Chapter 31

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The phone in the headquarters rang and Light picked it up. He put the call on loud so that everyone in the room was able to listen to the conversation.

"Here speaks N. I'm calling regarding our deal." A distorted voice spoke. "N? I'm guessing, that you belong to the organization that works against Kira. Here speaks L, the leader of the Japanese Task Force. I've been waiting for any news from your agent John McEnroe, or rather, Rally Connors." Light explained and waited for an answer from N, whoever that person was. "I'm pleased to meet you at last, L number two..."That was the only thing, that the mysterious person said. His voice was very blurry, but you could still hear its coldness. Something about this guy reminded you of L. It was also very strange that the mysterious N called Light a fake L.

Who the hell was he?

And how did he know that?

Did he just guess, because together with L, the Japanese Task Force would never be so lame and working as slow as it did now? Or was this N a friend of L and since L didn't contact him, he knew that L was probably dead? That would explain why he was part of a new organization that wanted to catch Kira independently from the Japanese Task Force, that was no longer lead by the legendary L. Maybe this N was the leader of his organization...

You didn't know, but that was how it seemed to you at first sight.

"L number two? What do you mean by that?" Light was good at controlling his feelings. "Who are you??" He then questioned and all of you were curious about the same thing. "There is no point in trying to hide it..." N started. " The Top 7 of our members already know of L's death. We are great investigators who, as you know, want to capture Kira without the help of L. I'm the leader of the organization that is called SPK, standing for: Special Provision for Kira. We would close this case so much faster if we had all the information that you, uselessly, keep to yourself. Alone, you would get no further, which is why we want to take over this important task or closing the case before Kira can cause more damage to the world." N explained and you realized that you might actually be right with your thoughts. 'Is near really an old friend of L? Or did he have secret contact with him? I mean L was contacting me without telling the detectives as well...' You asked yourself.

"I see..." Light replied coldly. "For us, catching Kira is the priority so we don't mind sharing our information with your organization, as long as we know for sure that you are trustworthy and will get further with your investigation as you claim... So what about the deal? Do you have anything new for us?" Light questioned. "Yes, we do. The little information, that you provided us with, was in fact, very useful and we were able to get a main suspect as well. I do not want to discuss the details with you over the phone. I will let my agent meet with one of your agents again and explain everything in detail." Near explained. "I hope we will get what we wanted from you very soon to end this mass murder..." N added but then paused all of a sudden. "Or... on second thoughts..., I want you to have full authority on planning and catching the criminal Kira. I will lend you my support that will arrive in Japan within two days. Please make it right this time, L number two." He explained and hung up with no warning.

There was a weird silence in the room. This N left everyone confused about his sudden appearance and suspect of Light being a fake L.

"Did anyone by mistake leak any information about L's death?" Aizawa's serious voice sounded loud and interrupted the quietness.

"No..." Matsuda answered.

"No." You replied.

"No." Mogi added.

"No." The chief said and everyone looked at Light.

"Who is this guy...." Light brought out almost whispering to himself.

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