Chapter 21

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"Please send me anything new about Kira. Did you get the report from the crime lab yet? What about Kira2's answer?" You send Hideki a message. 'If Kira2 did answer the message that was created by the NPA, then they wouldn't publish it but hear it themselves. That means that I will never know what Kira2 said unless I tell Hideki to contact me once he receives the tape.' you realized.

"Soon after I ended the war, my wife came to me and told me that our son had been killed in one of the attacks by the enemy. She was in tears and I could not believe it. 'It was your god who wanted to take the life of your child. You did not give God any sacrifices. That's why he took our son's life. If only you hadn't asked your god to kill the ministers, then the war wouldn't have been lost and our son would still be with us!' My wife told me and cried. 'But, it wasn't me!' I defended myself. 'Our God brought so much good to this country and to the people!' I said. 'Do you want to tell me that you don't care about our son? Was he nothing to you?' My wife was mad at me. 'No that is not true!' I replied but she was very sad and refused to talk to me.

I distracted myself by rebuilding this country. My heart was hurting me from the loss of my son, but it gave me strength. I wanted to change the world. To take over the whole world and make sure there will be no more wars. No one should lose their family members because of human tragedies. Only I was allowed to take the lives of people, who cause damage to this world. Criminals, rebels, people who seek power and want war should all die.

I chose the ministers on my own and created a balance between good and bad, rich and poor, life and death. My life wasn't like it used to be. I no longer worked in the field from sunrise to sunset and my family wasn't the only important thing in my life. I was sitting in my noble palace working with my head. I had so many more responsibilities and I had to take care of the whole country. Sometimes I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about problems that appeared to this country.

I was the King of this country; the Judge of all people; the Master of the coin; and the Master of the chief of war. I was everything and I was God of this world. My job was to make this world perfect because I'm the only one who can do it.

Years after the loss of my son the country got in a very good shape. More and more people from outside traveled to my country to live under my control. That's when I realized, that it was time for me to take over the rest of the world. I started with threatening the neighbor countries. Wanted them to give me their land. To give me the right to rule over them. I told them that God will take the lives of the Kings and their families if they refuse to listen to me. I did not want to start a war and kill innocent people and I gave the kings a choice. 'Their deaths were their own fault.' I kept telling myself. With this plan, I started to control the neighbor countries. I showed the dwellers of my new land how good I was. Again I caused balance between good and bad, rich and poor, life and death. My world started to grow and grow and I was getting closer to my goal. Some countries, who were not under my control were calling me the devil or son of Lucifer. In their culture, Lucifer was the bearer of light. I did not understand why a bearer of light was supposed to be bad. I am not bringing fire to this world and burning it to ash. I am lightning up the darkness of many lives and bringing warmth to all people. I was God and I waited for the moment where everyone would realize that.

Then one day, when I already took over half of the world, a black creature was waiting for me in my place. I knew it was a Shinigami, but she was smiling at me. She made me touch her death note so I could see her. 'How sweet. A human sees himself as a god of this little world!' She laughed at me. 'What do you want from me?' I asked her. 'I want your death note.' She looked at me with her sinister eyes. 'And I want your lifespan.' She continued. I knew this meant that I had a long time to live, just like the first Shinigami informed me. 'You will get none of them, so leave me alone. I'm a busy man.' I told the Shinigami. 'I am Fraus, Mutsu Yukimura. I will not leave you until it's time for you to die!' She informed me. 'You are not the first Shinigami, that I meet, Fraus. Tell me. Why are you gods behaving so differently, if you are all shinigami's?' I questioned. Fraus gave me a confused facial expression. 'What do you mean? Shinigami's do not have feelings. We are all the same.' I told Fraus about the Shinigami that I met years ago. That it didn't want to believe that it was a monster and died because it didn't write down any names!' Fraus started to laugh as if I told her a funny joke. When she was done laughing she took a deep breath and explained. 'That was not a Shinigami. You know, there is another kind of creature. Between us and you. Creatures who can choose their own fate. But who cares about these lost idiots.' I did not understand what this shinigami meant. 'Mutsu, do you mind if I write down the name of your beloved wife?' The Shinigami smiled at me. 'What?' I could not believe what she just told me. I shouted at her: 'Dare to kill my wife and I will kill you!' I threatened the Shinigami. 'Dear... who wants to kill me?' I heard my wives voice behind me. I turned to her and didn't know what I should tell her. 'Who are you talking to, darling?' She asked me. 'I...I just had a bad vision, darling.' I lied and went over to her. I put my hands on her shoulder. 'I will protect you with my own life. I will not allow anyone to kill you. But trust me, everything is fine for now.' I told her.

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