Chapter 2

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"I can't believe it..." A distorted voice was speaking now.

You turned the TV louder and listened closely.

"I tested it just in case, but I never thought it could actually be true..."

'A trap! I knew it!' you yelled. It felt like you were watching a movie where your favorite character was about to die but then survived.

"Kira, it seems you can kill people without having to be there in person...!"

'So he does not get close to his victims. This means Kira doesn't have to be a mafia!'

"I wouldn't have been able to believe this if I hadn't just witnessed it!" The voice continued and a moment of silence followed.

"Listen closely Kira, if you did indeed kill the man Lind.L.Tailor on screen, I can tell you, that he was, in fact, a criminal, who was due to be put to death today. That wasn't me!"

This explained why L didn't worry about risking another person's life.

"You wouldn't have heard of him on the news or through the internet. He was a criminal, who was captured by the police in absolute secrecy. Looks like not even you have information on these kinds of killer, but just like me, you certainly do exist, Kira!"

This was a proof for Kira needing a name and face to kill a person. 'What God does not have the power to know human names unless the were published somewhere?' you doubted. Moreover, it was L's plan to prove Kira's existence. 'He did make a mistake when he went against his rules and killed an innocent person!' you determined.

"Now try to kill me! Go on then, try to kill me..." L challenged Kira.

'L...!' You were amazed by his plan to trap Kira. 'No doubts! L was the worlds best detective and no one could ever surpass him. I doubt I will still be able to help him!' You let out a laugh and were sure that L will soon catch the serial murderer.

"What's wrong?" L continued.

"Go on, kill me! Come on, kill me!" He repeated over and over again. Kira was probably feeling very angry. He couldn't kill his enemy while he trapped and provoked him.

"What's the matter? Can't you do it? It seems you can't kill me! So, there are certain people you can't kill. That's a nice hint!" You kept listening to L with enthusiasm. "As a reward, I'll tell you one more thing!"

Immediately you grabbed your notebook to write down what L was going to say.

"We lied about this being a life worldwide broadcast!"

'Huh?' you expected everything, but not that. 'What does he mean with that?' You wondered.

"This announcement is currently only being broadcast across the Kanto region of Japan. We were planning to broadcast it at different times across different regions, but it seems that there is no longer any need for this...!"

He made a short break before he continued in an articulate sound.

"...I know you are in Kanto...!"

'Oh my...' you were more thrilled than before. 'One trap and he was able to figure out that Kira does exist, can kill from distance, and where he is staying at the moment! To be honest I would never ever come up with such a genius plan! But I'm not L!'

"Your first killing was overlooked by the police as it was such a small incident. However, your first victim was, in fact, the phantom killer in Shinjuku, while the other high profile criminals were dying of heart attacks!"

Quickly you noted down everything that L was saying. At the same time, you were glad that you decided to come to Kanto. Both Kira and L seem to be somewhere close by. 'There is no way I could possibly know who is L and who is Kira. Every person I meet could potentially be a serial killer, that wants to kill me because I'm investigating against him or the worlds greatest detective, who could suspect me of being Kira if I behave in a suspicious way...'

"This was one incident that stuck out as being quite a heavy punishment for a relatively low profile crime. In addition that incident was only reported in Japan. Just those pieces of information were enough for me to figure it out." L made a short break to take a breath.

"It means, that you are in Japan and that this criminal was your first experiment!"

You had to write fast to keep with him.

"Due to its large population, this announcement was first broadcasted in the Kanto region. And what luck, we found you! To be honest, I never thought it would go this smoothly! Kira, it seems like it won't be too long before I can sentence you to death. I'm curious to know how you carry out your actions, but I guess that can wait until I've caught you. Let's meet again soon, Kira."

At this point, you stopped writing and listened to L.

'So L does not have the slightest idea how Kira kills his victims?' You wondered. 'It really seems like L is only interested in catching Kira's person to put him to justice and to stop the killing.'

This made you think. What if you could focus your investigations on how Kira kills his victims? Maybe you could get lucky enough to be able to find and catch Kira. And if you work fast enough, then following Kira's way of killing might allow you to find him before L does. You completed writing and looked back at the TV screen, but L's signature was already gone.

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