Chapter 46

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You were brought back to your cell not long after. The detectives had a lot of work to do and a lot of things to figure out. Besides the note that was gone, they didn't receive any more help from N. There were you and Aizawa that they had to worry about as well. And then there was the Kira case that was still unsolved. Without the note, things would be harder for the task force.

They had to think about new approaches.

Since things didn't go as planned, you had low hopes for Light to help you get out alive. The only thing he would want from you now was L's death note. You were sure that he wouldn't kill you before he got the note. That's why you patiently waited for Light, who would probably come to visit you again before the 13 days deadline.

You hadn't heard from L in a while. You wondered what he was up to right now and if the bug that he placed in your cell recorded Lights confession. You got up from your bed and looked for the bug, but you couldn't find it.

That meant that L came back to get it. 'Can he walk through walls?' You wondered since L wasn't a shinigami and when you were brought to your cell the bug was already placed.
For the rest of the day, your only visitor was the guard who brought you your meals through the metal slot that was in the heavy door.

You had no appetite but you accepted the food anyway. 'Maybe I'll get hungry later.' You thought. 'I need the energy.'

"Good morning, (Your real name)?" You heard a blurry voice talk to you but you didn't know if it was real or if you were dreaming. Thinking about that made you slowly turn back to reality and wake up. You opened your eyes but when you saw L's face right in front of yours you yelled and reflexively threw your arms at him, but they only went through him. You calmed down and annoyingly sat up. "Do you have to scare me like that?" You rubbed your eyes. "You sleep a lot." He commented and still didn't move from his spot. "I haven't seen you in a while, any news?" You asked him after a moment and got up. You walked right through L to the small sink that was in the corner of your cell.

"Don't do that, that's creepy." He told you in his cold emotionless voice as if he didn't care at all. You ignored him and washed your face. "So?" You reminded him to answer your question.

"Lights confession was recorded, well done!" He cheered. "I'm still working on the band though, we need an analysis to show the match between the recorded voice and Lights voice. That might take a little more time. Until then, try not to die." He explained. "That's easier said than done, L." You commented when all of a sudden a noise appeared from the door. It was not the noise of the metal slot being opened to deliver your food. No, it was the noise of the lock that was on the door.

L got up and walked to the table that was placed on the wall next to the door, there he sat on the table in his strange sitting position and watched Light come in. The door was locked once Light was inside your cell.

"Hello." He greeted you calmly and just stood there looking at you. "Hello." you replied after a moment. "Sorry, it didn't go as planned." You didn't try to hide your annoyance.
"That was quite a show you put on." Light commented and ignored your apology. "I didn't expect you to try to convince N to come back when he explained that he resigned. But I'm not sure who you did that for!" he explained.

"You are still not trusting me, huh?" You coldly replied and walked over to your bed. There you sat on the edge and dried your face with the towel that was laying on the little nightstand next to your bed.

"I never trusted you to begin with. The note that I saw on your desk was the only reason why you are not dead yet. I already explained to you why you will die and I'm sure you have figured out on your own that the taskforce will very likely not agree on letting you out. You couldn't help us and there is nothing I can do for you that won't interfere with my work to achieving my goal." He explained. "If you really care about helping me reach my goal, what about introducing me to your shinigami and giving me the note?" he added.

Fated to not die - Death Note FF [Reader choose what happens next]Where stories live. Discover now