Chapter 18

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After Kira2's appearance, you spent most of your time in the old library looking for any useful information in the books 'The Age of the Gods' and 'Japanese Legend Collection'. You kept translating more and more text until you couldn't keep your eyes open. You believed that those books must at least contain some basic information about shinigami's. Since these gods are so old that no one knows anything about them nowadays, they must have been mentioned in very old books like the ones that you were analyzing right now. You worked hard to find something before more could happen between the Kira's and the police. Only one day until Tape 4 will be published. What will Kira2 do?


After working hard for another day, you finally had a lucky night. You found some very useful notes made about Shinigami's. These books told you, that Shinigami's are undead and that they have their own world. Shinigami's are able to visit the earth, but no human soul can see them. They are flying creatures who don't eat, but kill humans and take their remaining years of age to live longer. Shinigami's don't have feelings and their only job is to kill humans for their own advantage and survival.

When you read these information, you wondered whether Kira knew about them or not. He certainly had another goal in his mind and wasn't killing criminals for his own good. 'That's more how a murderer thinks and not someone who risks his life to change the world for the new generation.' You asked yourself whether this was the reason why shinigami's were forgotten, since they weren't really ruling gods. They don't judge or want prayers or sacrifices from humans. They are only murderers with no plans nor predictions.

That wasn't everything. You knew that there were more things noted down about Shinigami's and you had to find it out. You were also curious to know whether Kira knew more about these creatures or not. Maybe there was more about them that matched the way Kira was. It could also be possible that people in the past wrote down their experiences or stories related to shinigami's or how they thought about them. Perhaps something might have happened, that made all humans forget about the existence of these gods.

You didn't know.

"The next time when I come here, I will look for books that hold the title 'Shinigami' in them. I hope I'll be lucky enough to find a whole book about these creatures!" You decided and stood up. You were very tired since you didn't sleep all the night, but you certainly didn't regret this.

Back at home you wrote down all the new information in your black notebook, checked the internet for news and then you went to sleep. You set the alarm on time, so that you were able to watch Tape 4 being broadcasted.


"I'm very disappointed that your answer is no." you watched Kira2's answer to the refusal of the police to cooperate with this murderer. "Since that means that the police will fight me no matter what, first I'll take the life of either the head of the NPA or L, the person in charge of the investigation. Either the head of the NPA or L. Since you won't cooperate with me to create a peaceful world, who will you offer as a sacrifice? Please decide within 4 days." He completed. "That was a relative short and direct order." you noticed. "And this Kira acts like a death god... He wants sacrifices in order to create a better world... "

Not long after Kira2's message was broadcasted, a lot of people protested and demanded that the greatest detective L should show himself to sacrifice himself. It didn't seem like he was popular or favored. They didn't like the fact that no one knew his real name or his appearance. They called him arrogant because he doesn't cooperate with people and hides himself which gives them the feeling that he doesn't trust them. At least that's what you read. 'Idiots...' you annoyingly thought. 'Its obvious that those, who say things like that don't use their brains like they should do. They follow their feelings and get angry if a famous person like L doesn't show himself to them. They feel like he doesn't trust them, even though there is no reason for L to trust normal citizen. Right now they hate him mostly because he is the safest person from Kira. They are jealous that he can investigate without showing himself and risking his life to be killed by Kira. That's why they all decided that L should be sacrificed. They don't think about the fact that L has found out most things on his own about this murderer and that he is the only person, who could catch Kira. They prefer to live in a world that is ruled by Kira instead of supporting the most intelligent man to catch this murderer and put an end to all the mysterious deaths. What a shame..."

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