Chapter 15

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Early in the morning, you left your apartment to go and look for some hints in old books. First, you went to the largest libraries in Kanto, but they couldn't help you along. Some of them told you to go to Tokyo and check there. You returned back to your apartment before afternoon and made something for lunch, but you didn't really enjoy it. Your mind was busy with thinking about what you should do next. 'Tokyo is over 5 hours away from here. And it's not guaranteed, that I will find what I want. But doing nothing won't help me either.' you thought as you got up from the table. "Looks like I need to go on a journey across Japan, if I want to find anything!" you said out loud and directed to your room, where you packed a rucksack with spare clothes and other things you will need on your way, including your notebook. You cleaned the kitchen and brought some of the food that was left in your fridge to an old woman, who was dwelling next to you, since it will only go bad in your absence. Once ready, you left your apartment and took yourself on a 6 hour ride to the capital of Japan, Tokyo.


Exhausted, you arrived in Tokyo. You bought yourself a coffee and immediately made your way to the largest libraries before they would close."I'm sorry young lady, but we don't have such old books. We only have the newest and most wanted books." A man who was working in one of Tokyo's largest Libraries informed you. "Are you sure that you don't have anything related to old legends, perhaps Shinigami's?" you questioned. "Old legends? Shinigami's?" the man wondered. "They are dead stuff, that no one remembers or would be interested in. Why are you looking for such things anyway?" he curiously asked you. "Well, I just wondered why there is nothing about Shinigami's at all and thought that I might find something here!"The man seemed to think for a moment before coming up with something helpful. "I think you might find some very old stories or records about whatever you are looking for in old books that, you know, were passed on for generations and no one cares about anymore." he turned to the desk that was situated behind him. "I still don't know why you are curious about uninteresting and dead stories, but oh well..." he wrote something down on a piece of paper and handed it over to you. "...I guess you can go there and check out what they have got. This is an address to one of Japans oldest archives. You will find an old lady, that will probably help you along. She keeps the oldest books at her library or place. She has books that were passed on for many generations and you might find something there if you are lucky." you took a look at the address and thanked the man for his help. "Oh by the way,..." he added. "...This library is almost 6 hours from Tokyo and is not worth traveling for such a long distance. But if this is really important to you, then I wish you good luck!" These were his last words, before you left the library, that was about to close and went back to your Hotel."It would take me 8 hours to get to this place in Nara by train..." you sighed and let your body fall on the soft bed. "I better find something there. I'm not traveling this far for nothing..." you annoyingly thought and prepared yourself to go sleep. You planned to pack everything in the next morning and immediately get on the way to Nara.


Nara was truly a peaceful and beautiful place, you admitted when you got off the train. During the trip you kept looking out of the window admiring the wonderful view. At the train station you bought a map and then left. You took out the piece of paper with the address and knew your way. It shouldn't take long to reach the place that you were looking for and you had a great sense of direction, so that you wouldn't get lost this time. 'Last time was just a mistake...' you thought and started to walk. You walked near the Nara-Park and passed the Buddhist temple Todai Ji. A short time later, you found yourself standing in front of the Shōsō-in. 'From my researches I know, that this building contains over 10000 documents, most of them about the religious and economic history of early Japan. With so many very old documents I must find something related to the death gods Shinigami's." you thought and went closer to the empty looking building. When you finally found the entrance door, you realized that it was closed. On the door the business hours were noted: "Monday-Friday from: 10AM - 3PM, Saturday-Sunday: closed." you read out loud and took a look at your clock. 3:32PM.'Damn... I'm late.' you thought and knocked on the door. Maybe the old lady, that you needed to talk to was still here or something. "HELLOOOO?" you called and went around the building looking for anyone. You checked if someone was in the building from time to time, but after a while you gave up and ended up sitting on the stairs to the front door. "Shinigami's..." you whispered, "They love apples..." Then you got up and walked over to the meadow, that was in front of the building and lied down there. "Well, I'll just wait here until someone comes!" you decided, even though you were not sure whether anyone will show up or not.

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