Chapter 56

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Adira Muntahina

My heart was beating at a fast speed. I never thought in my life, I would ever see this emotion for me. The way he looked at Maira was brotherly. But still there was softness and caring in his eyes.

But the possessiveness in his voice and the soft anger in his eyes were something I didn't even imagine.

The closeness has such an effect on me. I couldn't even breathe properly. All I could see was his eyes. They were drowning into me.

He was holding my wrist, I was feeling sparkling and a warm sensation ran into my body.

He was close…..too close…his breaths were hitting my face. I don't know which track I'm on right now. I don't know what is written for me in the future ? And I don't want to know,even  I have to see a conclusion for this. But all I knew was, if he kissed me right now, I'm going to lose myself.

I guess the weather has some other plans. For some reason, the clouds decided to drop their tears on us and destroy our closeness.

The cold water on my skin, raised me up from this moment. I pushed him and stood away from him. I guessed he wasn't expecting this, because Eshaan fell over his butt. I covered my mouth.

"S-sorry." I said nervously. He straightens one leg and stands folding the other one. Put his upper weight on his left hand and with his right hand he ran into his wet hair.

Flashing me a smile, he shook his head.
Again looked at me and started chuckling.

On the other hand, I was burning red, my cheeks felt warm and I couldn't even look into Eshaan's eyes.

I felt more embarrassed when he laughed. "Are you blushing?"
I scoffed. "No. Why will I? " He was still sitting down.

"Maybe I kissed you that's why " he said in a tense way. I glared at him. "Oh yes…..I was feeling bad for you. But I think you serve it right. Never kissed me again. I'm not yours." I said and glared because he wasn't taking me seriously.

"Tell whatever you want. Nothing will change this relationship." I crossed my arms.

"It would if you behaved like before." I said and he angled his head. "How did I behave before?"

"Like you hate me. You would be happy if I just vanished in thin air." I didn't know why I'm bringing the past. My heart can't handle his whole affection. I'm afraid one day I will have a heart attack and the reason will be Eshaan.

He smiled again. "Well, you also wanted to fight so much with me." I stomped my right foot. "Because you hated me for no reason. How did you change in one night?" I was pouting.

"You hate me first and fight with me. But at one point…I started liking it." I stared at him.
"I never hated you." He stood up slowly. "But yes I sometimes felt irritated and annoyed. But how can I hate this girl, who made me feel those feelings I can't even imagine."

He was standing before me, we both were again drenching in rain.

"What.. feelings?" I asked slowly. He first didn't respond. But slowly he took one step toward me.

Raised his hand to touch my cheek. "Those feelings — Oh my Allah. You're burning up!!! Adira, why didn't you tell me you have a fever? And you stupid girl, now drenching in this winter rain." He grabbed my arm and quickly opened his passenger door and pushed me inside.

I was tired all of a sudden. I still looked at him taking out some towels and came inside. I leaned on the seat and turned my face to him.

He slowly moved closer and softly wiped my wet hair.

"Did you have something?" I shook my head.

"You didn't have anything since today??" He said loudly. I shook again. "I woke up  before 5 and was having some food when Asif came, then you and now I'm here." I said honestly, his eyes were worried. He quickly fetched the chocolate box from behind. Opened it and put one chocolate on my lips.
I took it inside and chewed it. He watched me eat it. He ended up feeding me half of the box and put two pills in my hand.

"One will do." He glared and put two pills in my mouth and touched the bottle tap to drink me water. "Sometime listen. Don't argue all the time."

"You scold me every time." I pouted.

"Then don't act like a baby." I humped and looked outside. He was driving me home I guessed.

I was watching the raindrops falling down.
"Sorry to ruin your plan." It was supposed to be our date but everything turned into disaster.

"Don't be. I got to spend time with you, that's a lot for me " he was looking at the road.
"You just say that, but you didn't even look back when Suzan came to call for you." I snapped.

"How can Suzan be inside this?"

"Like Asif came. You want to spend time with me, but can't say no to Suzan. I think one day, you'll be married to her and I'll be left as your what??? Mistress?" I was now getting angry. I didn't like how Suzan had the power over him. And he defended her when we first met.

"Suzan wanted to talk about something. I can't stay with you,when no one knows about this. I was obedient to do that. And what nonsense you are saying? I'm not marrying her. " He said calmly.

"Yeah….. obedient. Not marrying? You were supposed to marry her." I mocked him.

He stopped the car.

He wasn't looking at me. "I'm not going to fight over this again. One thing you put in your head, I'm not marrying Suzan. Suzan knows about it. And second stop talking nonsense, you will be the one and only." His voice was deep and serious.

"I need your support. And stop overthinking." He started driving and we didn't say a word.

When we reached our house, I got down but still he didn't look back. I was looking at him and he was sitting in the driving seat, holding the steering.

I sighed and opened the back seat.

Picked up the chocolate and roses. He watched me from the front mirror. Our eyes met but he looked away first.

He is mad at me.

When I reached the door, I saw his car driving away.

"How do we always end up like this?" I rang the bell. One moment we had moments and the next second we were fighting with each other.

He will never understand this aching heart.

Asif wasn't anyone close to me, still he got jealous over him. Where Suzan was his cousin, a girl who saw him as a man, liked him as a man. And even after everything, she will be around him. And there will be a soft side for her.
Which hurt me. Because I hate seeing him with her. I was hurt when he didn't keep a distance knowing about her feelings.

I'm so confused right now. I'm so hurt, I wanted him close, I wanted him myself only but it looked so impossible.

And I'm even more hurt when he put his back on me and didn't see my insecurity.

Everytime we fall in the rain, we end up like this. Rain ruined our peace.



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