Chapter 35

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One week passed and so far everything went according to plan. The results of last weeks experiments came back positive, just like the ones you conducted with the SPK. After the agents were done testing rules 6, 1 and 4, they ran a few different tests to ascertain how far the note can control a victims behavior and what limitations there might be. You remembered the pictures of dead criminals that Hideki showed you in the hospital, where they all did strange things before they died and agreed with N to run similar tests. N confirmed Hideki's theory. Apparently, it was true that a death note user could not make criminals do anything. They could only do what was physically possible. Otherwise, they would just die of a heart attack. One thing was clear to you. Once a name was written down, the person had to die. It didn't matter if the death was specified or not. The clock would start ticking once the full name was down on the paper of the cursed book. There was no reset or whatsoever.

Your team scheduled the shifts in a way that an agent would always guard the note at night during those 13 days. You had 3 shifts at night in total and you planned to conduct as many experiments with the SPK as you could during those 3 nights.

Tonight was the 8th day of experimenting. The 7th day if you count from when you started the testing with the SPK. And tonight was your second shift. The agent of the SPK came at 12.25 AM. You opened the vault and handed the black note over to him, that you took out of a locked metal briefcase. You planned to test rules 2 and 3 tonight with a bunch of other theories that N came up with. He didn't tell you what exactly he planned, but you weren't curious enough to ask. You were fine with waiting to hear the results that he would get from the tests. All you did was wait for whatever the outcome was, that would surely extend your knowledge of the deadly notebook, and worry about the damned rule 6, that would come to light in a week.

You wondered what Kira has done and to what extent he had used the rules to control his victims and make them do whatever was necessary for him to not be put in a risky situation. 'He could have let people murder for him instead of killing them with the notebook to distract the investigators from him. He could have let them steal something for him before killing them or even cause accidents...' You were fascinated by how powerful Kira actually was with this notebook and knew that you could never really know everything he has done.

At 5:47 AM the agent came back and handed the note back to you. You opened it and browsed through the pages to see if there were any obvious hints that the note has been used recently outside the experimenting that was led by the Japanese Task Force. The SPK agents who used the note made sure to write the names of the sentenced criminals on pages that were already covered by other names and causes of deaths. No one could risk ripping a page off the note, because if the rule was true, then everyone who ever touched it would die. After not seeing anything suspicious, you placed the note back into the vault.


"Good morning." You greeted the other Task force members when you entered the headquarters. "Hello (Your name)." Mogi replied and you saw him getting up from his monitor. You directed yourself to your computer to continue working on writing your report about the experiments that you supervised two days ago. "Hey (your fake name)." You heard Lights voice coming from behind you. When you turned to him, he went on: "Do you mind if we swap our next shift?" he got to the point and handed over a cup of hot (tea/coffee) to you. It was late afternoon already, but since you spend the last night watching over the note, you slept all morning to get some rest. You asked yourself how L used to stay awake for a couple of days with no sleep at all and still be able to focus and think perfectly clear. You have heard the other detectives, who used to work with him wonder about the same thing.

For a moment you stared at Light before taking the cup from him. It seemed strange to you that he wanted to swap his shift with you. You shift was on day 13, on the day where rule 6 would be proven. Originally, you wanted to have your shift on this particular day to make sure that Light, who you suspect of being Kira, won't interfere with the experiments by using the note. You wanted that despite the fact, that you were redoing all the experiments with the SPK. One second after suggesting that you take the last shift, you realized that what you wanted was completely stupid. 'Damn you, death note...' you cursed. 'I totally forgot that the death of a person can be written long before it actually happens... And I totally forgot that Kira still has access to Kira2's notebook to manipulate the rules if that was his intention......' you remembered, but you were already stuck with a shift on the last day for basically no purpose, until now... 'Assuming Light is Kira, he doesn't need to be near our notebook on that day. So why does he want to change his shift with me anyway?' you wondered. "Sure!" You quickly replied to Light and turned back to your monitor with the cup of (coffee/tea) in your hand. 'I have no excuses for disagreeing to swapping my shift with him.' You thought and just went with it.

Fated to not die - Death Note FF [Reader choose what happens next]Where stories live. Discover now