Chapter 26

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This time you had doughnuts for breakfast. Fat doughnuts filled with a lot of chocolate. You needed the chocolate. And you needed the coffee.

You remembered when you used to study for your school exams... One thing that made you concentrate well on your studies was eating. You had to eat sweets or snacks while studying. It just made your mind clear and gave you the ability to understand everything a lot easier.

And now, here you were. Sitting on a chair in your balcony starring at the doughnut. You didn't need it for studying. You didn't even go to university as planned. But that was okay for you.

Because you were involved in the greatest crime case ever and you were so close to solving it. If the university didn't guarantee your future, then this case will. 'If I ever get out of it alive...' you worried.

You took a sip of your coffee and bit into the doughnut. You had to focus now. Think about all information that you knew by now and find a way to use them. In the beginning, you thought that Hideki will help you or be a connection between you and L, but you didn't hear of him for months now... You knew that Mr. Mogi was also part of the Taskforce, but talking to him was a bad idea. It was a bad idea to even try and contact L! You didn't know how much Light was involved in the Taskforce and as long as he was there, there was no chance for you to tell any of the investigators the truth without Light suspecting anything or perhaps finding out about it. If they investigators believed you that is...

'So what's my next move?' You thought and browsed in your black notebook. 'I'm not even 100% sure if my new theory is correct... Speaking of my new theory, I didn't even write it down.' You realized and opened the book to a blank page.

Theory(3): Light is Kira - Misa is Kira2

You didn't have to write down more since you already noted down everything that you thought and found out in Misa Amane's house. You really had to keep this book secret. 'If Kira ever finds it, then I'm dead!' You let out a laugh and took a bite of the doughnut. You felt the taste of the chocolate cream spread in your mouth and enjoyed every bit of the delicious meal.

'What aboooouuuut.... I find a way to prove my theory. Something that can tell me for sure that Misa is Kira2 and Light is Kira.' You thought that this was a good start. 'L could prove Kira's existence my trapping him and the NPA could prove Kira2's existence by her different behavior. If Kira2 was really in jail, then she wouldn't be able to answer any messages and.... if Kira was really working with the Taskforce, then he wouldn't do any steps by his own. The NPA faked Kira to keep in touch with Kira2. Kira probably kept an eye on Kira2 that way. If I was to send another worldwide message to them... and my theory was correct, then Kira2 would not answer it, but the Taskforce.' you realized and took a sip of your coffee.

The message that you will have to come up with should get their focus, but what could you say? You browsed in your notebook again and read some of the notes until you were confident, that you had the perfect idea!

'What if I pretend, that I am the real Kira2?' you asked yourself and imagined it. 'Both, the Taskforce and Kira know that they caught Kira2, so it will surely be interesting for them. Kira2 can't answer or deny it since she is behind bars and I think, the Taskforce would either want to find me or tell me that I'm lying... or would they ignore me?' you were deep in thoughts and tried to think of all possibilities that might come out.

'I need to include something in the message that will make them NOT ignore me...' Again you browsed your notebook and your eyes stopped at your plan of meeting the Kira's. 'Wait! last time when I sent a message, Kira2 revealed that a third Kira existed... I'm not sure, but it is possible that L and his team will conclude from this, that I am the third Kira. If that was really what will happen, then they won't lose their interest, but try to catch me. And even if they caught me, I won't be in danger since Hideki knows me and he will make clear to L that I'm innocent or being an idiot by executing this plan on my own. Maybe I will even get the chance to talk to him privately and warn them about Light.' You realized and a smile appeared on your lips. It was time to come up with a worldwide message then!

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