain everything...'

You bought one of those traditional dresses for the festival but preferred to wear normal shoes. You thought that geta didn't look comfortable and doubted that you could walk in them. The festival will start in the afternoon, so you took the train to Tokushima once you ate breakfast. You packed your laptop, the notes and the dress in a rucksack and planned to change your clothes once you were there.

The festival was quite nice and a change. You stood in the middle of the crowd on the side of a street. You heard the clacking of geta shoes getting louder and a group of girls came closer. they were all wearing the same traditional outfit. Behind them, there was another group of people making music with their instruments. The group of girls stopped walking and started to dance. It was a good choreography and you could see that they all practiced hard to make this dance perfect. Once they were done, they continued moving and another group arrived. Men, with another group outfit. They also performed a good choreography.

You watched some more choreographies before moving to another place. Near the river, there were more groups performing for the viewers and there were even people making music for the citizen. They were all dancing and celebrating with a wide smile on their faces. Small kids were trying to copy the moves of older people, which made you laugh. "This kid is really cute, what?" You heard a voice behind you and turned around. It was a Japanese young man who was smiling at you. You starred at his face for a while without saying anything.

"Uhh, did I scare you?" The young man questioned and was about to apologize to you. ", no it's alright. You just really look like a person that I know!" You lied and laughed. "Oh, alright then. I'm Hironaka. Nice to meet you...." He reached his hand out for you. "...Nice to meet you, Hironaka." You shook his hand without telling him your name. "Don't you wanna try to guess my name?" you said and hoped that he will find it funny rather than awkward. "Guess your name?" he laughed. "I have no idea what your name could be haha! You are a weird one... Where are you from?" He asked. "Just try. I'll show you my book if you guess correctly." you said and confused the young man. "What book?" He asked. "Well..." You started and realized that this was not Kira2 who was standing in front of you, which meant that he didn't know your name. But what if Kira2 just informed this man about your position and he is actually Kira? 'I could tell him a fake name to make sure I don't die, but once Kira2 joins us or once they both talk about me, then it turns out that I lied about my name and this could end badly for me.' you thought but had to calm down and act normally. This man might not me Kira after all.

"...It means that we will get to know each other and you will know more about me. A metaphor!" You explained. "I know it's considered rude here in Japan not to tell the name right away. I'm sorry." you completed and waited for his answer. You felt your skin getting hotter and didn't feel comfortable anymore. You were getting nervous. 'Who knew that a random person could make me feel so confused...' you thought.

"Yeah it is, but you are not from here. I understand that you are not used to our mindset." He was nice, you thought. "Yeah that's true, so why did you start talking to me?... I mean this doesn't happen often to me." You asked trying not to sound rude. "I don't know. I saw you laughing at this child and you were by yourself, so I thought that I'll talk to you." He explained. "That's nice of you, but to be honest I'm just waiting for some friends. They will come later." You explained. "Same here! I'm also waiting for people that I know." He laughed. "What do you think about walking around until our friends show up?" He asked and you agreed. You walked around the festival and talked to each other. Later you suggested to go eat something and he took you to the market, where you could find play games, win things, buy souvenirs and other things, and buy food. The whole time you were asking yourself where Kira or Kira2 were and why they didn't show up yet. You thought, maybe that was because of the guy that was with you. If this guy really was Kira, then why did he pretend to be confused when you talked about the book? He is probably just a random person after all and preventing you from meeting your enemies...

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