Chapter 22

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After you finished reading the Shinigami story, you packed your things to return to Kanto. This story gave you so many information, that you didn't find it necessary to search for more. You doubted that you could find more than you already knew. 'Besides, I can't waste more time. If it turns out that the information I have aren't enough, then I will come back and look for more.' you thought before you left.

While you were sitting in the train, you thought about a way to find and catch Kira by using all the information that you have found out. Since you worked alone, you were likely to execute your plan on your own, without having a force on your side. Therefore, you needed to come up with a plan that would not cost your life. 'I need to work fast before both Kira's meet each other. If they already have contact with each other, then that will be a huge problem for me. I think that dealing with the real Kira is easier because he cannot find my real name. So he can't kill me. Kira2, on the other hand, knows my name without asking me for it. If I lie to him he will know I'm dangerous and eliminate me.' you realized, but you had no idea how to tell the real Kira from the fake Kira.

There was another problem. Proving Kira to be a real criminal and the one we have been looking for meant that you needed to get his death note. This will be a very hard job. You couldn't just walk in, take the death note and leave. You had no idea where he would hide it, where exactly he lived and simply walking away or disappearing after meeting him is too dangerous.

'If I want to execute my plan to meet Kira, then I need to have something that will prevent Kira from killing me. Should I act as if I had a death note myself?' You asked yourself and thought about this idea. 'No, that's too risky. Kira surely knows much more about shinigami's and the death note than me. Trying to fool him with less knowledge is like committing suicide. And I'm not even sure if the story about the death note is 100% real. What should I do?'

You tried to think of something else. Another plan to get close to Kira and stay with him without dying. A plan that will promise success. After another while, you got an idea that might work. Since you couldn't pretend to be another death note owner, you thought of making up a myth. Make something up that Kira does not know about. 'Another kind of power that does the opposite of the death note. Maybe call it a.... life note or something!' You thought. 'The life note should bring back dead people and... it has the same rules as a death note. Know name and face of the dead person. Should I add something?' you thought.

After you will meet Kira, you wanted to set a trap for him. Hideki should help you with this plan. You planned to look for a dead criminal who had a twin. Hideki will make sure that all information about the dead criminal are gone. Even the information that are held by the police should all be changed so that it seems like the living brother was the dead one. All information should make Kira believe that the living man was indeed the dead one. Maybe you could show that man to Kira or he will be paid to play along with your plan or something. Kira will believe that your life note does really work. 'I'll think about the details later, but for now, this sounds like a great plan!' All you needed was to see Hideki as soon as possible to inform him about everything and get his help to catch Kira. If he didn't believe you, then you will show him Kira's death note once you found it. The most important thing was earning Hideki's trust in this situation!

Additionally, you wanted to show Kira a text in your Life note.

> Once (Your fake name) dies, she will come back to life <

The real Kira will get a proof for the name that you told him to be real. Moreover, his hands will be tied, because he wouldn't be able to kill you by hand nor with the death note. If he wrote your name in his death note anyway and realized that you were still alive, he wouldn't suspect a thing. For him, it will be that the Life note brought you back to life. He will not know that the name you are using is fake. That is why you needed to meet the real Kira and not the second Kira. If the second Kira would try to kill you with the death note, he will use your real name and you would die right away. This plan was definitely for the real Kira. You could threaten him to awake people who were killed by him until someone awakes, who knows Kira's identity. 'I really hope the Kira's won't meet until I'm done with this!' You felt despair and didn't want to get near Kira2.

You spent more time thinking about your plan and about Kira when you got another thought: 'What if I can't reach Hideki? What if he won't contact me and I can't tell him about my plan, let alone execute it with him?' You were impatient and needed to start planning something as soon as possible. Time wasn't on your side, so you couldn't wait for too long. 'So, if plan A can't be executed, then I need a plan B that is as good as the first one!' You realized and racked your brain to find another good plan, that you could execute by yourself and would not cost your life. You were thinking and thinking, tried to remember all points about Kira and Kira2 to find a way to go against them. You used these thoughts to make up a whole plan and looked for mistakes or gaps, then you tried to fill them until it looked doable and like the perfect plan that you were looking for. Since it was more likely that Hideki wouldn't contact you in the next few days, your alternative plan was more likely to be the one that you will use.

You planned to prepare a note full of points, that indicates you were a death note user before you decided to give the note back to the shinigami. You wanted to pretend that you wrote some things on a piece of paper before losing all your memories and that these notes didn't make sense to you until you noticed the Kira's. You wanted to meet the Kira's so they could tell you what those things mean that you wrote down on the paper. 'I think that way the Kira's won't kill me since they will know that I used to be one of them. They would also not be able to explain where I got these information from since only a shinigami and a death note user could know of these things. They will believe me and have a reason why I don't know as much as them. I could say that I want to help them to make a new better world or something.' With this plan, you could stay alive, get more information and maybe get the death note in your hands. Once you were there, you had to find another plan to reveal the truth and put Kira and his double behind bars. You were the only one who knew the truth and it was up to you to catch the worlds greatest murderers and bring peace back to this world. You could not die. Not until you finished this case!

Fated to not die - Death Note FF [Reader choose what happens next]Where stories live. Discover now