Chapter 27

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​​​​​​"Hideki Ryuga once helped me in a case and I need him for a talk now. It's urgent, even if I can't talk about the case to you. So, could you please tell him to contact me as soon as possible?" You explained to Mr. Aizawa. He was just staring at you for a while without knowing what he could possibly say. He already explained to you one hundred times, that it was impossible to speak to Hideki Ryuga at the moment, but you were stubborn. You didn't want to relent and kept putting pressure on him until he would finally give up and do you the favor. "Please, (fake last name)-" Mr. Aizawa started, but you cut him off. "No. As an investigator, you know that I will not give up easily. When I say that I have to talk to him, then I really have to! There is a reason why I didn't give up until now. If you won't let me contact Hideki Ryuga, my partner or even my chief will come here personally. And this will not please him at all!" You lied. "Your chief? Is it that important?" Mr. Aizawa was surprised that you would go this far and finally gave up. He sighed and explained: "I understand... Even though Hideki is very busy at the moment, I will try to contact and inform him about you. You can come back for news. I won't be here tomorrow, but my colleague will bring you the news." you smiled. "I thank you for helping me in this situation!" you replied and Mr. Aizawa nodded. He thought for a moment and turned back to you. "Again, where did you meet Ryuga?" He wondered. "In a case a few years ago. I didn't meet him personally, but I know I can find him here!" You said and thanked him again. For some reason, Mr. Aizawa gave you the impression that you asked for a huge favor. You wondered what was going on. 'I didn't hear anything from Hideki for months and now the Taskforce members can't contact him too or what?' You asked yourself as you left the headquarters to go back home.

You kept your phone near you the whole time and expected a call at any moment. If Aizawa was to tell Hideki about you, then Hideki would call you instead of waiting for a meeting. You were nervous for some reason. You didn't know if that was the case because you didn't talk to Hideki for so long or if it was because you knew the truth about Kira and were about to tell him everything or because you wanted to suggest a talk with L. Soon... Soon it will finally be over! You were relieved and watched the silent cell phone.

You waited for hours, but no call. The sun started to go down and you watched the darkness slowly taking over the sky. Just then, your phone started to ring and made you jump up from your bed.

Hideki Ryuga

'OMG! Finally!!!' You yelled happily and picked up. But only one second later your happiness was crushed to pieces and your heart skipped a beat. "...Hello?" A strange voice on the end of the call said. All you were thinking was:

'This... is NOT Hikdei's voice...'. The fact that a strange man was calling you from Hideki's phone was very suspicious, almost scary... And this stranger called you right after you requested Mr. Aizawa to tell Hideki to contact you ... What was going on???

"Hideki?" You questioned and waited for the answer of the stranger. "Y-Yes!" The person replied. "Who is there?" He then asked you. 'This liar is pretending to be Hideki!' You realized and remembered and you informed Aizawa that you didn't know Hideki personally. 'Was that the reason for the stranger's call? Has he no worries, because he believes, that he can lie to me without any problems? I have to be extremely careful. I have no clue what is going on and what had happened to my friend Hideki!' "Oh, finally!" you just answered and hid your suspicion. "Where were you for soo long? I tried to contact you for months now..." You acted as if you didn't notice anything strange. "Eh... I'm sorry...I...I don't know this number so I ignored it. I was very busy lately..." The stranger excused and hoped that you believed him. Of course, you did him this favor and played along with his lie, but in your inner anger was rising and all you could think was: 'Bastard!!'

"Are you saying that you forgot who I am?" You questioned. 'Let's see how well you can play this role, you idiot!' You thought. The stranger was quiet for a while. Then he started with: "I don't recognize your voice over the phone. Where did we meet?" He asked. "Yeah, maybe that's it." You lied and tried to make it easier for the stranger. You wanted him to feel comfortable and suspect nothing until you could figure out the stranger's true identity and where Hideki was. "I'm (fake full name) and we met a few years ago in the US, where you helped us solve a crime case. I was in a practical training and didn't have the chance to meet you privately until half a year ago, where we talked about the Kira case because you remembered me. You wanted to know my opinion and after that, we kept in touch." You had to think quickly in order to come up with something that he would believe and that wouldn't reveal too much about the truth. You also didn't want to hesitate when looking for an answer and risk that the man will suspect you of lying. You also had to be careful in order not to contradict yourself. You hoped that you would remember every word of this conversation for future encounters. "I didn't tell your colleague about our meeting because I didn't know if you told them about that or not." You explained. "I see." The man replied and was quiet for a moment. Then he started again and explained: "Well (first fake name). I think you don't know about my accident. Almost half a year ago, I had a terrible accident. It affected my memories a lot and I'm trying to remember everything since then. I have to work hard to gain all the lost details of the investigation as well as the memories about my own life. I probably forgot about you, because I met you before my accident and I'm so sorry that I can't remember you... I could really need your help to remind me of you, our meetings and everything we talked about. What exactly did I tell you?" The person on the other end was damn clever! You realized. He quickly came up with this excuse to explain why he couldn't remember me. That way he was also able to get all information from me without any suspicions... 'If I didn't know Hideki personally, I would have believed this!' You thought and continued to play along.

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