Chapter 6

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"Let's go back to the point, when you said, that it was a mistake to hide my last name. No, it wasn't. I only couldn't remember, why exactly I preferred to hide my last name...!" you started to talk while watching him carefully.
"Someone who is afraid, won't voluntary do any mistakes. He or she would plan everything to the detail, before doing anything wrong. That way is safer for someone who is afraid...! And if I decided to hide my last name instead of using an alias, I've my reasons for that. Otherwise, I wouldn't do it, right?" you argued in with a strong tone.
"You are surprising me..." Hideki said surprised about your speech and change. "..but continue...!" he said asking, to not change the topic.

'I never expected, she would turn out like that...! She's now more controlled and knows how to act. She isn't confused anymore! Let's see, what will happen next.' Hideki wondered about you and started to look deep into your eyes.
You smirked slightly 'Yeah, he's doing it again. He got curious about me and is trying to find out, what happened to me. His interests grew because I'm acting so secretive...!' you thought. 'Hmmm, I'm in a mood to confuse our little him a bit...' you smirked and had to stifle a giggle.

"Now let me tell you some of the reasons, that I suddenly remembered." you told him and he only nodded his head softly as a sign for you to start and so you did.
"First, I think criminals wouldn't only hide their last name, they would hide their full name and beware any contact with people they don't know. Especially you, I don't think, that any criminal would want to talk to you. You would scare them and they may think, you are either Kira or an investigator searching for them..." you giggled about the first reason, while watching Hideki, even if you already knew, that he would act coldly and show no emotion as usual...
"That's clear. But I wonder, why you are getting this idea now and not when we were discussing it..." Hideki said coldly.
You bit your lip. "I dunno. Maybe it's because you said it suddenly and scared me so that my panic made it hard for me to think clearly..." You fessed up coldly. "Yeah, that's understandable." Hideki returned and you continued with the second point.

"And for the fact, that I may investigate in this case, I would use an Alias and also tell the whole name of the Alias to not get suspicious and act normally."
Another reason, that was mentioned before was, that if it turns out, that Kira is a human and he wants to kill you, he won't be able to do that as long as he doesn't know your full name. Therefore he has to get your full name to be able to kill you. But even then, he would fail, because he only got your alias. And when he noticed, that you are still alive, he will immediately suspect you of investigating against him, which will get you into trouble. But as long as he doesn't have your real full name, he must discover it. While that, you will certainly notice his weird behavior and his try to find out your real name. Then you will know, that he is nobody but Kira...!
But of course, you didn't plan to tell Hideki about it.

"But, It's also not impossible, that you are only putting a show and trying to confuse me!" Hideki argued and waited for your answer. "In this case, I'm not putting a show, but you are right. That's not impossible!" you replied and went on. "Furthermore, Kira would only try to kill criminals and investigators, which held something against him. And as long as he isn't sure, that I'm one of them, he wouldn't kill me. As I said, the criminals would prevent any contact to people, who may be Kira or detectives, and they would easily fall into anyone's trap, but investigators would act differently. They would show courage and that they aren't afraid of him, which might provoke Kira or let him know, that these people are investigators so that he has some proof. But I, in contrast, would show him fear. I would show Kira my weakness, that will tell him, I'm afraid of him and won't be killed. I won't do anything, that would make him angry, such as being a criminal or trying to catch him...!"
In fact, that was true...
You would show Kira your weakness, but not only to survive, you would do that to win his trust, so that he won't suspect you, while you are investigating behind his back. You were not afraid of him, but why showing braveness when the opposite is more useful and safer for you?!

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