Chapter 39

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L's Point Of View

The rule was fake. There was no such rule in my death note. Also, the experiments that (Your Real Name) conducted with Near showed a different result, the real one. But I have to say... Light prepared very well, he didn't only add two fake rules to prove his innocence, but he also prevented the note from being destroyed. Of course, he arranged the death of the victim who will determine the outcome of rule 6 in the experiments of the Japanese task force from the beginning. Therefore, it didn't matter to Light if he was being put behind bars for a little while.

I'm curious to find out how (Your Real Name) is going to get to that information from the SPK, let alone prove to the task force that Light is Kira and that he manipulated their testing. Light has been released for being innocent and now the task force is working on finding who (Your Real Name) really was. None of the detectives went to inform her of anything and now she is being very impatient. Not about wanting to know what the result of the rule was. She knows that the rule showed Light's innocence, but she has no idea what was going on out there. The task force might have been whipped out or in a war with the SPK, she doesn't know. And not knowing that is what makes her so impatient and nervous.

I could reveal myself to her, but all of it would be caught on the hidden camera that was observing her. I also don't want my death note to be caught on camera. And if I open the door for her to help her escape, I would only help the task force have proof on camera that an invisible creature helped her escape. They would believe that (Your Real Name) is Kira3 who is being helped by her shinigami.


More days have passed, but still, none of the detectives showed up. You were getting more and more impatient. Whenever the guard came to bring you your food, you requested to speak to the task force. According to him, he was informing the task force of your request every time, but they seemed to just ignore it.

One week after the result of the rule came out, the door of your cell finally opened and Aizawa entered. "Finally!!!" You freaked out and run towards him. "Why did it take you so long to come and talk to me? Have you forgotten about me in here???" You were mad.

"I'm sorry, (Your Fake Name), it was tricky to get to the surveillance and turn off the camera. I also didn't want to act in a suspicious way. Light already doesn't trust me and tries to keep me at the headquarters as often as possible." Aizawa explained to you in a calm tone. You thought about what he said. And that he was risking this meeting. But why would he risk coming here to talk to you? "Why did you come?" You curiously asked him in a calm tone. You had a feeling that you could trust him. "I'm not trusting Light. Nor do I trust you, to be honest. But I want to hear your version of the story." He explained. "I see..." You felt the urge to tell him about everything you knew. But you didn't know if you wanted to do that because you could trust Aizawa or because you have been locked in here for a while and just wanted to talk to a human being. "Well, I think I can trust you, Aizawa. I don't want your trust yet, but I really need to ask you for a favor." You started. "What is it?" Aizawa asked curiously. "Don't tell anyone what I'm going to tell you, alright?" You looked him deep in the eyes. "I think that it will prove my innocence and that you can trust me, though." You took a small break before you continued: "I've been conducting the same experiments with the SPK behind the back of the JTF-" All of a sudden it hit you, that this might just be a set up to get you to confess. You held in and didn't want to continue talking. You stared at Aizawa, who was just staring back at you waiting for you to go on. "... and?..." He brought out when you stayed quiet for too long.

"Light forced me to do that! He said that if I didn't do as he says, he will get me in trouble. But in the end, he did say all the things that he wanted to keep quiet about... You know, before he tried to kill me-" You stuttered. "(Your fake Name)!" Aizawa interrupted. "Is that true??" He asked in a very serious tone as if he believed the lie that you just came up with. You just stayed quiet. Being locked in here did definitely not have a good impact on you. "If so then tell me. I don't trust Light and I'm definitely trying to put him behind bars if what you say is true." Aizawa was determined. 'Why does he seem so trustworthy?' You wondered and were about to reveal the truth to him. But would that have serious consequences for you?

"Listen, how can I be sure that I can trust you?? I have no idea what the task force has been doing and is planning to do with me. If what you say is true, I want you to steal the death book that the chief is keeping save and bring it over to the SPK. Just request to speak to N. Tell him that I trust you and he can too. What you do after that is up to you." You instructed in a serious tone. If this all was a trap, the task force would never give the death note over to the SPK. But you guessed that Aizawa would do so if he truly wanted to hear your version of the story and is not trusting Light. N would most likely keep the note. That was one less note accessible to Kira and one more thing to worry about for them. Maybe that would even buy more time for you as long as the task force was trying to get the note back...

But what was most important about your request to Aizawa was, that he should see the result of rule 6 for himself, which hopefully would show the exact opposite of what the task force found out. Since he didn't trust Light, this should make him trust you and suspect Light even more. "You are asking for something very hard, you know..." Aizawa brought out after thinking about what you told him. "I hope it's worth it." He finally said. "For now I can't do anything for you. But I'll come back soon." He explained before he turned around and left. 'Why does he trust me...?' You just asked yourself wondering if he suspected Light as badly as L used to do. 'Well, L is never wrong... One day the truth will come out...'

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