Chapter 1

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Mom always says, Adira means Strong. I'm a strong girl. So, I was strong when she left me in this world to fight alone.
Not fully alone, I have one brother and Dad. Dad thought of giving us a great life even without a mom. So he worked hard , between this hard working he forget to give us attention. My brother was 12 and I was 7 when mom passed away. My brother Aman was a teenager, so drown himself in games and study. I was lost in this big house. With my pink elephant toy in my hand I walk around the house looking for peace. First I look for mom, at a time I stop looking. Because I'm a strong girl.

12 years later

I'm in my 2nd year of college. Studying psychology.

I woke up late today. In 15 minutes I was in my jeans and long tops. I comb my hair straight, apply a lip bum. Apply some lotion. I don't use perfume frequently. Taking my bag. Yeah I don't use any dupata. I like this way. When I reach downstairs, I was surprised to see dad was home.

Without saying anything I sat down to have my breakfast. Dad put down the newspaper and looked at me.

"As-salamu alaykum" Dad said. I picked up a bread and chewing it. I don't usually talk with dad. He signed .

"When I said 'As-salamu alaykum' you should reply -" I cut him.

"Wa ʿalaykumu s-salam'' I replied. He nodded. I put down my breakfast, not finishing it . Walked away from there. In this house no one care how you are? Or what is in your life? No one. Mom was the one who always do those. But now no one.

I drove all the way to school. Parking my car when a car came from behind. I pressed the break in the right moment.

"What the hell?" I opened my seatbelt and got out of the car. It was a red car. I know this car very well. Even if I look in the road I can detect it in no time.

Eshaan Ghafoor got out of his car. And his sister Maira Ghafoor also got out from the passenger seat.
Eshaan was wearing a black shirt with blue jeans. His hair was well comb. A watch hanging in his wrist. His eyes was glaring at me. Maira was in a pink long dress and matching hijab. She was beautiful .

Before anyone can say anything. Maira talked.

"Brother don't start anything." Warning his brother to stay away from me. Obviously, it's not good to be mixed with me. She didn't say anything to me thou.

"Don't you have eyes to see, I'm parking here? You want it that's why you just pull your car suddenly. What if something happened?!" And you hurt yourself. I can't say that.
My out blast was enough to get attention of people. Students were standing and seeing us.

I can see him getting angry. Only I can get under his skin. No one ever saw him angry. I showed the world that face.
Maira was getting that he was getting angry.
Because I'm blaming him.

"Brother leave it. Don't repl--" before she could say anything. I stepped down.
" Why? Is he illiterate? Can't you speak for himself?" I said Maira this time. I don't have anything against Maira. It was just went with the flow.

Eshaan had enough.

"Shut up! How dare you talk like this to my sister? You have problem with me, then throw insult at me. Don't even look at my sister. You're not qualified even to see her, let along talk with her." I don't lie it did hurt. But I'm strong. I put a cold face.

"I don't need qualification to talk with someone. That's right, this problem is in us, she was the one who get in the middle. So she got attack. Tell her not to come in between my fight--" He stepped toward me in anger. Fire was burning in his eyes.

"She didn't come in middle. She was talking with me. You came in middle and said those things. My sister, if she liked she'll suggest me, talk to me. Even talk for me. You have to right to come between me and my sister. And what you'll know. Just screaming and been stubborn doesn't give you all right. I was sorry not to see your daddy's expensive car was parking here. You can have it. " He looked away from me. Pulled his sister, make her sit. when he was about to sit in the driving seat. A boy from other class shouted.

"Eshaan you can park beside my car. It's empty. " Eshaan smiled it him.

"Thanks bro" before driving away not even throwing a glance at me. His sister did have me a pity eyes.

I was breathing hard. Too hard.
Everyone was looking at me. Disappointed.
Someone was whispering ' Ungrateful' , ' A weirdo'. Don't they have anything else to do.
Pushing the crowd, three people came forward. Without asking anything, Ali went to the car, Sara and Zoya came to me, pulling me out of there. Ali parked the car. They took me inside.

Only I don't know , one person was watching me inside his car. Closing his eyes , before leaning back to the seat.


Author Notes

Wish you all love the starting. I'm doing my best to write as much as I want. Keep loving and supporting. Love you all♥️♥️♥️

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