Chapter 13-2

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But you didn't want to give up. You wanted to fight for your life and started to press your nails into the veins on his wrist as hard as you could. The man yelled out of pain and gave you a hard jab with his elbow, that hit your right cheekbone. But instead of pressing less, he started to press harder and groaned of effort, while you tried to tense your neck to reduce the pressure but it didn't help.
This man was too strong.
A high-pitched scream escaped your mouth. Like a dying animal.
He wants to kill you. That's for sure.
You knew it will be over for you soon. You had no chance against him. No chance to get his big strong hands away from your neck. No strategy or plan in mind.
You started to run out of oxygen.
You felt dizzy and your eyes felt heavier.
'It's over' you thought as your view started to narrow, without you being able to do anything against that. In the very last moment, you thought the man widened his eyes. But you were too tired to bother.
Then you felt the pressure against your neck loosing slightly. Must be a weird feeling to die.
All of sudden you hit the ground and groaned. You were lying on the ground and tried to recover slowly. It took you a moment to realize what just had happened.

'He... He let me go...' you surprisingly wondered and moved your right hand to your neck, while bracing with the other one. Then you rubbed your neck and greedily gasped for air. While feeling the pain of your throat, you lifted your head to see what was going on.
You saw the plump man standing in front of you. Fear rose in you and you crawled back to get away from him, while you were hoping that he won't attack you a third time. You were shaking of fear and weakness and knew that if something was about to happen, you had no power left to defend yourself. As you looked closer at the man, you noticed that he looked anxiously. His eyes were wide and he was staring at you. His breath became heavier and louder that you could hear it clearly. Tense, of what could possibly happen next, you felt your heart beating against your ribs. The man's breath became heavier and louder and out of nowhere, he started to groan and scream while grabbing the middle of his chest...

'KIRAA....' you suddenly realized what was going on and your heart started to beat faster. You kept watching the scene that was in front of you. The scene of a bad criminal experiencing a heart attack. The man fell to his knees and started to scream of pain. The pain he was experiencing must have been extreme, because the veins on his temples were visible for you from that distance and that darkness.
You were shocked and paralyzed with fear.
Then the man collapsed to the ground and silence followed.
It was an awkward killing silence.
Your shaky breath was the only sound that echoed through the dark empty alleyway.
It was hard for you to believe that what you just saw was a man who was dying right in front of your eyes. There was no doubt that he was killed by Kira.
Your body started to shake even more.
You were frightened.
And started to look around you.
You pulled your knees close to your chest and wrapped your arms around them. Then you closed your eyes and your forehead fell on your knees.
Your head was still spinning.
You felt tired and left with no energy.
That was definitely too much for you.
Rain started to fall from the dark sky. First slightly, but then more intensive. The cool drops were bouncing against the back of your head. The steady rain was calming you while you were resting. After a long, while that felt like hours, you lifted your head.
In front of you, both criminals were lying on the ground, none of them was moving.
It was no dream.
Everything was real.

Still not completely healthy, you grabbed your phone to call Hideki.
You decided to meet him again.
To your surprise, he answered the call immediately. You thought, that you needed to wait hours, if not days for his response.
After greeting him you explained that you wanted to meet him as soon as possible. Not only were you sure that you could trust him so that your common investigation could start, but you also wanted to tell him about what has happened in the other night. He agreed but said that he has a lot of work to do and can only meet you after two weeks.
"No, it's urgent, Hideki. I've to talk to you about something important." you argued and made him think. "If you can't wait, then we can meet in 20 minutes in the Coffee shop. What you want to tell me better be important." he suggested. "It would be easier for me if you come to my place. Once you are near the coffee shop ring me so I can lead you."
Hideki agreed and you closed the call. You were sitting upside-down on the couch so your back was lying on the couch and your legs were hanging on the back of the couch. You swallowed and felt pain. It wasn't hard to ignore it, but it kept reminding you on that night...
Naomi, the young man and..., the criminals.
You were happy that everything went well and nothing serious happened to you. You were proud of your traps to them, but you knew that without Kira, you wouldn't be where you are now.
You sighed.
Now you could understand all the people who support him. For them, he is a hero and a savior. Somebody who is willing to sacrifice himself to save innocent people. And thinking about him made you realize his motives. Rather than spreading his justice, he tries to set an end to the rotten world that you live in.
'I can't believe I was saved by Kira...' you sighed again. As so often these words came up in your mind and confused you.

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