Chapter 16

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As usual when you couldn't find anything new about Kira on TV, you went online to that website that posted everything about Kira. People were free to make articles or comments about Kira in an extra section. Once you were on the website, you changed the order from most clicked articles to latest.
The latest thing posted on this website was 19 minutes ago saying "ATTENTION. SAKURA TV HAS IMPORTANT NEWS ABOUT KIRA. NEWS START AT 5:50 PM!" you immediately looked at the clock which showed 5:57 PM. 'Oh shit...' you thought as you jumped up from the chair of your Hotel room and grabbed your notebook before you ran to the TV and turned it on. As fast as you could, you went on the channel Sakura TV and turned up the volume . "...In other words, we are broadcasting not only because we are Kira's hostages, but also because its our duty as reporters. Please understand, that this is not fake and we are not airing this to be sensationalistic." The reporter took a break and you carefully listened to his words. "Four days ago, four tapes were sent to the director of this show. Without a doubt they were sent by Kira. The first tape predicted the times of death of two criminals, who were recently arrested. Then, the next day, those two criminals died, just as predicted. Kira instructed us to broadcast this second tape at exactly 5.59 PM today. It contains predictions of murders, that will prove he is the real Kira. It also contains a message to the whole world. Please watch..." you were confused about what was going on, but you were also curious to know what this message was. The screen changed to a white background with Kira's signature placed in the middle of the screen. Then, a censored voice sounded.

"I am Kira. If this video was aired at exactly 5.59 PM on April 18th, it is now 5:59:47 - 48 - 49 - 50. Please change the channel to SunTV. The anchor, Mr. Hibima Kazuhiko will die of a heart attack at exactly 6.00 PM." Kira predicted and you changed the channel immediately to see a dead man on a desk right in front of the screen. Some people who were probably his assistances ran to him and started to shout. The camera turned away from the scene and you quickly changed back to SakuraTV.

"Mr. Hibima kept emphasizing in his broadcasts, that Kira was evil." The voice reasoned. "This is his punishment. I will sacrifice one more person. My target is a commentator who is scheduled to appear live on NHNTV and who has condemned me! Mr. Momaizumi Seiji." in disbelief you changed the channel one more time to see that the prediction came true. "What on earth...." you were shocked and changed back to SakuraTV to continue listening to Kira's message.

"Now you will all believe that I am Kira. Please listen carefully. I do not want to kill innocent people. I hate evil and I love justice." Kira started and you were confused. "Yeah, I saw that. No clue what you mean by justice though! It didn't look like the kind of justice that I know. You just killed two innocent reporters!!" you complained. "I think of the police not as my enemies, but as my allies. My goal is to create a world without evil. If you all want it, it can easily be accomplished. If you do not try to catch me, innocent people will not die. Even if you don't agree with me as long as you don't announce your views in the media I will not kill you."

"So much to not killing innocent people.... He wants to kill them, if the police doesn't follow his orders. This person is insane!" you thought. "When Kira killed Lind L. tailor on TV, it was because this man provoked Kira. But the real reason behind his death was because he claimed to be L. And Kira was after L in order to get rid of his worst enemy. Kira first seemed to appear as an intelligent man, but now he is just being contradictory."

"Now please wait for a little while. Our world will become one. That everyone will approve of. I will change this filthy world into a new world with only people who are kind of heart. Just imagine it. The worlds police and I will make this world to a better place..." Kira's speech was interrupted all of a sudden and an empty black-white screen appeared for a short moment, before a new view of a closed building replaced it. A female reporter spoke. There was a tone of hysteric in her voice: "We interrupt our program to bring you a life footage from just outside SakuraTV. Please look, someone has collapsed! This is a life feed of the front of Sakura TV." the reporter panicked.

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