Chapter 19

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"Shinigami...Shinigami...Shinigami...Shini- Ah, here!" Indeed, you found a book with this title! Your heart started to beat faster as you put your hand on the old dark brown leather cover of the book and pulled it out of its place. You were back in the old library looking for new books that held more secrets about the forgotten death gods. Once the book was lying in your hands you touched the front cover and hoped that it will help you to get a step closer to the truth. You got up and went straight to your desk in order not to waste any precious time. You didn't know what was waiting for you. Either you will find something or you will be unlucky.

On the first page of the book there was one sentence situated lonely in the middle of the yellow page. "For everyone who wants the truth. I am not a liar. Only very unlucky." you read the translation of this sentence. "This person must have experienced something extreme to consider him/herself as very unlucky. I think I will believe whatever was written down.." you thought and were excited. You moved to the next page of the handwritten story and started to translate:

"Once I found a book. As I lifted it up a monster appeared in front of me. I was scared and started to scream, but there was no one around me. The monster didn't move. It only stood still and glared at me with it's glowing red eyes. I had the courage to ask the monster who it was. It stayed calm and spoke in a language that I understood: 'Are you afraid of me?' I was confused and answered with a yes. I was shaking. 'Why?' the monster asked me. 'Because you are a monster!' I answered. The monster got mad and started to walk towards me. 'I am a monster?' It asked me. I was walking backwards to keep a distance between me and the monster. 'Why am I a monster?' it asked me. It seemed like the monster didn't want to believe what I was saying. 'You look like a monster.' I answered in fear. I knew this was my end. This night would be my last one. 'I don't look like a monster. What is a monster about me?' The monster only confused me more and more. As it waited for my answer it stopped moving. I stopped too and started to speak to the strange creature, that was standing in front of me. I told it that it didn't look like a human nor like an animal that I have ever seen. So I believed that it was a monster. I also told it that it looked like it wanted to kill me. The monster was quite for a while. I''m not bad. I'm not a monster.' it repeated. Then it lifted its long arm and pointed at the book that was in my hands. It's fingers were bony and had long nails attached to them. 'This book is mine!' it said. 'Open it.' It ordered me and I did so. I opened the black book when all of a sudden the monster jumped in the air and landed right behind me. I cried out of fear that something might happen to me, but the monster was calm and didn't move. All it did was saying: 'I will not do anything bad to you. I'm not a monster.' It was convinced about what it said. 'Do you see anything written in that book?' It asked me. The book was full of empty pages. When i checked for any written evidences I couldn't find anything. 'No.' i therefore answered. 'This means that I didn't kill a soul yet.' the monster explained. 'What do you mean?' I was confused. 'I am trapped in the body of a shinigami!' The monster said in a low voice. I could hear sadness in its voice. Even though fear rose in me because this monster was a shinigami, I did not move. I knew this creature wasn't here to kill me. The shinigami believed that it was a good creature. 'But, are you not supposed to kill humans?' My curiosity rose. 'No.' The shinigami answered. 'Why?' I asked. 'Shinigami's only kill humans to steal their years of life, so they can live longer. 'I don't want to live longer as a monster.' The monster informed me. It looked up to the full moon that was shining through the tall trees of the forest. 'The time has come. I will die very soon.' The voice of the shinigami sounded very sad. And I started to feel sympathy with this creature. 'Because you don't kill humans you will die soon?' I questioned. 'I don't want to live as a shinigami. I am not a monster like everyone says...' it told me. I was quite. I didn't know what I should say. Then the shinigami looked back at me. It was very tall and its eyes were large and bloody-red. It reached its long arm out for me and the back of its hand touched the ground. I knew the shinigami wanted me to step on his hand, so I trusted it and stood in the middle of his huge hand. The monster brought its hand closer to its face. Then it asked me: 'Tell me, are you a good human? Do you want to kill other people? Have you ever hated people so much that you wished death for them?' For a second I thought that the shinigami wanted to kill those people for me. 'No.' I answered. I was only a normal farmer with a family and some enemies in the government. But I didn't hate them so much to want their death. What kind of father and role model for my kids would I be? 'Good.' The shinigami replied. 'You know, I will die soon, but I can see that you still have a long live ahead of you, Mutsu Yukimura.' It informed me. 'How do you know how long I will live and what my name is? I never told you my name1' I wondered. 'I have the eyes of a shinigami. I can see these information written over your head.' It explained to me. I looked up but couldn't see anything. 'You can have the eyes to a shinigami too, but I will take half of your years of existence in exchange. I don't want to live longer.' It continued. 'This book is evil. When I leave, the book will be left for you. It can destroy lives and people. I want you to hide this book in a good place and never use it. You will only end up in a worse situation than me.' it completed and I thought about what it said. 'But, what If i use it? What do you mean that I will end up in a worse situation than you?' I questioned. 'You will be a real monster!' is said in a strict voice. 'I will hide the book in a good place!' I promised. Then the monster put me down and my feet felt the ground under them. I will survive this night, I though. 'Humans don't believe in the existence of shinigamis. But they do exist. Now and for ever.' the shinigami said. 'You are not a monster. I think that you are pure.' I told the monster and saw a smile appearing on its monstrous face. Then the body of this creature started to vanish and to turn into sand that fell to the ground. The shinigami kept smiling until its lips were gone. For the first time I saw a monster with a good heart. And for the first time I saw a monster dying in front of me. I still didn't know why it didn't believe that it was a monster or how it turned into a monster. And I will never know the truth.

In that night I buried the remains of the shinigami with the book near a big tree. I prayed for its good and marked the tree. Then I turned around and went back to my village and my family without telling a soul about the incident. I lived on my life and visited the shinigami's grave every year. The government raised the taxes from time to time and it became harder for us to meet the needs. We had not enough money left to buy food and had to save our last bread for tomorrow. I saw my hungry children going to bed with empty stomachs and I heard the stomach of my wife crying for food in the middle of the night. Very soon the whole village lived in poverty. The dogs of the government came again and wanted more money. We told them that we had nothing left to feed our children and ourselves but they told us to shut up and demanded the money. When we told them that we had no money they tortured us and stole every penny we had. A few night later a young man from my village came crying to my house saying that his dad is not waking up anymore. I ran to his house, but I could not help. The man starved to death. I could only witness the young boy and his mother crying. No one was there now to feed them any more. And the other farmers had nothing left to help this poor family. All we could do was work harder and keep ourselves alive for as long as possible.

When winter came and the fields were empty there was no work for us. In the previous winters we received money from the government to keep ourselves alive, but this time it was different. No one came to look for us. I decided to go with some other men to the master of the coin, who lived in the city, but when the rich man opened his doors for us he said, that the country is having financial problems and therefore the money needs to be spent only on important things. We, the farmers were not important for the country. The country was going through a crisis and they couldn't help us. 'We did not eat for days and have nothing to warm ourselves! Many people are getting sick and will die if we don't buy medicine!' One of the farmers explained. 'It is none of my business, that you can't keep yourselves warm.' The mad man answered. 'You did bad things to us to get our last penny and now you want us to starve? Who will farm the fields if we die?' I shouted at the mad man. They were monsters, I thought and suddenly remembered the shinigami. 'You are monsters. You will be cursed by the gods.' I added and the noble man looked at me. 'Do you still believe in the existence of god? HA! What god would let his people starve?' he turned me into ridicule. 'My god will take the souls of all who let us poor people suffer. Help us or you will die. I warned you...' I gave the noble man a stare that was colder than the nights of this winter. I turned around and told my men to leave the mad man and go back home. I was not afraid anymore, because god gave me his power to protect my family and my people from the monsters of the government. I went to the shinigami's grave and apologized to him for not keeping my promise. But I said that I will not become a monster.

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