Chapter 7

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I was now walking into the food court. There are quite few reasons I don't want to go.

One, Ali's parents are very cultural. They didn't quite liked me at first. Was very awkward around me. And once they didn't even invite me when Zoya was invited to a get together meeting with Ali's cousin and family. I was hurt I wouldn't lie but it's fine. .

Second, Eshaan is there, with his friends and cousin. Maira might liked me. Hala didn't quite impressed with me. And the friends, let's not talk about them.

And I feel different in this outfit. It's not something I wear ever.

Zoya was before me. I was a little far from her. This dupata, in struggling with it. It doesn't want to stay on my head properly. Zoya passed few tables. When she waved at someone.

"Hala." Hala? I turned my head to left and found Eshaan lifting up his eyes.

Our eyes met.

Maira looked back as she was sitting his back of us. Hala waved at us.

But my eyes were stuck with Eshaan's. Even for the first time Eshaan didn't look down after meeting my eyes. Was it because I wear something he might like. I blinked. Eshaan quickly looked down. Not just Eshaan, even male there did.

Maira signed us to come. I looked at Zoya to tell her no. But she ran first.

"Zoy--" I groaned. I followed then slowly. First of all why did I make Zoya buy me shoe. Now I'm stuck with this heels. My feets were already paining.
Maira hold my hands when I realized I'm close to them.

"Mashallah mashallah!!! You're looking gorgeous!!!!!" She squeezed. I bit my lips .

"Isn't she? I told her that too. She didn't believe it." Zoya said before picking up a fries.

"When did I say that? And stop eating other people food." I glared at her.
"Okay, Mom." She rolled her eyes.
"Roll it , you might find your brain on the back." I told her.

"Let her have it. Adira I told you nah , this outfit will look good on you. See. It was reaching my feet. But it fit perfectly on you. You even put dupata on. How?" Maira asked. I hold my dupata which was about to fall.
Zoya raised her hand.

" There is a proverb , A man is known by the company he keeps. And she can't refuse my says " Zoya said With proud.
" I didn't change all those years, why? Because I was a woman. Now what man?" I said and Maira laughed it.

I looked at Maira. "You guys enjoy. We have somewhere to go.Lets go Zoya. Stop eating" I slapped her arm. I step back and waved back to Maira , Hala and few who waved at me. My eyes roam all the face and Stopped on Eshaan. He was busy sipping coffee.

I forced to look away. And walked away.
I was illustrated that he was looking at me, change it or not, getting his attention will be never on my life.

I saw Ali. We walked there. Greet them. They looked at us. Smiling.
Ali's mom praise me for the change. What was happening today? She today me for forth time I was looking beautiful.

The whole meeting was so weird. From the corner of my eyes I found the table where Eshaan is sitting. A new girl join them. She was in proper dress, hijab on. Was smiling small small. Her eyes were stealing glance of Eshaan. Maira was asking questions and she was answer them very politely. Now everyone was leaving the table. Slowly only Eshaan and That girl was left before each other. For the first time I saw Eshaan sit up and speak or talk with her. She turned red before nodding. I saw the most beautiful scene before my eyes was Eshaan's smile. Eshaan smile at her. I felt like my world turned black. My heart was itching so much. I having an uneasy feeling of their meeting. I know I'm not supposed to have this feeling. But I have lived him for years. I need time to move on. I took a deep breath. Because I slowly understand what was happening. Eshaan can to meet a girl.

I picked up my phone pretend to type something, then I set my alarm of 3 seconds. After 3 seconds the phone start ringing up. I stopped and put it on my ear. Talking like I got a call from dad.

" were supposed....okay...okay... I'll be there...maybe .......20 minutes. It's fine I can drive.....see you home." I hung up. Zoya and Sara looked at me narrowed. They knew I don't have a talkable relationship with my dad.

I smiled sadly.

"Sorry Uncle Aunty. My dad needs me at home. I will surely gonna spend lot of Time next time. " I said. Aunty smiled too.

"It's fine dear. Your dad must be calling for you for an urgent work. You can go."

Zoya did give me a puppy eyes. Telling me to help her out. I smiled and say bye to her.

I picked up my bag and walked passed Eshaan. I couldn't look at him. Not even even he was seeing a girl. Eshaan is very good person and he was waiting for his wife. He never made girlfriend. So was this girl will be his soon to be wife? I clenched the bag in my hand. I successfully walked away from them.

When I was in the end of the food court, going to exit. I got a text. It was from Zoya.

I opened it.

"Your car key is with me. 😛" I groaned in pissed. I turned my heels. She pulled this shit!

I wasn't looking at the corner. I turned the corner very fast when I crashed in someone.

I didn't look up until I heard...

"Eshaan ji, are you alright?"

Eshaan was the one I bumped into. He was looking down at me. I was looking up. My hands were still on his chest. I can feel his warmth from this close. My cold hands were heating up.

"Excuse me. Can you move back?" She pushed me by my shoulder. As I wore heels, I couldn't make up the balance and land on the floor with a thrust. ..

"Adira" Eshaan bend down. He hold my hand pulled me up. Before looking at the girl who was shocked to see this.

"Raida. Is it a way to talk or behave like a person?" Eshaan said but he wasn't leaving my hand. Raida looked at Eshaan in teary eyes.

"She was throwing herself on you. I was just helping you. " Raida said, wiping a tear. .
"I didn't ask for help. We just bumped each other. You just pushed her down. It's so childish." Eshaan said with a disappointment.

"Childish or not, I wasn't pleased with this woman touch my fiance before me." She said looking at me. Then her eyes went a little down. I looked down too. Eshaan was holding my hand . I looked at Eshaan.

"First of all it's just our 2nd time meeting. This isn't final. I'm still have doubt about it " Eshaan said it and That Raida started crying and ran out of there. Eshaan sighed out.
My whole attention was on the intertwined hands. Eshaan looked at me then down at the hand. He left go my hand, scratch his neck.

I looked back before Looking at him again.
"Why you did this?" I asked softly. He looked at me back then looked at somewhere else.
"I wasn't interested. I just couldn't reject her when she's very polite ." He said very calmly.
"But are you alright?" He asked me. I felt his concerns.

"I'm alright. Thanks for the help by the way. "

It was so awkward. We don't know what to say.

"I will leave first." I walked toward Zoya's table.

Author Point of view

Adira walked passed him. He turned his head toward the way Adira went. His eyes were stuck on her way. He raised his hand and opened his mouth to say something but he couldn't speak a word.
He dropped his hand and let out a sighed. Turned his body before walking out of there.

Author Notes

Stay safe.
Love you

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