Chapter 10

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'But... is it the right decision to trust Hideki and agree with him? Or... should I wait? But if I wait, I will only waste precious time!' you said to yourself and sighted.
After a moment of silence, you started to talk. "Hideki? I wanna ask you a few things if it's ok for you of course!" you started and sounded very calm.
Hideki faced you. "What is it, (first fake name)?" he replied coldly. "First, I'd like to know how high your willing of catching Kira is!" he gave you a confusing face expression. "I don't know why you want to know it!" Hideki said doubtfully after a while "But I can tell you, it's high. Very high!" he shortly answered.
"And..., why is it so high? Why exactly do you want to catch him?" you questioned again. "Well.." Hideki put his thumb on his bigger lip and thought about your question. "He is a murderer, a mass murderer! A high profile criminal, just like those he killed and still kills the whole time !" Hideki answered very cold, but it wasn't enough for you.

"Yeah that's true, but there are also other reasons, why you want to catch him, right?!" you replied in a steady voice. Hideki looked at you for a while before starting to think. "There are many reasons. Even reasons, that I haven't thought about yet!" he took a sip of his tea. Then he looked back at you.
"I'm justice. That's why." he brought out while looking deep into your eyes. "Beside the fact, that this case is very interesting, someone must teach Kira the real meaning of justice!"
You liked the answer he gave you.

"Alright! How bad is Kira in your sight?" you continued.
'Why all these questions? What does she want to prove with that? Certainly, she suspects me of being Kira and wants to test me." Hideki thought, but he kept answering your questions. "Kira has his own view of justice, that he uses to get rid of all these criminals without being one himself. But his strange way of killing, which I will call in this case 'power' cursed him badly and made an evil out of him." He took a sip of his tea before he continued.
"He used to be good, but if he won't be stopped by anyone, he will consider himself as a god of his own created crimeless world and someday, when there are no criminals left, he will start to even kill normal people which are in his sight bad! So I guess, he is very bad. An evil monster on earth!" Hideki explained emotionless and it sounded as if he was terribly bored.

'Would Kira say something like this about himself just to reduce the suspect? He is easy to provoke which means, that he is very proud of himself and doesn't regret anything or doesn't even see anything wrong with it. No... Kira would never stain his name.' you felt very certain about it.
"Yeah I agree!" you responded and went on with the next question. "Do you have an idea, why Kira is doing all this?"
First, Hideki kept watching you without any reaction. Then he moved slightly and started to bite his thumb. "Hmmm, do I have an idea why Kira is doing all this?" Hideki asked himself loudly while thinking about it. He was staring into nothing and you put a bit of your ice-cream in your mouth.
"Yet, the person behind Kira is a fair person with a strong sense of justice." Hideki started and looked back at you. "Unfortunately his vision of justice is impure, but he feels too confident to admit it. He is frustrated by the lack of justice in the world and wants to be a god of his own created world. Surely he wants to rid the world of evil people and injustice, and populate it with honest and kind people." you listened to him carefully.
"That's exactly what I think." you started. "He believes that except for him, no one is able to change the world. His wrong vision of justice allows him to act so ruthlessly, while he considers himself as a fair person." You concluded. "You got it!" Hideki replied and the plate of the cake was again in front of him. He scoffed a big piece of cake and chewed it delightful. You smiled slightly while watching him and thought about the last question that you were going to ask him. Your face expressed changed and you were serious again.

"Ok. Last question. If you would get a power, which provides you with the ability to kill people, how would you handle it? Would you do the same like Kira?"
"That's a good question." Hideki started and took a sip of his sweetened tea. Then he faced you again and you curiously waited for his answer. "Like Kira, I'm a very fair and justice person. Of course, I'm not satisfied by the condition of the world, but does it mean that I've to start killing to rid the world of crime? I don't think so. Unlike Kira, I know the real meaning of justice and getting the ability to kill without being there in place, like Kira would only curse me to an evil monster, that looks like a normal human. Well... I don't look quite normal, but you know what I mean..." Hideki said and you knew he meant his weird behavior and habits.

He took another sip of his tea and continued, while you listened carefully. "This kind of power is quite seductive, but probably I wouldn't pay any attention to it, not to mention using it in any way. I would only be curious about it." Then Hideki lifted his head a little and started to think. He put his thumb on his bigger lip and started again. "Hmmm..., instead of a power which allows killing without any problems, I'd rather have a power, which makes bad people regret what they did, especially criminals and changes them to good people. If I had such power, I would also use it on Kira!" Hideki looked back at you. "Moreover, I'd rather keep solving crime cases instead of killing people. I would only become a criminal myself and other detectives, not to forget L, would search for me to eliminate me. This power does not make any sense to me. It's just useless." Hikedi ate some of his cake, which was about to finish. "Mmm...Don't you think so, (FFN)?" he added while chewing.

"That's true, I just wish the power you would like to have exists." you said and were glad, but also surprised that he answered this question soo exactly and quickly. If someone asked you this question, you would have needed longer to think about it and answer. You would also imagine yourself with that kind of power and result what would happen.
"I answered all your questions. Now it's my turn to ask you!" Hideki said after a short while and you only watched him wondering what he was going to ask you. He put a big bite of cake into his mouth and finished the cake before starting.
"I'd like to know the reason for your questioning. It was as if you wanted to check or test something." Hideki noticed and waited for your answer.

"Well, I think you already know the answer, or at least you have an idea what it could be." you started and licked your lips. "I...When you suggested me to work with you, I needed time to think about it. But it wouldn't be helpful if I stay at home and think there about it. I needed to make sure, that I can trust you. I got the idea to ask you a few questions in order to conclude everything and sift out the answer." you paused to take a breath and Hideki paid attention to what you were saying.
"Kind of test then, huh?" he asked coldly.
"Yes. If you were Kira, you would try to avoid much information and answer in another way. Kira would also never stain his name just to reduce the suspect. For me, your answers seemed to be given with honest and you really thought about it without looking at me deeply or getting any fear, I could find out things I should better not know. There are more aspects, but since I told you the main reason, there is no need to tell the rest. However, I made sure, that there is no danger with you and that I can trust you, hopefully without any regrets." you told him and added in your thoughts
'You are definitely not Kira! I'm dead certain about that and won't need more time to think about if I want to work with you or not. The most important thing is, that I won't reveal too much about myself at once. I'm not the main topic, but it's Kira and the crime case!'

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