Chapter 14-2

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After Hideki left and you rested for a bit, you got up since you remembered that you wanted to research. So you sat in front of your computer and started your research widely.


That was what you typed first.
And just as you expected, many articles popped up. You started scrolling down, while reading what each article was about. There was a forum with the subject 'Kira is a god'. Interested in what people might have shared in this forum, you opened it and started to read the conversation, that seemed like a fight between different users.
'Kira is god! He finally couldn't bare watching how crime has destroyed the peace on earth!' a user wrote. As an answer he received the following: 'No you dumb ass! A god would not kill his own people, but change them. God would fill hearts with peace and not just kill them all like Kira does!'
Another comment said: 'That's true! God can do anything so surely he wouldn't hurt people or let them hurt others. Kira is evil and not God.'
'No one of you understands! Allah is the only merciful and powerful God. Humans are responsible for their own deeds and will get what they deserve one day. Kira is just an evil after criminals!'
'This is our world and we are responsible for what happens here. We have to catch Kira!'
'We?! you mean this greatest detective with his Einstein brain has to catch him! Is he on vacation or why the hell is Kira still free?'
'Bastard, shut your mouth! L is only human! He did a great job in finding out so much already. Can you do better and find someone who kills like a ghost?'
'Is that a religious fight or what?! I shit you not, but Kira is our lord. And a lord is not easy to catch by a normal detective, who let crime happen then catches the bad guys!'
'Kira is the first one who thought of risking himself and his life to save innocent people and to change the world for the next generations! Dare one tell me he is a criminal and I'll hunt you down!'

You were quite deep in reading this conservation and were surprised at how many followers Kira already had.
You kept on reading.

'If Kira is our Lord, he is not a good one, dude. Tell me why your lord uses death to rid the world of crime? Can't he use mercy or anything not evil like death?!'
'Fact: crime in the whole world is decreasing by 40%! That's what the police said. Sooner or later crime in the world will sink by 100% and no one will dare to steal sweets, because of the fear that Kira could kill them. Isn't that a perfect world that everyone wishes for? So why are you dumb asses complaining at the way he uses to reach his and our goal?!'
'Your God is called Kira. Taken from the English word killer! Are you proud of your death god?'

'Death god..' you said to yourself and stopped reading. 'L do you know... Shinigami's...they love apples.' you remembered the mysterious message, that was left by Kira. 'Shinigami's are death god's in the Japanese world. Kira must had his reason to meation shinigami's instead of death god's.

Every culture has its own death god's.' you bit your lip softly as you continued to think. 'Hmm, I guess I'll see if I can find something about death god's first. If I'm unlucky in my research, then I'm going to focus on Shinigami's. I'm sure Kira left some important Information in his messages, but he knew, that it will seem like a nonsense and provoking step to L and the others.'
'Thank you!' you said to the forumas you opened a new site.
Death gods. That's what you were looking for.
The culture with the most death gods was the Egyptian culture. They had about 30 gods only in the category death and the underworld. But you weren't interested in them.
Abe, Kamui, Emma-o, Izanami.
You found only these related to death in the Japanese culture. 'Hmmm, this doesn't sound well.' you thought. 'They didn't mention anything about Shinigami's. I know nothing about Shinigami's and there is almost nothing known about them, even though they do exist in very old Japanese legends.' you were disappointed.

There is soo much on the Internet, but very little useful Information. Even when you tried searching for Shinigami's or any myths related to them you couldn't find anything useful.

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