Chapter 39

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Adira Muntahina

We were taken to a room. I didn't make any eye contact with Eshaan after getting down from the stage. When I entered the room, I noticed there was a bed and side table and a dressing table. The room was decorated with roses. There were roses on the bed, making a heart shape with rose petals.

I took a shape, turned and looked back. Eshaan was still trying to talk with that lady. When that lady showed him her palm and called someone.
Eshaan ran his hand on his hair and after looking around, his eyes landed on me.

He didn't say anything. Not a word. He just looked away.

I felt something break inside. Which aching me a bit. I gulped down the pain and acted strong. Another foreigner type woman came.

She talked with that woman. When a teenager came inside and put down a glass of milk and some fruits.

"Okay, I will talk." She knows English. "Look, we need to go now." Eshaan said quickly. She nodded. "I'm Nora. First sit down. You two just got married –" She came inside. "We weren't supposed to marry." He said. Sadly yes.

Her eyes widened. "What?!"

"We don't have time to explain. There are people who are chasing us. We need a way to get out of here. Can you call a cab for us?"Eshaan said. That lady looked at me, pity. I looked away, crossed my arms.

"You two change. It's better that way. I will go and clear the way." She went out with a nod. Now Eshaan and I are alone in this room.
I could hear her from outside. "Poor girl. Got married unwanted."

We ignored and just stood there.

"Umm..You-you should change?" Eshaan said after signing. I was still standing there. Shallowing what happened.
"Adira…" he said a few times. And lastly he grabbed my arm and pulled me. "Adira! Are you there?" I looked at him. This man…this man has now the whole right on me.
I shoved his hold. He was startled by my reaction.

"Leave me alone." I turned my back to him.

"Sorry to say. I'm not going to leave you alone nor I'm going to listen to one more word from you. From this moment you'll only listen to me, until I hand you over your brother. " He said while I turned around. "You don't have to listen, just do your business. I'm not saying anything to you!" I shouted at him. I know this is not how I should be behaving now.

"Oh shut up Adira! Just shut up! You know what you did? For your over smart mouth we got into an unwanted marriage!! I'm having a wife like you. You can't control your own tongue, you drown yourself and pull me in." He grabbed my both arms and pulled me closer. Our chest was touching, his breath was hitting my face.
I tried to free myself but he tightened his grip. "I didn't tell you to help! I don't even want you to come. Why did you follow! I didn't tell you to run away with me there. You always get yourself with me, don't blame me alone." I freed myself and stepped back a few steps and sat on the bed.

"You walked in…" I was speaking when he cut me off. "So what you thought I would do? Watch you getting molested? Or worse rape? You were standing there on a fucking wedding alley, want me to watch you getting married to someone. Do you even be grateful for once? What if you got rape? What if you got married to someone who is abusive and forced you for physical relationship??!! No, you think short! Sorry you don't think so!" He yelled in my face.

"I could handle my fights Eshaan. I'm not weak. I know when to back up. I'm not someone who would cry for help. As for forced rape….then it is what it is……I were for him to have his desire. His needs are my duty.." I scoffed. Eshaan was dumbfounded.
He rubbed his forehead. "This girl has gone mad. You need help. Your mental health is not on track." I looked away.

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