Chapter 47

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You were devastated.

Didn't know anything anymore.

You were done.

Locked up in a cell with two corpses. A human and a shinigami corpse.

And two death notes...

You still couldn't believe what had happened.

There was no way for you to get out of this situation. Whoever came into your cell next-

There was just nothing you could say or do to prove your innocence...

Whoever saw this mess would see it as proof that you were a murderer. Even if they didn't accuse you of being Kira himself, they might still believe that you were a Kira who killed Light. They would accuse you of working with Kira. Killing a detective who suspected you, but could never prove his accusations. And now you killed him with your death note.

They might even believe that Light tried to defend himself by writing your name. That wouldn't matter to them anymore though, because he was dead.

He was done for. There was just you and the consequences that you had to face.

You were already in a very bad position, to begin with, but this mess would make it a thousand times worse. There was no scenario in which the task force would believe your word. Even with the tape that recorded Lights confession -wherever it was- your chances were very low.

On top of that, you killed the son of the chief of the NPA and the initial leader of the Japanese Taskforce. He would not go easy on you.

You couldn't believe what L has done. The one thing that he was not supposed to do...

But he did it to save you. You couldn't understand why he did that.

If L ever made a mistake, it was giving up his life for you.

At least that was what you thought at that moment.

You were still mourning, crying, and rethinking your mistakes.

Things that you could and should have done differently.

But back then, you didn't know any better.

It was just a matter of time until someone came to speak to you.

You waited for that moment.

Waited hours, days, until a week passed, but you weren't counting the days anymore. To you, it felt like a month has passed, or more.

Too long of a time to be locked up with a smelly rotting corpse. You covered Lights body with your blanket to reduce the smell and to get rid of the terrible sight of his dead body. Guards were coming, bringing you food through the metal slot that was in the heavy door. They didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

But you couldn't sleep, barely ate.

You just waited while being lost in your thoughtless mind for the day when the door was finally being opened and your end would arrive.

When that day came, you were sitting on the ground leaning on the wall behind you that was opposite the door. Your knees were pulled to your chest and your arms hugged your legs. Your head was resting on your knees and you were listening to your slow breath.

The loud noise on the lock gave you a little heart attack. And when you realized that someone was about to come into your cell your heart started beating fast. Adrenaline rushed through your body and you abruptly stood up without taking your eyes off the door until everything around you started to twist. You felt dizzy from abruptly standing up, but leaning against the wall behind you kept you from losing your balance.

Fated to not die - Death Note FF [Reader choose what happens next]Where stories live. Discover now