Chapter 32

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Author: My beloved readers. This chapter is different than the chapters I've written before. I want you to pay attention when you read because there are 3 different views/speakers/whatever-its-called. For each of this view, I've made a change in text, to make it easier for you to know the difference. One is right-adjusted, the other is left-adjusted and the third has a bold font. It might confuse you at first, but by the end of the chapter you will find out who the speakers of the texts are or what they mean.

Enjoy the chapter and tell me how you thought about it.

Did you like it or hated it?


"And now we have a very important message from someone, who will neither show their face nor tell their name. This person has something important to share with everyone who is watching this live show now..." The reporter spoke and stepped aside.

"This is an important broadcast to all Japanese citizen..." A person with a mask and a distorted voice spoke on TV. It was hard to tell if it was male or a female, who spoke now. "I have an important message from the known Kira, who as a return for me doing him this favor, will protect me. Now you all are confused... Who do I need to be protected from, if not from Kira?..."

"The suspect may see the broadcast on TV and get confused, or rather curious..."

"What the heck is this about now???" The man clearly did not like what he was seeing, but he didn't bother too much, as long as his powers were still with him.

"Kira risked his life for one purpose: To make this world a better place for everyone, even the poor and weak people, who often get victimized by the richer and stronger people. Kira wants to create the perfect world, that is free of crime and unfairness for everyone. Therefore he distributed his powers to people who could help him with this job."

"If he doesn't, then Misa will watch the broadcast and wait until it was time for her to take action..."

"And my message from him is exactly about this.... What I want to inform you all is, that the Kira in charge right now is not the real Kira..."


"What?? I'm supposed to be a fake?" The rich man let out a laugh as his phone rang.

"The call will be from Misa Amane."

"The person in charge of killing criminals right now is taking an advantage of his power... Thanks to Kira, I do know who the person is and I intend to hand the name over to the police as soon as this broadcast is over..."

"I am watching it right now...." The man replied.

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