Chapter 43

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You started overthinking and your heart was beating very hard as you waited to hear Light's thoughts: "I see..." he brought out thoughtfully and explained his line of thought a moment later: "You have made too many mistakes. The task force knows about your betrayal to them and about the death note that was seen in your place. The outcome of the last rule made them believe in my innocence and question yours instead. They suspect you of being Kira. I can't think of a way to get you out of this situation without making you have to stay on the run and hide for the rest of your life. I can't risk having any contact with you unless I want to make things more difficult for myself. I only have one goal, you know that!" Light explained the situation. He sounded calm but there was concern in his voice.
"So, what are your plans for me??" You were impatient. "I appreciate your efforts and help and I don't want your life to go to waste." Light paused. "There is something you could do for our goal. It would make a huge difference, but it will cost your life." He tried to manipulate you. "Because I'm dying anyway??" You raised an eyebrow. You didn't like where this was going.
"Yes. The crimes that you have committed are punished by the death sentence. There is no way out of this, even if it may take a while, according to the rule of the death note you will die in 13 days because you have used it." Light explained and you widened your eyes: "BUT-", you wanted to protest when all of a sudden you realized that telling Light about the truth will make things worse. You couldn't mention to him that you have never used the death note before. Instead, you came up with a better idea: "Why don't you let me live through the 13 days and conclude with the Taskforce, that I'm alive because I have never used the note and therefore I cannot be Kira." Light looked at you for a moment. "This doesn't change anything about your betrayal, releasing secret information and stealing the death note with your accomplice Aizawa." He explained and you sighed. You tried hard to argue against Light, but he always had a reason against your argument. You had to think harder if you wanted to continue living... While you were sitting on the bed lost in your messy mind, Light closed the notebook, hid it behind his shirt again and walked towards you. Then he sat down next to you on the bed.

"You are welcome." Light brought out in a calm tone without moving. Confused, you turned to him. "For what?" You questioned and he turned to you: "For saving your life when two men attacked you. You wanted to thank Kira for that, remember?" He explained. "Oh." You brought out calmly, almost sounding tired.

"Maybe fate wanted me to save you back then because we would end up in a situation, where I will need you. Your death has been delayed for a purpose." Light tried to calm you down. You had a feeling that he would say anything to make use of your life for his benefit. He wasn't wrong, though. The goal that he was working for was not selfish. He was trying to save the innocent and the poor. Creating a saver life for them, not for himself. He wanted a better life for everyone. His intention was pure. 'Were...' you corrected your thoughts. 'When did he turn into this evil killer? He became selfish and has no problems using or killing innocent people for his reasons now...' You sighed again.

"So, if I'm dying anyway I should die for a good cause. What do you have in mind?" You wanted him to get to the point. "I want you to help me get rid of N. He is slowing me down. I can't fully focus on making the world a better place if I have to worry about him interrupting." He started. "Since you were in contact with N, I thought that you could lure him out. He is on his own right now and would probably work with you if you suggested that." "Do you want me to meet him?" You questioned. "No." Light replied and got up. "I want you to call for a detective and say that you want to confess." He started walking back and forth while telling you about his plan. "Tell them that you have betrayed them but that you are not Kira. They won't believe you, of course, but tell them that you can get the N and the note back. They won't allow you to go to meet N personally, but we will agree on letting you call N to tell him that you want to meet him. Tell him that we arrested you, but let you out again because of a lack of evidence. He will come to the meeting where we will be waiting for him- Well, Misa will be there to make sure to get his name and that's it. You don't need to worry about the rest. Once you do your part you have helped me a lot." He stopped walking back and forth and looked deep into your eyes instead. "I'll try to convince the task force after that, that you told the truth and that you are not a threat to us because you have helped us with our investigation. I'll tell them to set you free and watch over you until we have proof to back up the accusations. You won't have to die if they all agree on that decision. However, the chance of that happening is low, so if they haven't decided or decided against it, I'll have to kill you to keep my innocence to be able to make our dream come true." He explained and seemed full of sympathy and hope. For a second you believed him. He seemed very concerned about you, but strong enough to sacrifice you for a dream and future that's bigger than all of you.


Hello my beloved reader!

This is just a small message from me to inform you that I will continue this story, so don't worry.

I'm just stuck on the ending.

If I take too long to write a full chapter, I'll just update with what I have so far.

Thanx for reading and understanding.

I love you and I hope you are enjoying the story c:

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