Chapter 40

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You hurried.

Without looking back and while gazing down, you quickly moved through the halls. You didn't want anyone to recognize you, but that shouldn't be a problem with the guard uniform that you were wearing. You wondered how long it took them to realize that your cell was empty. It could be at any moment.

'Poor Aizawa...' you thought as you recalled how he opened your cell in a hurry, threw a bag at you that was containing a guard uniform and explained that he risked coming back here to you. "The Task Force is looking for me as well now because of the note that I stole. They probably know that I'm here. Either the guards notified the Taskforce, or they saw me through the security cameras, so we don't have much time. They will know that I came to you." He said nervously and turned around. "Hurry and put on the damn guard uniform! It's late for me. I'll be caught, but I'll try to distract them from you for as long as I can. It's all on you now, (Your Real Name). Don't you dare to disappoint us!" He informed you and you froze when he said your real name. But you didn't want to waste time asking him how he knew and quickly dressing up instead. You thought that if Aizawa knew your real name from Light, he would have said so in order to warn you because you would then be in great danger. Perhaps, it was N who found out who you really were...

"In your pocket, you will find a folded piece of paper. Follow its instructions." He added. "You can turn around, I'm done." You said and Aizawa turned around and approached you. "Good luck." He said and hugged you. You were confused and his weird behavior only made you worry about him even more. You hugged him back. "Thank you for trusting me." You finally said and both of you left the cell in a hurry. After the first corridor, each of you went on a different path. You slowed down and continued walking with fast steps to not look suspicious. It took you a while to find the stairs that led down to the main floor. There you wanted to find an unlocked room and climb out of the window rather than taking the main entrance where you could be caught on the security cameras.

Once you were outside, you started running across the green field. You got out at the back of the building. There was no street here, just green wet grass in the early morning and a fence that was made out of bushes and green plants. 'C'mon... c'mon...c'mon... there has to be a hole in the fence somewhere....' You impatiently repeated while looking for a way to the other side. A short while later you found a spot with little green covering the actual metal fence. You held in for a moment, looked back and then squeezed the tip of your shoe into the empty squares between the metal rods. Then you gave yourself a push and climbed over the 6 feet high fence. Once you reached the top, you jumped down and looked around. More green field, trees... and a small path. You hurried to that path so see where it was leading you. You walked on it for a while before there was a turn. Turn to the right or left...

You stood there to think when all of a sudden a fast train drove pass you. It was almost 10 feet away but its sudden appearance scared you. It also made you realize that there was a platform going parallel to that path. And that meant that there was a train station nearby. The right side looked like it would lead deeper into the forest. There could be no train station. That's why you decided to take the left turn.

The path seemed very long as if you would never reach its end. You sighed. 'I hope the piece of paper will tell me where I should go because I have no clue...' You thought and planned to read what was written on it once you reached the train station. You remembered when you were in your cell waiting for Aizawa to come and get you out, you thought about where you would go. You thought about going back to the US to hide for a while until you figured out what your next steps would be. You didn't want to go back and stay there. You were no looser who ran away. You just needed a safe place to think clearly and figure out what you had to do next... You also thought about getting help from the SPK and maybe continue working with them. After all, you have worked with them before and their goal was to catch Kira as well...

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