Chapter 12

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"I confess... I'm lost..." you admitted to yourself.
The place you were tarrying at was empty, deadly quite and somehow it was dark. It seemed like an abandoned, dangerous neighborhood. At least the atmosphere seemed that way. You took some steps ahead to a crossroad and looked for the name of the street. -If you can call These paths streets-...
Unfortunately, you didn't find anything helpful...
There was no one.
Not a single person.
And no sound, except for your own.
You got a little bit nervous.

"Keep calm... This is less scary than being with Hideki..." you tried to calm yourself down. "...I could ask someone for the right way... but, I don't see anybody" you looked around. "And walking back wouldn't help either... I tried to find back, but then, I landed here." You turned again. "However, if I stay here, I will never find back..." You turned again "Mm... I could knock on somebody's house... but... what If I get kidnapped or something...I don't trust places like that!" you turned again "And I don't like this place... If something happens to me, no one is gonna help me or even find out..."
You looked up. The snow had already stopped, but the sky was getting darker from time to time.
"It's like I'm in a movie or something.. Let me clear out before anything bad happens..." you decided to take the right turn and walked with fast steps along the street, that got narrow the farther you went.
Then you heard steps...
You briefly took a look behind you, but you couldn't recognize anyone.
You kept on walking.
You never took the same turn twice in order not to orbit this ghetto. It was kinda hard sometimes because many roads just ended in front of a building or the turns you took were alleyways.

"Not again.." you were bugged from another alleyway, that you took and wanted to turn back when you believed to hear steps. You ignored them again and continued walking through the dark alleyway. Suddenly you realized a man appeared in front of you, Standing in a way that blocked your path.
You stopped. And gasped.
He just smirked. It was a dirty one.
Then he started to look at you top down.

"What is a beautiful woman doing here... Alone..!" he let out a dirty laugh and downed half of the bottle, that was in his hand with one gulp. Then burped and made some unsteady steps in your direction. You stepped back, knowing that you are gonna hit the wall if you kept walking backward.
Suddenly your eyes caught the plump man lifting his arm and throwing the bottle on you. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. You had luck and could duck it just in time. The bottle missed your head only by a few centimeters. You heard how the glass crashed down as you stood up as quick as possible, turned away from the man and started to run along the alleyway. You ran as fast as you could and heard the drunk man shouting at you. He started to run after you, but in his drunken inebriation, he wasn't able to surpass you.

'(YN), just run along this alleyway. I've got a plan, and.. I really hope it will work!' you nervously thought as the huge dark wall came in your sight. You reached the end of the alleyway. Now you waited for the man to come in view. 'When he stops in front of me, thinking that I trapped myself, he will certainly stand in a position, which will block the whole path. If he is close enough, I will start running toward him, slide between his legs and then kick him away, which will also give me more impulse, that I'll use to run out of this alleyway. This way I'll be fast from the start and he will need time to stand up and start running after me.' you thought, as the man came closer and closer.
He was laughing when he approached you. "Ha ha, you lil slut. Did you really think you can escape from me?!" He mumbled and let out a laugh.
You smirked. "Then try to get me, you bastard!" you let out and his facial expression changed. He got provoked. Yeah, he was angry. "Shut up! I will get you, just watch!" he shouted.
'C'moon, I need you to be closer to me, asshole!' you thought and disgust the thought of him being close to you. But you kept smirking at him to provoke him. You heard the man groaning of anger and running toward you. Probably he was planning to swoop down on you.

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