Chapter 44

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Lights plan sounded good except for the fact that N will never play along. He was just like L. Never showed his face nor will go risk his identity to meet with you, someone who was very close to the killer, knew L before he died, and betrayed the Japanese Taskforce.
Besides, you had your suspicions about Lights plan. First, he claimed that you had to give your life for his dream because your life was ending soon anyway and he gave you enough reasons to make you believe that the task force will never let you out, no matter how much you helped them. And now he was telling you that there was hope for you to be set free, even if it was a small chance...
Something was off.
Because Light was a perfect planner. And the fact that he didn't try to hide his imperfect and incomplete plan couldn't leave your mind.
Something was definitely off.

"Continue." You stared at Light. He confusedly stared back at you. "What do you mean?" He questioned. "With your plan. That's not everything, right? Don't hide anything from me." You got up and walked towards him. Your life was on the line. You had no more to lose. Light was clearly lying to you and you wanted to know the truth, but he continued to be silent so that you could explain what was bothering you.
You let out a laugh. "Come on Light, I'm risking my life for this. Just tell me the truth, instead of taking away all my hope in order to convince me that giving away my life for a great purpose is the best decision and then giving me back hope by telling me that there is a chance that it all will be good and that I might keep my life if I play along." you explained. Light still didn't reply, so you went on: "I know you, Light. You are much better at this. You never make mistakes, so why is your plan inconsistent this time? To test me...?" You guessed. "Do you want to see how clever I really am? Because you can't trust me or you don't know where my intentions lie? Is there something else to your plan and you are not sure if you can tell me or not?" You guessed again.
Light still didn't reply. His silence started to scare you, especially when he reached to the back of his shirt again and brought out the death note. You stayed quiet and watched him open the note on a half-full page of names. He got out his pen and started writing down something. He wrote more than just a name, yet you only stood there in front of him unable to take actions and stop him from what he was doing.
Was he writing down your death?
These could be your last seconds alive, yet you did nothing to stop him.
You certainly didn't want to die but your curiosity made you stand there and watch him. You asked yourself what he was doing, what he was planning, and what he was thinking.
You were able to stay calm because your guts told you that he wasn't trying to kill you.
"What are you doing?..." You finally brought out while watching him. Your voice sounded calm but your eyes held him in a tight grip. You didn't dare to look away, not even for a split second. You were watching Light very closely.
Light looked up at you once he was done. His only reply was: "Why didn't you stop me?" But you had no answer to that. Instead, you said: "N will never fall for your plan, but you already know that." with your eyes still fixed on Light, you took a break before you continued: "So, will I die now?"
"No, you won't." Light shortly replied.
"Whose death did you destine then?" You questioned.
"I had a plan B in case you didn't want to play along." Light started to explain. He seemed very calm. "You are one of the very few people in this world that I have trouble estimating. I cannot read you, therefore I cannot trust you." He went on and you couldn't help but smile. The thought of you being too complicated for Light made you feel good. You had a chance against him and you liked that. He wasn't the best and definitely not a god if he couldn't read you.
"To be honest, I'm not even sure that plan b will work with you, but I guess you are not an evil person." You wondered what he was talking about and waited for him to explain what his second plan was. You had a feeling that it was connected to what he wrote down on the death note. That couldn't be anything good...

"I'm still serious about everything I said earlier. I really need you. And what I need you for may cost your life. I still want to try to get you out of here if you help me, but the chance of that happening is very low." he paused and looked you deep in the eye. His eyes were sparkling and made him look so innocent. "But you may try to fool me or try to escape this situation somehow, which I cannot allow. I really need you to do what I told you. Only if you do so I can have a chance of talking with the Taskforce about you." For a short moment he looked away. He thought about what he was going to say to you next, before returning his gaze to you. He looked concerned and slightly annoyed, yet calm. "If you try to give N any hints about the plan being a trap, or if anything goes wrong, then you have to say goodbye to Aizawa." he brought out in a very serious tone. "I wrote down how he dies. All I need to do now is write his name before I come after you." Light made very clear. He still sounded very calm and concerned, but there was a coldness in his voice. A coldness that spread inside him. So quiet that it was unnoticeable, but once you felt it, goosebumps spread all over your body. He needed to be in control and if he wasn't, he would go mad. Light was a monster. He became one, just like you thought he would. The power he possessed controlled him. It was like a drug that he couldn't get enough of. He wanted to be in control. He wanted to be the greatest and most powerful. The most feared and godlike.
You hated him.
"Alright, I will go along." You brought out and stared back at him with hatred. You hoped that everything was being recorded by the bug that L placed in the cell. It had to be recorded.
"I will go along because I'm not a bad person and I would like to believe in you and your dream." You explained would have loved to mention how he was a monster. But you couldn't ruin this. After all, it was the only chance to get Light down. "We will see about that." Light finally said and wrote down something in his death note. Then he hid the note in the back below his shirt and soon after, noise appeared from the lock. The same guard appeared, opened the door for Light. Not long after that they were gone and the heavy door was locked again. Light had destined for the guard to disappear after letting him out of the cell. He had everything planned.
"I can't believe he saved my life..." You sighed and let yourself fall on the bed. "Please tell me that you got all of this, L." You talked to yourself because L wasn't there.

Fated to not die - Death Note FF [Reader choose what happens next]Where stories live. Discover now