Chapter 41

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"Hello?" Lights voice sounded when he answered the call on Hidekis old phone. "Light? It's me, (Your Fake Name)." You started. "I'm pretty sure that you are not stupid enough to answer my call in front of the other detectives..." you paused for his confirmation. "Only I am listening to you right now." He calmly explained. "Good. I'm willing to talk, but I only want to talk to you. I don't know if I can trust you and I'm risking my life, but in order for you to trust me, I leave time and place up to you. All I want is just to talk to you, nothing more, Light." You softened your voice. He thought for a moment and then explained that he will message you with time and place. You should wait until then.

On that same day, you received a message telling you to wait at a café that was located not far from the downtown of Tokyo. You found it weird that he wanted to talk in a very public place. Was he being careful or did he plan something?
It was hard for you to read Lights mind. But since you had no choice, you went to the place anyway.

You sat down at a table in the very back of the shop for more privacy. You ordered a (warm/cold drink) while waiting for him to show up. You thought about ordering something for Light as well but he might not want to drink anything. 'Maybe he doesn't trust a drink that's coming from me...' You thought and shrugged.
The place was decently full.

People came and left, some sat down on their own some waited for company, and others just ordered to take away, but there was no sign of Light.

Again you looked at the clock of the shop that was placed on the wall adjacent to you. You knew he wasn't late. Half an hour passed but Light was certainly doing something else than sticking to the meeting. He knew the time and place of this meeting beforehand. And he also knew that you would show up. 'Maybe he is close, watching me from somewhere to make sure that I'm not in contact with others waiting to surround him...' you thought. 'Either that or he was planning something very different...' You hoped that Light wouldn't kill you.

You sighed and took the last sip of your (drink). Then you turned to the door to watch the people who were entering when your eyes caught a person that looked very familiar to you. You jumped up from your chair in shock.

It was Misa Amane dressed in her short brown wig and normal clothes intending to not be recognized by the crowd. You remembered that look from before. She would use this particular outfit to go unnoticed in public placed.

Your heart started to beat fast as she was looking for you in the café. Once she noticed you, she started waving at you and hurried up to your table. You just stood there staring at her without being able to think of anything else than: "She has the eyes. She knows my real name. Light will know my real name!"

"Why are you so shocked to see me, (Your Fake Name)?" She brought out in a confused tone when she arrived at your table. "I know you didn't expect me, but don't worry, I won't kill you. I'm not Kira after all..." she explained in her cute voice and sat down.

You were quiet.

Was this a trap?

What was going on?

"Is Light still coming?... I wanted to talk to him..." you questioned in a quite voice. "Talk to me first!" Misa insisted. You just stared at her still in fear of what Light had planned. You tried to figure out if she actually had the eyes and knew your real name or not.

After a moment of silence, you decided to just go along. "Do you want to order something?" You asked her. "Sure why not??" She replied and then called the waiter. She ordered a Latté and a piece of cheesecake for her and for you. You wanted to stop her from ordering for you but it was late. The waiter left.
"Soo, tell me. What do you want to talk about with Light?" She gave you a pierced look.
"Well, you said that you weren't Kira, right?" You started. She only nodded waiting for you to continue. You went closer to her to make sure no one else would hear you. "I would love to believe that you are Kira. I don't care of you can see my real name or not. I have been looking for you and Light so badly. I'm also a death note owner. Well not really, but I have one!" You quickly added the last part as you remembered what L told you about the eyes of a shinigami. They were able to see everyones names and years of life, except the years of life of another death note owner. If Misa had the eyes of a shinigami, she would see right through your lie, because of the years of life that revealed the truth about you not owning a death note. "I want to help you create a perfect world. I believe that I can be of help to you guys. I wanted to talk with Light to tell him this. I'm sure that he is Kira and I don't intend to kill him. But I want to make sure that he knows, that I'm not the enemy. Or he might kill me without knowing about my death note." You explained and Misa just smiled. "You idiot... what if I had wires on me and all the police detectives were listening to your confession??" You smiled as well. "I'm not an idiot. I'm very certain that this isn't the case. Otherwise, I wouldn't have opened up with you."


Hey there c:

I know that this chapter is a lot shorter than my usual chapters.

This is because I haven't finished writing the actual 'Chapter 41'.

But instead of taking ages to write one long chapter,

I decided to publish shorter ones more often whenever I continue writing the story.

I'm also very likely to edit the chapters later to make them, hmmm, less 'dry' and better.

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