Chapter 7

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You were sitting in your balcony, thinking about what happened today in the morning.
'He's such a weird guy!' you started to think about Hideki again. "We were fated to meet! And I've to accept it! Moreover, the weird feeling I got! was as if something was holding me from leaving. Something wanted me and him to get to know each other, maybe it wanted me to find out something...!!"
You then remembered yourself, when you were about to leave on the street and your feet suddenly froze in place. It was your whole body, that froze in that position. Yeah, you weren't allowed to leave. There was no back, you had to turn and face him!
'Seems like something inside me knows much more and realized something in him, that I have to know or would help me along! It must have been so important, that even my whole body froze to hold me from leaving something very important!'

You could say, you were investigating what happened to you. You closed your eyes for a moment and enjoyed the fresh afternoon air. You heard some birds twittering, then your lips formed to a smile.
After a while, you opened your eyes again. "No time for dumb questions that answer I won't find out...!" you said relaxed to yourself.
'I'm sure, that he wants to get to know me, to find out anything, that he probably need for his investigations, and those investigations might not be the Kira case?! I mean if he is not Kira, for sure..!!' you supposed.
'If he finds out, that I'm investigating secretly, then he tries to find out whether I'm Kira or not. He tries to trap me as much as he can, to see the results of all, and after that, he decides on what ever he is looking for. I mean from the beginning of our first meeting, we mostly discussed me hiding my last name and what it has to do with the Kira case. From the beginning, he noticed, that it was an odd behavior of mine and didn't ignore it, but wanted to trap me to see my reaction! He observed something in me, that gave him the feeling that I'm involved in the case!' you realized. 'Soo..., if I'll be in luck, he will find out soon that I'm not Kira, but just a harmless investigator. Maybe, if I'm good enough, he will also come up with the idea to investigate with me or to take me to the organization he is investigating with.' you noticed yourself thinking the whole time about what would be, if Hideki is an investigator and not what if he is the master killer Kira.

'Yeah..., I really have a big feeling of him being a professional detective, but what if that turns out wrong and he is in reality Kira? I mean Kira is really talented and no one even has a suspect or hint of who is hiding behind Kira. And I don't wanna have the misfortune to meet him and end up dying because I wasn't careful enough. For sure I wouldn't be better than real detectives and immediately notice if Kira is hiding behind this person!' you didn't even want to imagine that...!
'I already know, that Kira's type is the fair one. But an important argument is, that the police, investigators, and detectives aren't different from Kira's person. So there is a chance, that Kira might also be one of them, who got that awesome killing skill by coincidence and uses it for the good, to make a new better, less criminal world. At least, that would explain, why he is able to be such careful. He investigates in his own case and therefore he knows how everyone thinks and what they gonna do against him!... Except for L...! Kira doesn't know anything about the greatest detective who is investigating alone and that's the reason, why he fell into L's trap. He neither knows how L think nor what he's gonna do next, and therefore he can't do anything against him. Moreover, it would explain, why Kira is just killing criminals. I mean he could also to kill people he is jealous of or people he hates. He is also able to kill people he fought with and people he doesn't want to have on earth and no one will ever find out that he is the one who killed them. But he didn't do that and it seems like he doesn't want to do that because it's NOT fair...!'

Either Hideki is Kira or a detective, he is very interested in this case, and that caused his interest on you. If he is Kira, then he might suspect you of investigating against him and if not, he might suspect you of being Kira...?!
'Whatever...! But I hope he is not Kira because then, he can be very helpful for me. He is an investigator and therefore able to contact L without any problems, I guess!'
The wind blew soft and you could feel its freshness on your face. It was a feeling of strength, that the wind gave you. Your sitting position changed to an erect one and you took a deep breath. 'I know I can do it, no matter how hard it is. I believe in myself! And that's the most important point!!!" you ended your thoughts with a positive feeling and smiled slightly. Then you took another deep breath to be ready for the next point.

"I heard about your awesome skills, show it to me, I wanna see it, you are the number oneee!!!!" You heard a girl shouting outside in the park next to the building of your apartment, and in the next moment, you heard the shoot of a ball.
'I heard about your awesome skills... show it to me... I wanna see it...' you replied the words of the girl to yourself.
Then, all of sudden, you got a weird thought. You didn't know how you came to the idea, but the words of the girl were the reason.
'Heyy... what if Hideki found out from wherever, that I'm trying to find out about Kira's skills and therefore he wanted to get to know me to make sure how much I already know. And if he is Kira he would worry and plan to delete me like all the other bad criminals, if I would get any suspect, that's close to the truth...!' You shuddered at this thought.

Ok... it wasn't what you planned for now at all. You wanted to spend the afternoon with your private investigations and try to go on with your theories.
'Oh God...!' You thought a little bit annoyed for the reason, that you felt your mind getting too full. And that would only close your mind so that you wouldn't be able to think clearly.
'How will I be able to think clearly? How will I be able to go on with my investigations and Hideki is stuck in my head?'
You stood up and went inside to get your notebook. You took it from the shelf and looked at it between your hands. 'I hope it was the right decision to come to Japan and investigate in this case...!' You doubted and hoped, that you won't regret anything you did!
Then you turned and went back into the balcony.

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