Chapter 17

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"Come to the coffee shop of our first meeting at 5PM. Hideki"

You saw this message on your phone when you woke up in the next morning. "That's too far away. I'm not in Kanto right now..." You thought and yawned. You replied to Hideki's message by telling him that you are not in Kanto at the moment and that you prefer a discussion on the phone if he has time. After the message was sent, you got up and took a warm shower. You kept thinking about yesterday's broadcast and about what might happen next. You checked the internet for news, but there wasn't anything interesting except for people's opinions about Kira's message.

Shortly after 2PM you had lunch and got ready to go to the old library and continue searching for more information about shinigami's. Shinigami's might not be connected to the Kira case at all, but you still wanted to make sure whether they were somehow connected to Kira or not. Besides, you were also very interested to know more about them. Something told you that if you find more about them, you will also find out more about the mass murderer Kira.


'Huh?' You wondered as you heard someone knocking on your door. 'The chambermaids only knock twice. I wonder who that is...' You asked yourself and went to the door. "Who is here?" You asked loudly without opening the door. Through the peephole you could see an old man with white hair and glasses. He was wearing a dark grey suit and didn't look japanese to you. "I am the famous inventor, Quillsh Wammy. Can you please open the door?" he introduced himself. 'Quillsh Wammy? I have heard of him before, but what is a famous and rich inventor like him doing in front of my room?' You asked yourself. "Sure!" you replied and opened the door. "I have something for you. May I come in (Your fake Name)?" he then asked.

'He knows my fake name? He knows where I am, even the exact room number?' You were doubtful about this man. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to let him walk into your room. "Who exactly are you?" You questioned again as you stepped aside to let the man enter your room. When you closed the door, you carefully watched him and saw how he slid his right hand into the pocket of his pants and started to pull something out. 'What is he doing?' You panicked and thought of the worst. But all you did was stand still and wait. Wait for him to pull out that thing...

...A phone? 'Phew! I thought it was going to be a gun or something!' You thought relieved. He opened the dark blue flip phone and a short moment later he handed it to you. You grabbed it and when you took a look at the screen, you realized that you were looking at the message that you sent to Hideki today in the morning. You were holding Hideki's phone in your hand. In disbelief you starred at the old man. "What happened to Hideki??" You brought out worried that something might have happened to him and that's why this man was here with Hideki's phone. "You can calm down, young lady. Our Hideki is perfectly fine, but he is very busy. He ordered me to find you and come to you to discuss what had recently happened. As a proof he gave me his phone so you can believe this story." Mr. Wammy explained to you. "So, you work for Hideki?" You questioned. "To the Japanese Task force, that is investigating the Kira-case with L, I am the supplier of logistic. I also help the team with some inventions and I do a lot of researches." It seemed like this man was very close to Hideki as well as L. "I see." You replied. "Nice to meet you then, Mr. Wammy!" You replied and reached out your hand. "Nice to meet you too!" He answered and shook your hand. 'I wonder how much he already knows about me..' You thought and didn't know what Hideki told him about you.

You walked from the small entrance hall into your room and asked Mr. Wammy whether he preferred to sit on the bed or on the chair. You took a seat on the edge of the bed, after he went for the chair. Now you were facing each other and you decided to start with the conversation right away. 'I still need to go to the old library too!' You remembered.

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