Chapter 22

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~Adira Muntahina~

I don't know why but the plan changed at the last moment.

Maira called last night and told me, they have planned to change the date of going. I don't have a good relationship with my brother but I do have Afsana. She also didn't have any idea why they changed the date but still we have no problem. We're just going to leave one day later.

Dad didn't come home from some business trip. But I care less about what he does. Just Nanny was asking as he didn't inform me of anything yet.

I'm going to college to submit some assignments. Even though it was summer vacation, it was open for the students who didn't submit the assignments. I'm one of them. If you ask why I didn't submit. Just don't feel it.

I parked my car. Walked toward the office room. Going to open the door when I saw some familiar hair. I stopped my movement.

Eshaan was here. He was talking with our head in charge of every department. They were discussing something. All of a sudden our professor stood up and patted his shoulder with a bright smile. Eshaan nodded. He was about to turn back when I ran away from there. Got in some empty classroom. The classroom was located on the second floor, so I peeked from the window to see. When I parked my car I didn't see his car anywhere. I waited there for like 10 minutes then decided to submit my assignment and leave as soon as possible.

Slowly I reached the floor and opened the professors room. My professor gave me an earful lecture of punctuality and responsibilities. I didn't say anything , what can I say here. My mind was somewhere else.

I walked back to my car when I noticed Eshaan also came out of the building. He was ruffling his hair. Looking very attractive. When he looked forward and his eyes met mine, I looked away. Debating inside , whether to ask him for a ride or leave him here alone.

My inner mind then screams. "You were supposed to move on. Move on"

I sat in my car. He was walking slowly but looked at me sometimes as I looked at him too. No one greets.

I left.


"Give me some chocolate." Maira nagging me again. I just finished my chocolate and she did too. There were some left for later. She wanted it now.


She pouted. Going to say something when she got a text and got engaged with it. We were in the car.

Our driver was driving. Afsana decided to pick everyone up. Aman will come directly from his office. So just me, Afsana and Eshaan. But when we reached there I got to know, Not just Eshaan, Eshaan's cousins were also going. Eshaan sat in the passenger seat. Afsana and I were in the back then again Maira and her cousin Hala was also sitting. Now I squeezed at one corner.

Maira and others were pulling out foods and snacks. I was quite hungry, so when Hala offered I accepted. It was fried chicken. I took one bite and it melted in its taste. It was clearly home made. But the taste was awesome. Some sauce was over my lips, I ran my tongue to lick it off, when my eyes landed on the middle looking mirror, over the passenger seat. I saw two eyes. Those eyes were digging holes. Without any blinks they were just staring. I broke it first, I then ate the whole chicken while looking outside.

I glanced there again but this time he was also looking outside.

Maybe it was a coincidence.

I didn't ask why they were postponed. Don't want to express that I'm curious.

I turned to Maira and Hala. They were both on the phone. Afsana was taking a nap I guess. It was past 9 already. We have to check in after 10.

I also decided to scroll my phone. Log in to my Instagram. I didn't have any followers and following. I kept my profile hidden. Tap the search box and press what was in the suggestion. In 0.00021 seconds Eshaan's Instagram profile was on screen. He didn't update any new pictures but he sure posted a story. I looked at my side from the corner of my eyes, Maira was too into to look or peek in.

I still angled myself a bit. First I lower my audio then press the story.

Eshaan storied the sunset of today's. Write a note "It's time to fly". The next story was of his shoe, "Step out " then a video of him holding the phone and the way he recorded it was clearly seen, he was moving. It was a record of getting in the car.

That's it .

I quickly turned off my phone when Maira leaned on my shoulder. I looked at Maira, she had her eyes closed. Everyone is sleeping or what ?

"Did you find my seat?" Hala came behind us. We were on the plane. Looking around to find our seats. Afsana did give my brother a death glance. Because my idiot brother might be a business man, but a leak of common sense. He did not choose our seats together. So we all got different seats from different sections. After a lot of research we found two seats together. We let Afsana and Aman sit there. Hala, Maira , Me and Eshaan were still looking for our seats. Lastly an air hostess helped us. Two seats were beside the window but another two seats were in the middle row.

Now Maira and Hala had shining eyes, looking at the window seats. I just walked to the middle row seats.

Lastly Eshaan also decided to take the middle row seat. My seat was before two seats from Eshaan.

But I have to say I didn't get good company.

Unfortunately I got to sit beside a newly married couple who was kissing and making out all the time. Like if they could, they would tear each other's clothes and do it. It was so irritating hearing their kissing sound and moaning.

The plane has taken off. I decided to listen to music to distract myself. When I was peaceful listening to some soft music , the lady beside me leaned back on me.

"What the hell?" I talked. She gave me a nervous smile and mouth me sorry.

"You'll know when you'll marry " then her husband pulled her into another kiss.

"Fucking hell."

After ten minutes an air hostess came to me.

"Ma'am, there is an empty seat behind. A gentleman was looking for you. He was asking you to go and sit there. And sorry for troubling. I'll inform this couple to behave. So ma'am do you want to sit behind?" She said professionally. I turned back to look who was calling me. But I couldn't see anyone.

Then the air hostess pointed at an empty seat. I nodded. It's better than this.

The air hostess walked first, so I followed her. She showed me the seat and I was frowning at the person beside the seat.


I sat there.

I didn't look at Eshaan, I mind my own business. Plug my earphones with the system and select a song.

Before putting my earphones, I looked at Eshaan , he was whipping his hand with some tissue. Wear my earphones, put my finger over the play button.

"Thank you." I press the play and close my eyes.

The song did take 10 seconds to start , in this 10 seconds, I heard him saying.

"Always will do....."

I was smiling inside. Drown in the soft music.


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