Chapter 30

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A week was over by now and there was literally not a single criminal, that died of a heart attack since Light has been captured. News have mentioned names of a lot of criminals, that Kira would target, but none of them died of a heart attack or in any 'accident'. For some reason, Kira had been pretty inactive since Light was put behind bars.

Light was quite calm and Misa kept telling her 'stalker' to set her free or at least let her take a bath. Mr. Yagami, on the other hand, was really worried and stressed. You decided to keep him up to date with the investigation. It was Matsuda's shift and he clicked on a button to speak to his Chief: "Chief Yagami-" But he was cut off by the impatient chief. "What is it?? Is it good news? Is it bad news?" He yelled and jumped up from the plastic chair that he was sitting on before. "Uh, no. I just wanted to tell you not to worry so much, chief..." Matsuda explained. "...You look stressed. You need to rest, maybe it's better to let you out." "Impossible! What makes you think I can rest where I am? It won't even make a difference if you let me out." He shouted and the turned away. "With the situation that I am in right now, this is the best place for me. And if I leave this place..." He then turned and came really close to the camera " will be with my son!" He made clear.

You turned away from the screens and went to find out if new criminals have died yet or not. Maybe Kira arranged some plan so that criminals were dying even though he was behind bars. Maybe Kira was targetting other kinds of criminals and you were focusing only on news. You wanted to dig deeper. 'It certainly is strange that no criminals have died yet. What does Light want to show us with this? That he is Kira? Certainly not....'

Just a few days later, after nothing new was found, you decided that you might have to go back to the old library for further researches. There must be more about the death note or his user, that you didn't know about. You planned to talk to the task force members once all of them arrived at the hotel-headquarters, but you did not plan to tell them what you were looking for. You thought about saying that your 'grandmother' was sick and needed you. 'I'm not sure if this is a good excuse, but if I don't come up with anything better, this will be enough, I guess...'

Aizawa also did move Misa Amane to another big hotel room, where she could stay in and move freely. She wasn't allowed to go out, watch TV, talk to anyone or have contact with anyone. Some of the detectives, including you were visiting her sometimes to entertain her. The whole room was installed with cameras and bugs to watch everything she did. You also went to her newer apartment to get her some things and she was more than glad that she was finally moving freely. First she was mad about the way she was held for so long, but then she remembered that when Mogi captured her, he told her that she was suspected of being Kira2.

You put your finger on the button and spoke to Light: "Hey Light... What is on your mind right now?" You questioned as you saw a strange expression on his face. He seemed... surprised? "Uh... I know that I was the one who asked for confinement and that I asked you to put me here, but I just realized something important..." Light brought out and you immediately called Aizawa, who was sitting in the neighbor room. "This whole thing is completely pointless! Because I'm not Kira! You have to get me out of here!" He begged as he stared into the camera. He looked so innocent all of a sudden as if he just woke up from a dream, but it turned out that this dream was the reality, that he could not control at all. And now he was trying to redo his mistakes, but with no success. He was unlucky in this very situation since you and Aizawa were the ones watching him. It's the two of you who were not trusting Light. If Matsuda or Chief Yagami were in place of you, they might have reconsidered this situation, who knows...

Aizawa gave you a confused facial expression and you knew what he was thinking. "Why do you think it's pointless, Light?" You questioned. "If you are sure that you are not Kira, why did you insist all that in the first place? You seemed very confused about yourself and certain about your decision just a bit over a week ago." You explained. "I don't know... I was wrong... and confused... and I wasn't thinking clearly. But now I had enough time to think. Do you really think that a serial killer like Kira could commit all those crimes without being aware of them? If I have no memories of his crimes, then I'm not him!!!" Light argued. "If you had no memories of his crimes, you would have noticed this from the beginning and no doubts about yourself would have appeared... Besides, I have no idea what is going on in your mind..." You coldly replied to him. "Deal is deal, Light. As long as we are all not convinced that you are not Kira for 100%, we won't let you out." You added and turned to Aizawa. "Was he like that 5 minutes ago when you were watching him?" "No. He was acting normally and didn't say much. He even preferred this and said he had to get rid of his pride..." Aizawa replied. "Well, if he is Kira like he claimed, then no criminals will die in the following days, weeks, months." "Yeah. I have no idea what he thought when he wanted to be confined. He sure is acting strange, but no way we are letting him out now that all deaths have stopped!!!" Aizawa's confident voice sounded and you agreed to him. Light was still desperately trying to convince you to lo him out since he thought that he was innocent. "I sware I'm not lying, just listen to me. You have to believe me!!!" he kept saying. "You have to let me out, we are wasting time! Damn... why is this happening?!" He explained, but you chose to ignore and just watch him.

Fated to not die - Death Note FF [Reader choose what happens next]Where stories live. Discover now