Chapter 11

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It was morning.

You were standing in the middle of your kitchen.

You were surprised.

There was no food left and you didn't notice it until now?...

'WTF?! How was I staying home for the past days without noticing, that I was running out of food?! I didn't think of going shopping and now I've got nothing to eat!' you complained. 'And that's all Hideki's fault!!!' you added.

Actually, it was kinda true. If you were not thinking of him, the Kira-case, the meetings and what information he gave you, you wouldn't have ended up so unorganized.

Annoyed you searched the kitchen for something edible or something you could make for breakfast, but the only choice you had was a cup of coffee.

In fact, you went every weekend to the supermarket to buy enough food and other things you needed for the whole week, and since you lived alone, it wasn't a lot.

So you made a cup of coffee and got dressed to have breakfast in a bakery nearby. Even if it looked weird, you wanted to take the cup of coffee with you to drink it on your way and in the bakery, since it would only be a waste if you threw it away.

And that's what you did.

You closed the door of your dwelling and directed to the nearest bakery you knew. Underway you drank your coffee and thought embarrassed: 'I hope no one pays attention to the big cup, that I'm holding in the middle of the streets!' and from nowhere Hideki popped up in your mind.


After having a quite relaxing breakfast, you washed your cup and let it disappear in your handbag. "Now it's time for shopping!" you said to yourself and went out of the bakery. You took the way, which led you to the supermarket, but you had to stop when the traffic lights turned red. You saw two people on the other side of the street. They were also waiting for the lights to turn green. It was a brown haired young man about in your age, who was dressed in a white winter coat and a female adult with long black hair. She was dressed in black leather clothes. You couldn't hear what they were talking about, but from their faces and behavior, you knew it was something serious. And since you had nothing else to do while waiting, you kept watching them and it was interesting.

The young man was standing some steps behind the woman, but they were deep in conversation. They were probably not close or related and therefore not talking about private things. You were sure about that. They were both in their own thoughts when the boy stepped forward and watched the street. It looked like he was deep in thoughts about whatever the woman said to him.

After a while, the lights finally turned green and just before you started to move, you caught the guy forming an odd grin on his face when he finished talking and started to cross the street while being some steps ahead of the woman. They were coming closer, and the closer they came, the more obvious you recognized his smirk. You turned away from the boy to the woman who was walking behind the guy. She was coming closer to you and you watched her without taking your eyes from her face until she passed you. Then you slowed your steps.

'This woman... I know, I know, there is always something wrong with every person I meet in the streets...' you said to yourself as you turned to her.

'This woman...This face...' No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't ascertain what exactly was wrong with her. 'I guess I need to keep her in my sight if I want to find out whatever...' That's why you decided to follow them.

'I'm not a stalker, I'm just an unpaid private investigator!' you excused yourself for following strangers around.

Now the woman was walking next to the young man. None of them said a word. Suddenly they stopped and exchanged some words. The boy stepped in front of the woman and took out a note block and waited for the woman. She then started to talk, while the boy was nothing.

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