Chapter 29

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'It's all my fault...' You took a deep breath. 'I should have found a way to contact Hideki once I knew, that Kira was a death note owner. Maybe I should have told Watari about what I was doing and I should have had more hope that they would believe this old legend back then...' You thought. 'Now I'm here. Knowing that L was actually my friend. L was Hideki the whole time!' You let out a laugh and felt the first tear making its way down your cheek. 'L, the world's greatest detective trusted me, OMG I had no idea...' You whipped your salty tears away. 'He risked his life to save the world. He suspected Light of being Kira and got as close as possible to him. He didn't care about his life, but... he never knew that supernatural things were playing a big part in this crime!' You sniveled. 'Why is all that happening? I don't even know what I should do now... I planned to inform L about the truth and he will take care of everything and bring Kira behind bars, but now...' You whipped some more tears away. Your view was blurred and you blinked a few times to clear your view. '...Now it's all over, isn't it? I can't just let Kira take over the world when I know everything, but what am I supposed to do? What would Hi-... L do?' You asked yourself desperately. You had no idea how you were supposed to get the proof that you needed to bring Kira behind bars. You didn't know how he was thinking, but if it was true that Kira's way of thinking was similar to L's, then there was no way for you to trap him. It was like trying to win against L... For now, the only thing you could do was investigating with the task force, while keeping an eye on Light. It was too dangerous for you to investigate against him now without him noticing it. 'What if I end up dead like L because I wasn't careful enough? This is likely to happen if I act without a certain plan...' You realized and tried to think about something else. If you kept being depressed about L's death, Light might get suspicious. After all, he was able to get rid of L while being right next to him. You shouldn't underestimate him at all!

You knew that L risked his life to find a murderer and to save the world from him. He did it for the good. Because risking one life was better than letting hundreds of people die. Kira was getting more and more evil. No one knew what he might be able to do once he had gained control over the world. Even the innocent would be in danger if they didn't behave the way Kira wanted.

L knew that and if he was still here, he would have continued to find and catch Kira. He lost a few teammates already, but it was necessary. 'If Hideki would never give up, then why would I? I kinda threw away my life just for this case. Am I different from L? I already came this far. If there was someone who could stop all this, then it was me! I will put an end to this case... I will finish L's work and do him one last favor...!' You decided and continued your way to the Hotel that was used as the task force headquarters.

"Anything new?" You asked once you arrived, but you only got no's. "Hey, (Your fake name), could you come here and help me with these documents?" Matsuda asked you. You walked over to him and let yourself fall on the couch. You sighed and asked what they were about. "Kira's latest victims. Since Ryu- I mean Hideki assumes, that Misa was Kira2 and she is behind bars now, I want to find out if the number of victims decreased or not and how Kira and Kira2 might be selecting their victims." Matsuda explained and you started looking for connections between them. 'We might not be able to find out when Kira killed his victims since he can choose the time of their deaths, but we can find the time at which Kira plans his murderers by finding out where he gets their names from.' You started analyzing the documents without leaving L out of your mind.

"Everyone! Come here!" Aizawa's surprised voice called. You all got up from your places and went over to Aizawa, who was pointing at the constrained Misa on the screen. "She is asking why I kidnapped her. She thinks that I'm a stalker and told me that she will give me an autograph and even a kiss if I free her. Her attitude changed completely!" Aizawa's confused voice sounded. "What? I thought that Mogi told her that we captured her because we think that she is Kira2!" Mr. Yagami said and looked at Mogi. "I did tell her that and she didn't resist when we captured her..." he explained cluelessly. Aizawa clicked on a button to speak to Misa. "Misa Amane. Do you know why you are here?" he asked her coldly. "What do you mean? Because I'm a celebrity, obviously. But you are definitely the first stalker who has ever gone this far and you are starting to scare me." Matsuda got mad after hearing Misa's answer. He went over to the microphone and yelled: "Hey, Amane! No one is buying this, so cut it out!!!"

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