Chapter 4

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Btw -> '..' <- these I use for thoughts and -> ".." <- these I use for normal dialog when they say something]

The secretive guy opened the door of the coffee shop with a small smile on his pale face, as he waited for you to enter first. You smiled back. 'That was sweet! I think he is not as weird as he looks like!' you thought as you walked in.
The first thing you noticed was the warm smell of sweet buns and cake, but before you had the chance to look for a table, a short blond woman came up to you. "May I show you to a table?" she asked. You could perceive her personality from her face. She seems more arrogant and strict than friendly. "Yes, please." The boy answered.
The waitress started to give him weird glances, but he actually didn't care and kept acting coldly.
"Follow me" the waitress started to go ahead and you followed her.

"Can I take your order, please?" the waitress was holding a pen to a pad of paper and asked you after you sat down in front of each other on the table. She was still looking rudely at the mysterious young man while waiting for your order. Every time, she was giving the strange boy rude glances, which was annoying you and making you with the time angry, that you couldn't tolerate it longer. You really wanted to kick her ass for looking so rudely, but when you turned to the quiet boy to see how he reacts, you were surprised. "Huh?? Why is his face expression soo cold?? Looks like he actually doesn't care..." you said to yourself and a smile flitted across your face.

'That's stupid...! I'm about to kick the waitress for being so rude to a boy, that I met just now, while HE actually doesn't care about what she is doing or how she is acting toward HIM.' you said to yourself and smiled again. 'I've to calm down and pretend everything is alri...'You stopped when you noticed his sitting position.
He was sitting with his knees on his chest. 'Is that the reason for the rude glances of the waitress? And why is he sitting like that and not normally like the way other people do???' you wondered.

"I'll take a big piece of strawberry cake and a sweet tea, please." the waitress noticed his order and turned to you. "What about you, madam?" she asked you but was still giving him some distrustful glances, while waiting for your order.
"Uhh..umm.." Actually, you were thinking the whole time about the weird boy and the rude waitress, that you forgot to think about what you were going to order.
"She will also take a strawberry cake and...What drink do you prefer?" The emotionless boy said instead of you.
"Uh yeah, a strawberry cake and a (coffee sort), please!" you said and were thankful, that he ordered instead of you. "In a minute!" the waitress said as she went to place your order.

"You will love the strawberry cake." Hideki told you, when the waitress went.
You just smiled.
Then started to stare at him.
You were confused.
'Mmmm...! That's the first time I see someone sitting like that!' you thought. The black haired guy noticed your confused face expression and kinda knew the reason for it. "If you are wondering about how I'm sitting, then you have to know, that if I sit the way other people do, my reasoning ability drops by 40%" he explained fluently without thinking about what he is saying.
"Oh, ok, good to know." you replied quickly. "And yeah, thank you for helping me to order!" you added with a small smile and then started to wonder. '40%? I wonder where he got the exact percent number from!'

"By the way, I'm Hideki Ryuga. May I know your name?" You couldn't notice any feelings in his voice.
'Of course I'm going to tell you my name, but not my real name, Hideki...!'You smirked inside.
You were not going to tell anyone your real name. Even the college you were gonna go to, only knew your fake name. This way is safer for you. You came here to Japan to study at the college.
But why especially Japan? You could go to USA or UK or any other country!
...It was the Kira case...
This case is the real reason for you deciding to come to Japan.

Your dream is to become a detective or investigator just like L. You knew exactly you could do it and that you have the talent for it (talent for becoming a detective not being like L...). In your free time, you were solving crimes to improve and test your talent and your power of deduction.
You wanted to show your talent and take part in solving the Kira case. The whole world is investigating it, and as it looks like, Kira is very strong. You had the feeling, that L will have to work hard on this case to solve it. But you knew he can and will do it. You believed in the worlds greatest detective.
But now it was your turn...
Your turn to show the world, that you exist...
That you are good enough to investigate it...
But that would be difficult if you are far away from all the happenings. You have to be as near as possible to the place where everything is happening.
The place where everything started. And maybe you will find here any hints, that could help you along.

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