Chapter 42

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After you finished eating, Misa Amane gave you a sad look. "I'm sorry, (Your Real Name)."

You felt heat rising in your head leaving the rest of your body cold. Dizzy at the thought of her apologizing while using your real name, you only stared at how Misa slowly got up and left your table.

Was she going to kill you?

You only had this one thought in mind, when all of a sudden you noticed three men entering the coffee shop once Misa was gone. Two of them blocked the entrance while the other one hurried to you. Two other men, who were sitting in nearby tables got up and hurried to you as well.

It was a trap.

Those men belonged to the police.

You knew that.

You knew there was no way to escape.

You knew that they had you.

So you just let them handcuff you and drag you out of the shop without resisting, while customers watched the scene in fear and surprise.

Quietly, you got into the car and let them take you away.

You said no word.

You showed no emotion.

You only stared out of the window until the car reached the building that you escaped from with Aizawa's help almost a week ago.

The police officers were working with the taskforce under the command of Light Yagami. After you contacted him a few days ago, he must have told the detectives about your call.

'What are you planning, Light...' That man was a mystery to you.

The armed men brought you into the building, where all your belongings were taken away from you. You put on the annoying prison uniform and let a guard drag you into a new cell that was located in the underground. Its door was very heavy and there was no window in the room. You noticed a narrow vent in the metal door that was probably there to bring food to you without having to open the door. It seemed like the door would never be opened. There seemed to be no possibility for an escape.

"Dammit!" You cursed out loud once the door was locked behind you.

'What now?' You nervously walked up and down the small distance between wall and door. 'How long will I be here...?' You asked yourself. 'I know that it won't be for long. Either the detectives will come to talk to me or to try to make me confess something that I haven't done... Either that or I will die first...' You got nervous and hoped that Light will hear you out first before deciding to kill you.

You sat down on the edge of your new bed and sighed. 'I mean... He saw the death note... Doesn't he at least want to get my note before killing me??? Or know who I really am???' You hoped that you were right. You turned to where your pillow was situated, grabbed it and squeezed your face into it, while you let out all the frustration and shock by screaming as loud as you could into the pillow.

It has been a long day, but you didn't know that this day would get so much longer.

You had no idea about Lights plan.

Nor if this would end well or not.

A few hours have passed but you were still alive.

You heard noises on the white metal door that probably originated from the lock. A few moments later the door was opened and you stood in the middle of the room to face your first guest. It was Light Yagami. "I will be fine, you can leave me here alone." He said to the guard and stepped into the cell. The guard closed and locked the door, leaving the two of you alone surrounded by four walls.

Fated to not die - Death Note FF [Reader choose what happens next]Where stories live. Discover now