chapter 37

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L's Point of View

It was fascinating how much things were out there that humans didn't know about. As a detective, I only took realistic and provable facts serious and kept the rest in the back of my mind, if I did not ignore it. Apparently, shinigamis do really exist and it was one of them who killed me. As a turn of events though, this shinigami made a mistake and broke a rule when she tried to kill me. She did that to save the human-being Misa Amane, which -as I suspected- was Kira2. As a result of that mistake, I was turned into a new creature and given a second chance. All I know is, that the way I spend my remaining years of life as this half human-half shinigami creature will determine if I turn back into a human or change and become a shinigami forever.

I was stunned when I learned of all this. Who knew that there was so much out there...

It's cool that I am part of this. And even cooler is, that I'm still here to take down Light, who -as I knew- is Kira. While he believes that he finished me off, the game still continues and I am certain that I will win this war. Finding out that Light is Kira didn't ruin the game for me. I'm still challenged to find proof that will be enough to take him down.

When I came back as this strange creature, I first had to figure out how I worked and what human features I still had. It turned out that, like shinigamis, only those humans who touched my death note could see me.

Yes, I do own a death note, but I don't plan on using it, because that would be a typical act for a shinigami and using the note will make me transform into one of them. The downside of being a death god is, that I will forget my life as a human and live as a bored death god with no memories. I can't do that while Kira still runs free trying to take over the world.

I also need to sleep just like a human does, but that is no problem for me since I'm an insomniac. I need to eat and drink too and I need to be careful when I eat because flying food that disappears bit by bit is all that humans will see.


As a creature that no one could see, I followed people around and stalked them without them knowing about it. Also, I wasn't breaking any rules of privacy disturbance, since I wasn't a human being. Well, that was what I told myself, but no one was going to find out anyway, so I didn't care much about it.

I found myself often appreciating this turn of events. That way I could find out so many more things much easier. Just like I quickly found out that Light was Kira. I'm never wrong, so it didn't surprise me, but it felt good stalking him and learning more about his secret plans and conversations. Now I just needed to find proof and bring them to a person who would then put Light behind bars and close the case for once and for all... If I didn't find a way back to being a human by then, that was.

I followed around a lot of people to find out what they were hiding, who they truly were and who I could trust the most. My successor Near seemed the most suitable. He was very clever, didn't let his emotions drive him and he was already in action. What surprised me most, was (Your Real Name)'s actions. I was amazed by how she managed to get herself into the Taskforce and play a two-faced game in front of Light. She was very careful, sneaky and thought about her actions well before acting upon them. Her cooperation with the SPK and how she sneaked the note out on the days where she watched over it were well done.

I remembered when I first saw her walking towards me. I knew there was something special about her, but I never knew what. 'Perhaps she is the key to ending this case...' I thought to myself. When I followed her around, I went through her things. There was a hidden black notebook that I found. Her goal was to go for Kira's killing skills while others busied themselves with catching Kira. She mentioned an old library where she found information about shinigamis and death notes. (Your Real Name) was indeed an interesting person. She got closer to the truth than any other detective did, because of her different thinking and the choice to go after legend and myths. I would never act like that. It's unprofessional and it had a low rate of success. (Your Real Name) really got lucky this time.

After I read the shinigami story that she translated, I went to that library and ended up reading almost every book looking for hints that could help me come back as a human, but with no success. The shinigami story that she translated was actually about a half shinigami who refused to use the death note because of his human side. He ended up dying without finding a way back to his true form.

'What is the secret of acting very humanly, that would put an end to my strange creature and cause me to turn back into my old and true form?' I asked myself, but it was very hard to find the answer to this question. I got the remaining years of life from Rem, but I will live much less than her since a shinigami doesn't have a limited lifespan but humans do. Those years of life that I got have been converted into human years and as a result, I only got 3 years 10 months and 29 days to live. This should be enough to catch Kira and hopefully find a way back. Using or not using the note will both result in me dying. Because what should I do in the form of a shinigami with no memories of my life? ...

Unlike humans, shinigamis can see me. When Ryuk saw me he was speechless but it amused him so much that he couldn't stop laughing for a while. I guess I was lucky that he was a laid-back shinigami who had no interest in joining a side. He didn't tell Light about me and chose to see the world as an entertainment show. I spent some time with him at first and tried to get information out of him that could be helpful in getting me back to my old form. He did tell me about his life as a shinigami and about the shinigami world, but he didn't even know that half shinigamis like me existed. He was just a useless low-criminal of the shinigami world to me.

What worries me most at this point is (Your Real Name). She took some very risky actions and got close to Light. On her own, she doesn't stand a chance against Light, unless she disappears as soon as possible, before Light figures out her real name through Misa. I know for a fact that Misa didn't make a pact with a shinigami to get the eyes yet, but that could change at any moment. Light suspected (Your Real Name) from the very beginning, just like she suspected him. And just like she knew a lot about him, he stalked her and found out a lot about her too. They just didn't know that the other did their homework causing them both to underestimate the other.

Light planned to kill (Your Real Name) on the capture of Higuchi. He noted down on the death note that was with him, that she would be the one who captured Higuchi, but then he would break free from her, steal a gun and shoot her and the other members of the SPK before shooting himself. But since her name was false, this scenario didn't occur and Higuchi died of a heart attack instead.

I've tried to contact (Your Real Name) by putting my note on her desk and waiting for her to come back and see it. There was a lot that I needed to talk about with her and warn her that she should cancel the testing with the SPK on the day where Light changed his shift with her. She was skeptical towards Lights request but she didn't have any clue what he possibly wanted.

To my surprise, however, it was Light and Aizawa who sneaked into her apartment instead. Unlucky for me that they saw the note for an instant before I could take it back to my possession. I never thought this little incident would be huge for Light. It made him hesitate with killing (Your Real Name) since she could be a Kira and of use to him. With my little accident, I actually bought her more time.

He started talking less to Misa after that, probably because he suspects that there could be a shinigami spying on him. It was true. I was there, but I wasn't her shinigami...

Nor was (Your Real Name) another Kira who was against him. This is what I think Light believes. That she is another death note user that he can't control and so, he cannot trust her. I will have to follow Light around a little more until I find out more about what is going on on Lights mind. And I have to warn (Your Real Name) in case she is in danger.

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