Chapter 13-1

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You screamed one last time. Then you lost your voice.
Your arms stopped trying to loose the grasp around your neck and fell to your side.
Your legs gave up too.
Physically you were like a doll. Not able to move anything.
It was over.
That was your last exhausted thought when the man finally dropped. You smacked the ground. Even though he let you go, you didn't move or try to reach for oxygen. You didn't even know if you were still breathing or alive.
Soon, you stopped perceiving your surrounding and everything went dead black.


You recognized voices.
A conversation.
First, it was very quite and unclear. But as time passed, the voices became louder and you could receive snatches of the conversation.
You were slightly becoming conscious.
Then silence.
A door closed.
You waited.
Kept lying at whatever you were lying at. It felt soft and comfortable. But there was also pain, that you could feel. Only when you focused on it, you felt it.
Slowly you opened your eyes. You stared at the white ceiling above you.
Then your head turned to the right.
A window.
A house plant.
An appliance.
And a small TV.
This didn't look like your house.
Do you have enough energy to sit up?
You tried.
And succeeded.
Now you noticed, that you were sitting on a white bed.
With a white blanket.
And a white pillow.

"Great, you're getting better!" A voice interrupted.
First, you were confused and tried to figure out where this voice was coming from, but when you turned to your left, you realized that you weren't alone in this room. A black haired guy was sitting with his bare feet on an arm chair and his knees were on his chest.
This person was no one else but Hideki.
"Uhh..." you only stared at him. "How do you feel?" He questioned to interrupt the silence.
"Where am I?" It was the only thing you wanted to know for now. Your voice sounded surprisingly rough, which caused you to cough. But you realized that coughing was a bad idea when you felt a sharp pain in your throat.
"In a hospital. Do you remember what happened before you were brought in here?" It took you a while to realize what he said. "Before I was brought in here?" you were confused and tried to remember. But your mind was completely blank. It was still sleeping. Soon, you gave up and ended up staring at Hideki with a hopeless expression. "I... I don't remember anything." you brought out. "You were sleeping for a week. Your condition was pretty bad when they found you. It looked like you had a bad fight...." His boring voice sounded and he paused so that you had time to remember and work out what he just said. It didn't take you too long to decide, that it was hopeless to give it another try. You knew you needed to rest and get better.

"Hideki...! Stop saying weird things! You only confuse me. I feel tired. I wanna rest. My head feels heavy and my mind empty!" you told him. As an answer, he shrugged his shoulders. "If you think that's better for you, then I will no longer disturb you..." He said and stood up. His hands disappeared inside his pockets and he started to walk. First you thought he was heading to the door to leave you, but instead, he stopped in front of the TV. Under the TV was a chest of drawers. He opened the first drawer and you watched him taking out something.
He then turned away from the drawer and went over to your bed. With thumb and index finger he was holding some kind of medicine. With his other hand, he was holding a glass of water. You took the glass of water from him and waited for him to give you the medicine. "One pill of this one 3 times a day 30 minutes before you eat and..." he reached for a small brown jar on the table next to your bed. "...20 ml of this one every night before you sleep. A full spoon totals up to 21.6 ml, but that extra 7.41 % won't harm you..." Hideki said fluently and you didn't get it. But you said nothing. Instead, you took one pill and lied back on your bed.

Hideki stayed the whole time with you in the hospital. You didn't know why he was wasting his time here when he had lots of work to do. 'Yet again he investigates with L, which means...' you shocked. 'Wait....Where.....What.....How...' Your back ran up and you were sitting again. With a shocked face expression, you turned to Hideki, who was giving you a questioning look. Since your mind was much clearer now, you decided you speak.
"Hideki..?" your craggy voice sounded. Hideki didn't move. He reminded you of an owl with his big eyes fixed on you. "What is it, (YN)?" he finally replied. "Why are you here, anyway? I think you are only wasting your time!" you told him and he gave you the most simple answer.
"Because I am the only friend or relative you have in this country."
Hideki stood up and walked with a hunched back to the window. His hands were inside the pockets of his baggy blue jeans. Once he was there, he stared out of the window, before he started to talk. "You were found in the middle of the night, lying unconsciously on the ground of a dangerous neighborhood. You were seriously injured and your vitals were in a bad condition. You were in intensive care for a week before your state improved and you were moved to this station." Hideki explained and then turned to you. He skipped out the unnecessary parts that you didn't have to know now. "My number was the only one they could define as Japanese on your phone, so the police informed me about everything and I came." Hideki made some steps in your direction. "I was waiting for you to wake up." There was slight excitement in his voice now. "What caught my interest was, that you were not the only one they found in that dark alleyway..." He made some more steps in your direction and you waited for him to continue. "Two other men were found in the same place. Both dead. One of them had bad injuries on his head but this didn't cause his death. He died one hour after the other man. Both deaths were caused by heart attacks..." Now he looked at you in anticipation. What he just told you went through your mind several times. You replied these information again and again in your head and could feel it. The memories were there. But still out of reach. You closed your eyes and tried to focus on them. Your heart was pounding against your head, but you tried to push this away.

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