Chapter 25

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It was dark.

And quiet.

So quiet, that the only noise that you could hear, was your own breath.

Your calm breath and your feet stepping on the soft grass.

You came close to the house from the other side. The street was a little bit too risky.

You looked at the huge house and noticed a pattern that was made of wood and decorated with plants on the wall. One of its sides was reaching the ground and the other one was reaching the balcony of the second floor. "Looks like a way I could use to get in!" you thought as you looked behind you to check whether someone was watching you or not, and then you started climbing up this 'Ladder'. After a few steps, you stopped climbing to check if the ladder was really stable. You didn't want to risk falling down and breaking your bones. The ladder seemed to be able to carry your weight, so you made your way up to the balcony. Once again, you checked your surroundings, but no soul was there. You lifted your black mask and went closer to the glass door of the balcony and kneeled down. From your rucksack, you took a glass cutter, that you got before coming to the house. You cut a rectangle into the glass that was big enough for you to fit in, but before you slid yourself into the house, you took out a small towel from your rucksack and put it on the lower end of the hole. You didn't want to risk cutting yourself and leaving blood or any fibers on the glass that might help the police with getting you. You wanted to get rid of the towel later anyways.

Once you were inside the house, you checked the ceiling and walls for any hidden cameras, but there were none. 'Maybe this was Misa's private house and she usually spends her time somewhere else. That's why she didn't secure this place properly.' You thought and started checking the living room for anything suspicious.

After it turned out that the room was clean, you started examining every other room. Most of the rooms were clean and it looked like no one entered them for quite a while. At the end of the corridor, you opened the last door and found what you didn't expect to find. A room that was different from all the others. The ground had a black and white chest pattern, the walls were colored in light purple, but the decoration of this room... "Damn..." You thought astonished. "Is that... Misa's room...?" You asked yourself doubtful. Most of the furniture were colored in pitch black or bloody red. On the shelf, you saw a couple of dolls. You went closer and noticed that one doll represented a reaper, another one an emo-girl, and another one a rabbit, and the last one a ghost,...

On the wall left from the shelf, there was a TV on top a small drawer that had only one door. The door had engravings that revealed several scalps and red roses. There was also a human-sized death god with a black long robe and a silver scythe in his right hand, that had a long blade. On the left hand, the death god held a glowing sphere. 'That room is creepy...' You thought and looked around. Next to the bed, there was a candlestick on top of a drawer. The candle was turned off and above it, a huge cross stuck out. Right on top of the bed, two black sheets were hanging on the wall. The looked like curtains and made the room look gloomier.

Someone who was interested in dark things could only be having dark secrets. People like that usually feel down to a point, where they start feeling numb. Instead of feeling sadness, madness, anger, they just sit calmly there and feel how their heart is aching. Something must have happened to them, that pushed them into the dark deep sea. They keep sinking and sinking, the water gets colder and colder, darker and darker. They just watch how the surface is going further and further away. They don't know what to feel, what to think, what to do. They hide from the public, because they feel misunderstood, or perhaps they feel different, and socialize a lot to show everyone that they are normal like them because they don't like the way they turned into. They want to hide everything and maybe escape reality by being around others...

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